Marx Cafe high women's power of fluffy moist pancakes specializes in sfletype

浜松駅より徒歩圏内のタワー型マンションD’sタワー1Fに2014年4月30日(水)にオープンされたニューヨークスタイルのパンケーキ専門店「MARK’S CAFE マークスカフェ」さんニューヨークスタイルとは甘みの少ないパンケーキを使うのが特徴で、Here we are served two kinds of pancakes made with homemade ricotta cheese and nutritious whole grains.。Both use plenty of meringue、Fluffy souffle-type pancakes。It is said that the dough is made and baked after receiving the order.。And as another sale here、画的にも味わい的にも食欲が奮い立つエッグベネディクト!も提供されています。What is Egg Benedict?、ingredients such as ham or bacon or salmon in half of the English muffins、Put a poached egg on top of it.、Dishes with hollandaise sauce。Hollandaise sauce、It is well known in the sauce of white asparagus, etc.、Mellowness and rich creamyness is a very popular sauce for girls。Since it was opened、Reputation among fashionable girls has gained a reputation、facebookの投稿でも本当によく見かけるカフェの1つゆえに1度は足を運んでみたいと思いladeもお邪魔させていただくことにしました♪ 店内は、6 L-shaped counter seats and 20 table seats。Create an open space with a color full of cleanliness。The board at the top of the counter is decorated with a handwritten menu and is warm.、Part of the wall of the table seat in the back is boldly decorated with green (artificial flowers) and、It is full of refreshing image。Surprised in the、All the staff are women! Therefore, it creates a soft air feeling in the store! The pancakes served in front of me、どこかのおばさんはご勘弁ください(笑) 「ベーコンエッグベネディクト」1,296円 たっぷりとかかったオランデーズソースの中には、English muffins support fluffy, thick, half-boiled eggs and bacon.。I cut the middle with a knife and fork.、the yolk of a half-boiled egg overflowing like an avalanche。It's a moment of bliss.、自宅でのモーニングのような感覚に陥ります(笑)ミニサラダのドレッシングも美味しいです♪ 「スペシャルリコッタパンケーキ」1,512円 バナナ、Kiwi、Strawberry、It is a pancake using homemade ricotta cheese with a lot of blueberries and colorful fruit.。Even if it looks like it.、You can see that it is a fluffy type! Organic maple syrup with plenty of、Because of its gentle sweetness, there is no dullness.、A souffle-type pancake that is moist and melt-in-the-mouth、I can eat it with Perori! Last time、「ラ プルマン カフェ」さんのパンケーキをいただきましたが、If you compete for the speed of melting in the mouth、Pullman who is pursuing a new texture disappears in no time.。This one.、It is a feeling that leaves the flavor and taste of the powder even in the melting in the mouth good.。"Which is more delicious?" When asked, "Both have their own personality,、Because the taste is different for each person、Please taste it with your own tongue.。Let's answer。I had my husband force me to take him.、1度は味わってみたかったので嬉しかったです♪ MARK’S CAFE マークスカフェ 浜松市中区板屋町104-1 D’sタワー1F TEL:053-458-6611 Hours of operation:10:00-20:00Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's

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