3D publishing until the completion of the unfinished Church 'Sagrada Familia' drew!

The Sagrada Familia、In the Catalan modernism's most well-known work examples、Spain is the unfinished works of the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí。What had been expected to complete after 300 years、Accelerate progress in economic growth in Spain and proceeds from the admission charges and、probably completed and announced in 2026。Sagrada Familia, known as the "Unfinished Church", has been released in 3DCG video that simulates the process of the building process until it is completed in 2026.。あと13年の年月を経て完成を迎えるサグラダ ファミリアを一足先に眺めてみることにしましょう♪ サグラダ ファミリア http://www.sagradafamilia.cat/...

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