The period limited Western h. pine table d'hote of 1 kilo fresh oysters


The long-established Western-style restaurant "Komatsu Branch" celebrating 35 years in business in Azuki Mochi along the Sumiyoshi Highway、I was hit by an unexpected fire accident、10Some time after the moon、やむなく休業されていましたが2013年11月10日に打ちっぱなしの四ツ池ゴルフ練習場の隣、It was moved to the place where the former "La Oggi La Oggi" used to be.Western h. pine」として待望のリニューアルオープンを迎えられてからというもの早くも2ヶ月の月日が流れ、The storefront cafes seem to blame?、最近では新規のおひとり様の女性がとても多いのだそうです。Certainly the old shop counter person of men often saw、Indeed of women who a person is seen。Is that it's just easy to enter space.


Is the atmosphere at Oggi's.、Shop filled with the warmth of the warmth of the wood construction is utilized。The number of seats、8 counter seats and tables 12 seats and Hiroshi Matsumoto-San earlier than、Has been slightly relaxed space。You can also get a look in the kitchen from counter。On this day、仕事帰りのため閉店20時をギリギリセーフといった感じの時刻で店内は静かでしたがシェフの鈴木健吾くんが気持ち良く出迎えてくれました♪






「カキフライ」1,350円(ライス、Miso soup、With pickles)

期間限定の宏松さんのアレとはまさにこのカキフライのこと!浜名湖産のぷりっぷりの牡蠣を使用し、The oyster was fried lightly and luxury six constitutes riding will。Of course in a juicier finish。Tender and flavorful homemade tartar sauce or plain source served with your choice。Served with vegetables、Hiroshi Matsushita's staple、キャベツの千切りとトマト、Is ketchup spaghetti。The dressing is served with shredded cabbage on、Moderate acidity h. pine original went on sale over the counter, became a staple of popular items during the two years of onion dressing。Vegetables hate kids、Men are afraid of salad、I dislike the onion... and said people find it difficult to overcome them、Dressing fans are!


"Rice、Miso soup、Pickles.

いつもならライスを残すわたしですがおかずが大好物のカキフライともあればペロリと完食です。If it comes to、いつも残るライスを片してくれて丁度満腹具合が程好い旦那様にしてみれば少々物足りなかったかもしれません(笑)浜名湖産の牡蠣の出回るこの旬の時期にしか出されていない宏松さんのカキフライ定食、It is highly recommended!

Western h. pine
Address:3-5-17 y. Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-Shi, TEL:053-473-9134
Hours of operation 11:30-14:00 17:00-20:00Closed on Mondays:Wednesday

3-5-17 y. Naka-ku, Hamamatsu City

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