Hot summer have Soba "buckwheat noodle house Ōmori" at, in your throat


The owner looks behind the curtain、大森正人さんの笑顔が伺え一安心ここのところ体調不良で2週間ほど休業していた大森さんがようやく復活です。Have to Nakashima 'Soba Omori"。If you order the Soba in Hamamatsu、I usually come to this shop.。As usual the counter stools、Enjoy a conversation with Mrs. Omori、Let our delicious Soba.


Shop、10And the room's name and counter 腰掛kereru about 4 small shops。High ceilings、The warmth of the wood flows at a leisurely space。1The appearance of our regulars around the table plates are always、Occasionally、Knowing rumors, outside groups from afar purposely go look at it of anybody here seen、It is a very popular like the Soba shop!


地元民でないわたし達にとって大森さん夫妻は、2 people like MOM and Dad in Hamamatsu。わたしの実家の和食屋も蕎麦をやることから何かと気にかけてくれています歳関係なく気兼ねすることもなく本音でぶつかって来てくれる大森さん夫妻本当に気持ちの良い御2人。Now、大森さんの体調の兼ね合いもあり十割そばは土日限定にされたようです土日が混み合う可能性もありますので蕎麦切れにならぬよう早めの来店がオススメです♪






大根おろしのさっぱり感とはまた違い、The texture of yam is familiar with buckwheat noodles、entanglement、食欲がめっきり落ちてしまいがちな夏の暑い日には最適です♪


Finally, pour plenty of buckwheat noodles、Phew-I and take a break、This moment is a moment of bliss。Visit from the soup and Soba is good for this moment.。After all, the buckwheat here is stable.。Mr. Omori、Ms. Mieko、Also make a call I get.

Sobaya Omori
Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku, Nakajima 1-31-1 TEL:053-463-2879
Hours of operation 11:30-14:00 Closed on Mondays:Moon、Tuesday (night reservation)

1-31 -1 Nakajima, Naka-ku Hamamatsu-Shi

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