"Seasonal cooking Ouchi" do the dishes freshly prepared with seasonal ingredients


From Hamamatsu station、Located on second floor FOOD Subaru, located just a few minutes walk from the Act of "seasonal food Magnus", it is、Owner credo is "cooking fresh ingredients of the season"。In that provided the real food inedible decorations without sticking Buri、Open kitchen counter before the audience sees Cook's hand and moves to regular customers who appreciate。Summer hamo horsetail cuisine、Natural eel、Natural darkness in autumn、Winter natural fugu (Blowfish).、Expert in natural things of the season cuisine。また店主は狩猟免許を持っておりシーズンには野生のジビエを味わうことができるそうですドリンクの種類も豊富で清潔感溢れるお店で美味しい料理と美味しい酒を堪能したいと思います♪


The shopkeeper、2006年に「旬の料理 大内」を開店。Since、浜松の和食といえば”大内”と口を揃える美食家も大変多いのです♪


It is "The Premium Malt Masters Dream tumbler" 650 yen First toast with beer ♪


"Toro and lean in the tuna"



"Sun this smelt" 800 yen



"Lake Hamana of octopus (boiled up)" 900 yen



"Shochu" than 600 yen



"Stone grilled beef skirt steak" 2,300 yen



"Steamed abalone steak" 3,000 yen

秦の始皇帝の不老長寿の妙薬がアワビであった!?楊貴妃も美容のためにアワビを食べていた!?などと言われるほどに貝類の中でも王者のアワビ蒸すことにより旨みを閉じ込め、Soft body、肝をソースに使用することでほのかな苦味がまた大人の味を醸し出していますとても贅沢な一品です♪


"Small pot of the original onion" 2,000 yen





"Earthen pot cook rice (1 servings)" 1,200 yen

Fine up to a beautiful Silver Shak。炊きたての香りが一気に立ち込め食欲をそそります♪


Is glazed.、Plump rice is standing, complete with beautiful grain。Of the amount of water contained in grain of rice's good。Indescribable scent and sweetness。Is the moment seems really good born in Japanese。何も付けずにいても美味しいご飯ですが自家製鰹ふりかけが添えられますお好みでいただきましょう。Beneath the earthen pot、Have you burned a、これはまた香ばしく味わい深いものがありますご飯が残ったので”梅おにぎり”にして自家製鰹ふりかけと共に手土産にしていただきました♪





Plum jelly

4Lサイズの南高梅を柔らかく煮て、Make jelly juice extracted in。Fleshy plum、And melted as sukueru with a spoon、Adults alcohol feels slightly less sweet desserts。〆に是非召し上がっていただきたい1品です♪


"Matcha Ice"

Everything is homemade Ouchi says。Green tea ice cream is smooth and fine texture、Classy sweet azuki beans boiled up。A delicious adult's 1.


"Toothpick to make in the tail fin of bonito"


Seasonal cooking Ouchi
Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku itaya-machi 672 FOOD Subaru Bldg. 2F TEL:053-452-8600
Hours of operation:17:30To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday

Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku itaya-machi 672

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