French luxury Richmond Hotel Hamamatsu 1 floor filled with ' gang true original Castle ' of the great lunch


From the Viola, as French is located near Richmond Hotel Hamamatsu 1 'Gang true original Castle"Mr.。There in the hotel、Warm and friendly atmosphere、Modern & stylish's has become a restaurant full of luxury in space、Incorporating the Italian taste、Provides creative French casual line.


Shop、Simple and modern design atmosphere in、And the table space。By using the screen at the back、Also available as a single room (up to 18 persons)。Used as a meeting place for many customers in gastronomy held regularly throughout the year、A bin just in the wedding party, including、Reserve a Charter flight for each event is supported。On this day、Rice's best friend from afar I that arrived to play at Hamamatsu Watanabe Yoshifumi Chan and Oi Tomomi-CHAN、Office not far from where high-quality lunch near the click here to select。"Something truly 四tsu池" of minakuchi Manager indebted at the time will lunch with new year's greetings!


YAIZU at total beauty salon "La Lien Lien"And management、Also manicurist & esthetician as Oi Tomomi-Chan (left)。While also doing a hard day to day duties as a caregiver in fujieda from East to West and footwork act lightly wide range of Watanabe Kansei-CHAN。2But with people my age 40 years.、Aggressive beauty witch people much younger than age。On this day、After enjoying a lunch "Hamamatsu Sports Center"In to attend to enjoy ice skating Association、Appeared in the always slightly rough and casual style is (laughs)


France restaurant in Nagoya started.、Hotels、He served as the head chef at the House restaurant、Is drawn by hand (on the other hand paralysis frantically) Katayama Yutaka, the inauguration of something truly original Castle cuisine chef's lunch、A course: 1500 Yen、B course: 2500 Yen、シェフお任せ料理のCコース5,000円の3コースを用意。This time the、Amuse、Appetizers、Pasta、メイン肉 or 魚、Bread、Dessert、カフェのお得なBコースを4人でオーダー水口マネージャーが乾杯のドリンクをサービスしてくれました♪(感謝感激)


First is the new year's toast with sparkling wine and sparkling Nomar!



Lily so meltingly smooth mousse with sum of Japanese-style broth and tender taste of jelly in ocean a great collaboration!



浜名湖産タコのやわらか煮込み ブラックオリーブのソース小メロンと大根のピクルス鶏の自家製スモーク牛肉と豚肉のパテ椎茸と鯵のマリネキノコのオムレツトマトのコンフィ鰆を軽く炙りマリネ ナッツと味噌のソースサフラン風味のうずらの卵、Salad。Seafood、大地の恵みの名の通り海のもの山のものの食材を彩りとバランス良く使用された見るにも楽しい前菜の盛り合わせです味わいもどれも美味しく梅の爽やかな酸味を利かせ和の要素を取り入れたソースなども素敵です器も大きく長プレートでとても豪華な前菜ですね♪


Fragrant homemade bread rye bread and plump and soft bread and was 2.




Pasta "bacon and cabbage stew chitarra."

Chitarra キタッラとはイタリア語でギターを意味しますこのパスタを作る道具が長方形の箱にギターの弦のように針金が張ってあり、It is named Kitala because it is made using this tool.。断面が四角形なのが大きな特徴ですもっちりと弾力溢れるキタッラにトマトソースと熟成ベーコンの旨味を吸いとろけるほどに柔らかく煮込まれた白菜と良く絡みます♪


Fish's "fresh from the fishing port of today"



Meats "in the Diable sauce with savory, juicy charcoal-grilled"chicken Fuji"black pepper"



Dessert "dessert of the day chef recommended.



Café "coffee."


Gang true original Castle
Address:Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku, former castle town 218-1 Richmond Hotel Hamamatsu 1F TEL:053-450-5571
Hours of operation:11:30-15:00(Last order 14:00) 18:00To 22:00(Last order 21:00-
Closed on Mondays:On Tuesday

Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku from Castle town 218-1

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