With the reopening of the long-awaited Western h. pine volume lunch.

The long-established Western-style restaurant "Komatsu Branch" celebrating 35 years in business in Azuki Mochi along the Sumiyoshi Highway、I was hit by an unexpected fire accident、10Some time after the moon、やむなく休業されていましたが2013年11月10日に打ちっぱなしの四ツ池ゴルフ練習場の隣元「La Oggi ラ オッジ」さんのあった場所に移転され「洋食 宏松」として待望のリニューアルオープンを迎えられました♪ 店内の雰囲気はオッジさんの時のまま、Shop filled with the warmth of the warmth of the wood construction is utilized。The number of seats、8 counter seats and tables 12 seats and Hiroshi Matsumoto-San earlier than、Has been slightly relaxed space。I think the previous atmosphere was also good、This is also a really nice space.。カウンター席からは厨房の様子を伺うこともできます♪ 厨房の造りもそのまま再利用。It's not that different from the previous one, so it seems to be easy to work.。Three years have passed since his son Kengo Suzuki took over the legacy of the predecessor, and it has become stable.、本当に様になっています♪ 後継し立場が逆転した今、Predecessor work is entirely heir, and turning to Shingo's support、You can see the cooperative play again。It seems that the uniform was changed on the occasion of the renewal.、The brown clothes look great on both of you.。When I told my previous father, "You look ♪ good and cool."、He was embarrassed。Enjoy talking with your wife、It is run by a family of three.。After、健吾くんが可愛いお嫁ちゃんをもらえば完璧ですね(笑) 「とんかつライス(140g通常サイズ)」1,350円 移転されてもメニューの内容さらに価格も変わらずそのままで愛され続けている味を提供しています。In that restaurant's tonkatsu、The freshly fried crispy pork cutlet is a Demi-Glace sauce and plenty of shops selling in。Is this Demi-Glace、10Take time and trouble to days, and trained carefully、Is the taste。Fried since Demi-Glace fresh pork cutlet is also、Wonder and cloth are crisp and savory。The thick Pork cutlet、The outside crispy、Inside is moist filling。The dressing is served with shredded cabbage on、Moderate acidity h. pine original went on sale over the counter, became a staple of popular items during the two years of onion dressing。Vegetables hate kids、Men are afraid of salad、I dislike the onion... and won fans the moment and overcome the difficulty in dressing。The Fried Pork cutlet、That is the way usually 140 g size 10-happy at the amount、Extra large size you would like、210in 1750 ¥ g。 The main menu of this restaurant is this tonkatsu。Oil temperature one、Even if it takes one time、You'll will be proportional to the "taste"。Skill of stealing.、Experience every day, he has to be.。By the way Hiroshi Matsumoto, tonkatsu、Steamed after fried in a frying pan。But thanks to that extra oil will fall, to heartburn、So we made and are older people.。 とんかつライスのセットで付く「ライス」 とんかつライスのセットで付く「味噌汁」 沢庵のお漬物も付きます「オムライス」900円 開店当初から変わらずとろとろに仕上げるオムライス。In two and a half egg wraps clean pans whip whip chicken Ken rice。フライパンからお皿に盛る際に手首のスナップを利かせて宙を舞うオムライスは見物ですよ♪ デミグラスをかけたオムライスの真ん中をスプーンでサクッと割ると、Chicken, moist and melt from seeing.。The surface of the egg is so beautiful with a nice fire、The thin exquisite melt so while nothing more than putting out the fire。Really it doesn't have arms and thus have。Also chicken seasoning with salt not too sweet and not too strong、Demisse between together well taste。This is omlet rice and、I would be willing to stomach。 「シーフードグラタン」※試作 今回、They let me taste the seafood gratin that I was prototyping.。Thick cheese on the surface、Shrimp in a smooth white sauce that melts inside、Scallop、Contains ingredients such as shiitake mushrooms。It will be added to the menu for a limited number of about 5 meals.。 「自家製プリン」※試作 こちらも試作の自家製プリン。Moderate sweetness with a nostalgic taste and smoothness of Thurnthürn。Since it is a caramel with a suppressed bitter taste, it seems that even small children will be pleased.。Mr. Hiromatsu was changed by the relocation、It was a very busy afternoon with many new customers including regulars.。また伺いますね~♪ 洋食 宏松 浜松市中区幸3-5-17 TEL:053-473-9134 Hours of operation 11:30-14:00 17:00-20:00Closed on Mondays:水曜日...

Celebrate your wedding at Bistro de amuser, lunch * in 2014 July closed

Ms. Viola, behind former castle town favorrite "Bistro de amuse"。Japanese hannari, I etc. of is on the 2nd floor of the arrival into the dining。Go up the stairs and a glass window so、Is longer than the in-store appearance and casual cuisines French restaurant。Here is、2007Transferred from the city of Iwata in June, and open、浜松では6年目を迎えます♪ 店内は、And 6 counter seats、Table 12 seats。The space was small and somewhat、Marc Chagall paintings on the wall's、Lighting is not too bright、The music room Jazz、A sense of calm and where is、It is possible that quietly enjoying a meal at lunch time。The ham is on the counter、In the evening a la carte。Lunch menu、Appetizers、Soup、Main (meat or fish)、Bread or rice、Dessert has a very reasonable course of 1000 yen。In addition to、Beef stew set chef pokka has 2100 Yen。This time the、いつものようにお得な1,000円ランチをいただきます♪ この日は、7Has just gotten married to Moto Ze that based on Kenji Yamauchi & Yoshi that in at lunchtime to Koyama, Masami two wedding celebrations。That have been a celebration of what?、When we go to Italy、What if I can't get in Japan I、ローマのトレヴィの泉近辺にある雑貨店「Chiurato キウラート」さんのアクリル樹脂に本物のフルーツや唐辛子麦や葉を閉じ込めた器「RICCARDO MARZI リッカルド マルツィ」にすることにしました。Why is、An extensive culinary experience Moto Ze and his bride every day homemaking as Yoshi、Watch table always looks good and happy up on facebook?、2It is because I thought people will decorate the table with perfect is not?。From Moto Ze ' Cook won't be defeated by this instrument sounds! "And we hear nice words,。Yoshi、記事のアップ楽しみにしているね♪ 前菜「鴨のスモークのサラダ」 しっとりとした鴨肉のサラダ。Homemade dressing as neatly and have good acidity。 Soup is a cold soup opens up the flavor of the sweet cabbage cabbage soup seasoning with salt。 「パン」 濃厚なバジルソースが香り立ち食欲をそそります♪ 肉料理「鶏もも肉のカリビアン(カリビアンライス付き)」 しっとりふっくらとオーブンで焼かれた鶏もも肉には、Decorated with chili sauce with a spicy aroma。チキンとカリビアンライスの周りは半月型の胡瓜が彩りに添えられています♪ 魚料理「サーモンのソテー」 サーモンを表面はしっかり焼き、You are moisturized finish、Sauteed the shredded potatoes and Bacon, served。ディルとチャービルのフレッシュハーブで香りと彩りをアップ♪ 本日のデザート「バニラのアイス 生クリーム添え」 +300円でコーヒーや紅茶などのドリンクを追加することが可能です。And managed by husband and wife、Shop service Ma'am is also smart and very helpful。Above all、1,000I am happy you give this course in yen tax included。Moto Ze、ヨッシーまた一緒に美味しい食事を楽しもうね♪ ビストロ ド アミュゼ 浜松市中区元城町222-25 アルスビル2階 TEL:053-454-6630 Closed on Mondays:Is Wednesday office hours:Lunch [Mon-Tues-Thurs-day 11:30-14:00(13:30L.O)、Dinner Mon, Tue, Thu-18:00~ 5:00(L.O)※2014年7月閉店...

Sipping frayed in well-established ramen restaurant Hama Dragon warm and gentle soy sauce ramen tripe

元浜町に流れる川沿いに佇む創業40年にもなる浜松の老舗ラーメン屋「濱龍」さん隣にある鈴木製あんの最中も美味しいのでお勧めです濱龍さんは丁寧な仕事から生まれる澄んだスープが特徴でそばつゆをヒントに考案したというタレは、5種類の醤油をブレンドされていますすっきりとしていながらも味わい深くいただける昔からの変わらぬ味を守り続け常連さんを中心に人気が高く浜松を代表する老舗ラーメン店の内のひとつです。 Shop、厨房を見渡せるようにカウンター席があり、2階は座敷席になります家族で経営されていて遅くまで営業されているので、22時を回る頃でも入店してくる足が途絶えませんカウンター席に腰を下ろすとぁあ浜松に帰ってこれたなぁ・・・とどこかほっと安心感お腹もぺっこりだったのですぐさまラーメン2つと餃子を1枚オーダーしました相方は何度か足を運んだことのあるお店ですがわたしは初来店です♪ 「ラーメン」 550円 チャーシューは豚バラを3時間煮込んでから味付けされており表面はしっかりとした焦茶色で味が濃いようにも見えるのですが意外にあっさりとしていて柔らかく口の中で噛む毎に旨味が広がり脂身が優しくとけていきます普段なら脂身の多いチャーシューは残すんですけどこちらのは美味しくすべて平らげましたスープは豚骨鶏ガラといった動物系に野菜も合わせ長時間煮込むことによりとても透き通っています味付けはシンプルな醤油でまさに昔懐かしい中華そばと言えましょう醤油の色合いが濃くないのでちょっと期待してしまいますコテコテの昔ながらの醤油の濃い味が苦手なので一口スープを運ぶと日本に帰って来て間もないからなのか疲れていて温かい汁物に飢えていたからなのか今までいただいた醤油ラーメンの苦手意識をすべて払拭してくれるほどの旨さが身体中に染み渡ります!素直に美味しい!麺をいただく前に既に幸福感で一杯になりました。Noodles、以前少し緩かったのが頭にあった相方が麺カタでオーダーしてくれたのでまずまずの硬さです中太のややウェーブしたストレート麺を使用しています具材も至ってシンプルにバラチャーシューに海苔・メンマのみ素朴でどこか気持ちを落ち着かせる不思議なまろやかさを味わえるラーメンですラーメンが大好きな相方ですがラーメンが少し苦手なわたしのせいでなかなかラーメン屋に足を運ぶことは少ないのですが、This time、濱龍さんを味わってみて素直に「また来たい!」と思えるお店でした苦手なものでも美味しいものは美味しいそういうことですね♪ 「餃子」350円 外はカリッと中はジューシーな餃子でこちらも比較的あっさりとした味わい何個でも食べれてしまう美味しい餃子です♪ 濱龍 浜松市中区元浜町32-13 TEL:053-471-3850 Hours of operation:17:30-24:30 Closed on Mondays:Monday、Tuesday...

Ginza civilization-do Ginza gochome shop lounge in town take a break while watching the people go

The Ginza bunmeido、1900(0/1900) founded in Nagasaki in over 100 years。1939(0/1939) from offices in Ginza.、While defending the traditions of making sweets and a sponge cake、And continues to produce sweets based on age、Storefront popular Baumkuchen and sponge cake、Sweets such as fruit cakes crammed with hits。Current、Masayuki Mori Shiro said, Chief Technical Advisor of Ginza civilization、Phantom during the Edo period was treated as a Tai Chi chic ' 53 Castella "on and celebrated the achievements of the manufacturing recovery、1994Award worthy treasure food, agriculture, forestry and Fisheries Minister (above the star)。 "Swing city、銀座ニューメルサ内にある「文明堂パーラー」が27年ぶりの2004年に「銀座文明堂 銀座五丁目店 ラウンジ」としてリニューアルオープン。You can taste the sweets of seasons beyond the boundaries of the Western in the spacious lounge。How to enjoy tea in the Cafe、Also、Others go after constantly is a popular restaurant。Redesigned image theme is "East meets West"。The fusing of the Western world、Bunmeido Castella was born in Spain changed to Japan's own craft can be said。Abolished the previous Cafe image store、Instead of a modern interior with a black、I have been reborn to blend Western and incorporating the paper covering lighting, bonsai, lounge。After the shopping streets of Ginza、こちらでひと休みしていこうと思います♪ 銀座通り(中央通り)沿いの、Is characterized by the large window、A modern interior with a spread on a wall filled with stained glass and black。Incorporating lighting paper lined and bonsai、Even after the evening is a blend of Japanese and Western style lounge is crowded with people。In the audience、カッシーナ社の椅子カトリーヌ・メミ(ギャラリー・チェア)を使用して現代的な雰囲気。Deep, vivid colors of lighting and display shelf、Is as of Ginza bunmeido corporate colors。 「自家製ジンジャーエール」 1,300円 さすが銀座価格とでも申しましょうか。Because it was a beer: 1000 yen、State of higher alcoholic ginger ale。Surprise。Does it taste、Would be better because it has 2 layers with dry ginger and stir and。Next door and the seats are so close, so tight、Might not be the lounge where guests can relax with。And rest while enjoying the fast movement of people who go to the hustle and bustle of Tokyo。 Passed the time dusk、I want to go back to Hamamatsu in night illumination also enjoyed。The next Tokyo、ゆっくりと泊まりで足を運びたいですね♪ 銀座文明堂 銀座五丁目店 ラウンジ 東京都中央区銀座5-7-10 1F TEL:03-3574-0002 Hours of operation:11:00-21:00Closed on Mondays:年中無休 http://www.bunmeido.com/...

Michelin two star Ginza sushi restaurant "sushi? fish head" at returning home after birthday lunch

Back from Italy、I went immediately to Ginza district.。Because pedestrian street in Ginza-Chuo Street on Saturday in the middle of the road and walk。Wandering Ginza 7-Chome intersection turn right direction of Mitsukoshi Department store on Central Avenue、2One and turn right at the second intersection、すぐの三鈴ビル地下1階にある鮨店へ♪ ネオン煌めく銀座八丁目の雑居ビル。Is nestled quietly in the basement sushi restaurant、ミシュランガイドで2つ星に輝き続ける「鮨かねさか」の本店があります。Here is、Eat also log mate、食べログレビュアーランキング全国第2位の「うどんが主食」の吉田さんに帰国前日に無理を承知の上でご紹介いただいたお店です。Difficult in the book balance of the flight and do not accept the return status、Was it asking for last-minute return、Buchanan eating truly thoughtful face in person。On the weekend of Saturday a hard time booking、Gave guarantee the booking。Thank you for。(感謝♪) 地下階段を降りた先に深紅の暖簾をくぐり抜ければそこには、Visit the spacious space you can feel the beauty of Japan。 In Ginza, a Michelin two-star sushi shop "sushi? either" head office。Kanesaka Shinji's General h. hamamol in ten years and training、28It is independent in the age of。Then about a decade passed Ginza store called to be、Now there is in the Centre of the disciples, who "sushi and Sweety" is Michelin three-star、Is located in Shimbashi "sushi called" one-star and、It is a young group that lead the world sushi。 Matsugu kanesaka (Cannes aka Shinji) specialized genre:Sushi、Years of experience:23年 常にトップを走り続ける、Up and coming sushi chef。Born in Chiba Prefecture。High school baseball.。After graduating from culinary school、Training at the local sushi restaurant。After that、In the Ginza, Tokyo's renowned training.、28At the age。11Years now after that、Overseas branches including also is developing a number。Is a 2-Michelin star winning restaurant。"I、Aiming for balanced one Kanji character of sushi。』、"Like eating your own、You want to continue to build the sushi I think。' Sushi kanesaka's utter a kind word、気になりますよね♪ 店内には、Beautiful wood counter offices、16 counter seats、3-1 room is semi private rooms for 5 persons。Arranged the flowers in the vase in the Muromachi period, provide a sushi in Rosanjin、Bottom-dollar stick to the real thing in all that emotion also wrapped in Japan beauty。Of course it is reflected to the sushi you will。Boiled prawns shrimp Oboro on hidden、Clam shell to fire up Braised handed out the soft and。Produce store owner Mr. kanesaka sushi NetA、It is just the gem with the Edo-style work both。Enjoy the sushi won the Michelin two-star here。 Semi private room located behind the counter here。3-Convenient to 5 people。 Now、This time we introduce you from Ms. Yoshida、I guess two of sushi artisans sanpei's fastest。Flat though it is.、So had named "sanpei-Chan is from the" similar to the old Queen。Since、その名に相応しい愛嬌ある性格で顧客のハートをガッチリと掴まれてういるようです♪ 山葵を模った箸置きがまた素敵です。Normal、Shooting at sushi restaurants are also prohibited.、Shop here first into notice and、Us to accept smiley。Click here for lunch、5,000Circle、10,000Circle、15,000Circle and consisting of three courses, so this will be 10000 Yen course。 新潟「想天坊」1合1,200円 まずは辛口のすっきりとした日本酒で誕生日の祝杯を。The name of desire Tembo、It is taken from the name of the mountain comes out with a storehouse town, Niigata Prefecture Nagaoka city wakino subgroup (formerly Niigata Mishima-gun Mishima-machi) of folk legend。"Heaven (weather and natural environment) thought people while it is brewing" is also told of being entrusted with the message that。Weightless、Do not fatigue and drink flavor、Does not interfere with the meal because there are sharp。 Appetizer "seaweed and daikon and Ponzu sauce with。 Now let's hold sanpei's。 Has been nicely also manicured toes、Fun just looking so pretty hand carry。And like sanpei's kindness that soft hand。Is being held at a consistent time carefully。 「真鯛の湯引き」 こちらのシャリは、Traditional edomae-style sushi with defense、Use red vinegar (vinegar yokoi)。Red vinegar from sake Lees was built as a raw material、Is characterized by low aroma of vinegar rice vinegar than you。Utilizing the natural sweetness in the old Edo-style sushi red vinegar、Said wore the taste with salt only, no sugar added。Here at the restaurant seems to have strains that。However do not use sugar、Because as time goes by it becomes tough Shak、Subdivides small portions from the kitchen, and was carried along with the sushi chef sign。Low temperature Shak or than I thought.、I think that an elegant finish and Red vinegar。 「縞鯵」 こちらの鮨はすべて煮切りです。Cut cooked over the fire in sake and mirin to add soy sauce、Because it will pull the human brush held beautiful sushi、Please leave without soy sauce。Soy sauce is too strong.、In the way of the story even too sweet but、I marinated this balance is good。 「春子鯛 昆布締め」 シャリとネタ、And good balance and marinated、Personally, be a little bit more in mouth what it was noting pull hard and still is a favorite。However,、Between sheets of kelp also is a delicate and refined taste。Indeed、High level of Ginza sushi restaurant like that;。 「大間のまぐろ赤身 漬け」 220kgの大間のマグロの赤身を、In front of quick pickles, provides us with。We are afraid of fat couple、OMA, rich red meat is a feast.。Bright, deep red、そして口に運ぶまでの香りがまた食欲をそそりますね♪ 「大間のまぐろ中トロ」 同じく220kgの大間のまぐろのこちらは中トロです極上の旨味と口中でとろける食感は最高です♪ 「墨烏賊」 塩と酢橘でさっぱりといただく墨烏賊。Have strong sense of taste and sweetness。 "Khuda" How is Belbin's elegant and sexy Khader。 山形「ばくれん 超辛口吟醸」1合1,200円 さきほどの想天坊より辛口をお願いすると、Recommended that this was。Try our bite and、I see。In the said condition、旨味の直球勝負でスッキリとした後味なのに旨味の香りがいつまでも余韻となり楽しませてくれるお酒です♪ 「鹿児島の真鯵」 中には紫蘇を忍ばせ、On ehallot and paste to put condiments brought out the flavor。Spice who is helped to avoid persistent flavor of Red sea bream。 "Tiger prawn" prawns are slightly warm with freshly boiled and beautiful、I feel the soft sweet。 「青森のしじみの味噌汁」 しじみとは思えぬ大きさ。染mi渡rimasu stomach soup。日本に帰って来て良かったと思う瞬間はまさにこの時でしょう♪ 「鰹の漬け燻製」 鰹を漬けにしてから燻製にしているそうです。Smoked flavor to confine the。Harmony in the smoked aroma of bonito、堪rimasen aroma through the nose。 「煮はまぐり」 今までの流れにしては、Just a slightly darker taste 煮付ke ill。However,、It is still enjoying。And I am surprised by the softness of the clam above all。 "How much" soup soy sauce is salty as possible are kept in、Not very classy saddle。It is good every single grain texture。 "Sea Urchin" drooped off nicks Prime。 「焼き穴子」 炭火で香ばしく焼き上げた穴子。For Shari is little conger eel volutmiy、This is luxury in this。 "Fried eggs" over a non-grilling eggs。 Unpopulated "rolls made using" sweet gourd。 「あがり」 鮨店でデザートというのも妙ですが、Thanks to Buchanan's my message and my birthday was、Celebration was in service from shop cake with candles,。ありがとうございます♪ とても気持ちの良い対応をしてくださった三平さんと最後に記念にパチリ。Sanpei's、For foreign customers in English without hesitation--、It was a great world-wide。In the Singapore Branch also 2 stores is booming as, well as is carrying a foot there several times in。Future developments look forward is store。Mr. Yoshida、ご紹介ありがとうございました♪ 鮨かねさか 東京都中央区銀座8-10-3 三鈴ビルB1F TEL:03-5568-4411 Hours of operation: 11:30-14:00 17:00To 22:00 11:30-14:00 17:00-21:00Closed on Mondays:年中無休 http://www.sushi-kanesaka.com/...

Preparation before going out to Italy Travel "This about Let's remember!" Italian course

After travelling to Italy、Would be remembered first of all Italy, a quick and good。Italy who is very cheerful and greeting is the basic。Although the short stay、会話が少しでもできればイタリア人と仲良くなれることでしょう♪ 挨拶編 おはよう/こんにちは Buongiorno(ブォンジョルノ) お店に入ったら必ず挨拶をブォンジョールノー!と元気良くが一番です♪ こんばんは Buonasera(ブォナセーラ) 午後の3時位から暗い時間帯の挨拶おやすみなさい Buonanotte(ブォナノッテ) 深夜タクシーを降りる時や遅い時間のホテルチェックイン後立ち去る時などやぁ/じゃあね Ciao(チャオ) 親しい間柄での挨拶です。This is regardless of time zones。 PS:And I'm、Everyone! Ciao tutti!(チャオ トュッティ) これはよくツアーバスのドライバーさんが使ってましたはい Si(スィ) あいづちの時にもよく「Si,SI,SI casting casting casting "and use。 いいえ No(ノ) 必要のないことを言われた時や押し売りなどにはきちんと「No!"And the manifestation of intention。 ありがとう Grazie(グラッツェ) 人に何かをしてもらったらスマートに「Grazie グラッツェ」と言いましょうどうぞ/どういたしまして Prego(プレーゴ) 人から「Graze グラッツェ」言われたら「Prego プレーゴ」とスマートに返しましょうさようなら Arrivederci(アッリヴェデルチ) お店を出る時など使いましょう。Hard to think either Ciao with a smile。 はじめまして Piacere(ピアチェーレ) 現地ガイドさんやドライバーさんに使ってみましょうよく使う言葉 美味しい buono(ブゥオノ) 「buono ブゥオーノ♪」と言いながら人差し指で頬をグリグリするのは子供の仕草ですので要注意。 PS:Buono (male form)、buona(女性形)と、 In Italy, male and female nouns have.、But most of the masculine noun endings "-o" women almost always ends with a "-a"。 素晴しい bravo(ブラーヴォ) たいへん素晴しい bravissimo(ブラビッシモ) 感動した時に使いますえっ?/すみません Scusi(スクーズィ) 人にぶつかってしまった時や店員さんを呼ぶ時。 Excuse me, before the Permesso?(ペルメッソ) 混み合っている道で「ちょっと前を通して下さい」という時に使いますお願いします Per favore(ペル ファヴォーレ) 英語でいう「Please」を意味します。 Example:UN caffe,per favore. ウン カッフェ ペル ファヴォーレ(コーヒーお願いします) わかりました Ho capito(オ カピート) 相手の話が理解できた時などに使いますわかりません Non capisco(ノン カピースコ) イタリア語が理解できない時にイタリア語で返すという矛盾(笑) イタリア語はわかりません Non capisco italiano (ノン カピースコ リタリアーノ) 追記:Japan Italy who are a local guide got in less。Italy, a quick、Or use English。 EH what? Come?(コーメ) 聞き取れなかった時など「もう一度?」という意味で使います。You say in English "What's?"Means。 いいですよ Va bene(ヴァ ベーネ) 英語でいう「OK」です。Confirmed in the shop is OK when。 How much is it? Quato costa?(クワント コスタ?) 商品の価格が知りたい時に使います。 How much is it? Quant & # 8217s; e?(クワンテ?) 買うものが決まっている時はクワンテ?となります。 Attention:Quant Costa? Well quanta? Also both too much?? That is the、 When you want to buy are price is quanto Costa? Use。 Please discount Sconto,per favore(スコント ペル ファボーレ) 少しまけて!という時は「~を少し」という意味のUn po’di(ウン ポ ディ)を語頭に付けると良いでしょう。 PS:屋台(小売店)でこの言葉を使ったら本当に少しまけてくれました(笑)...

Italian dinner at home, while looking back at Italy

Returning from Italy、The second night of the battle against jetlag is coming to an end。What souvenirs did you bring back from Italy?、Most of them are all about making my Italian taste good.。この日のディナーも楽しかったイタリアの8日間を振り返りながらのイタリアンディナーとなりました♪ 「Lambrusco Secco Giuseppe Verdi/CECI ランブルスコ セッコ ジュゼッペ ヴェルディ」イタリア 赤 デイリー・ランブルスコのレベルをはるかに超えた、Rich, rich and complex micro-foamed Italian red wine。The wine bearing the name of the composer Giuseppe Verdi、Soft and Vervetti mouthfeel with pleasant foam、Blackberries and cherries、With a fresh, rich aroma of plums and a complex and firm body、Roasted meats and stewed dishes、サラミなどとよく合います♪ antipasto「サーモンとアボガドのセルクル仕立てのサラダ」 今回イタリアでどうしても欲しかったものの内のひとつがローマのトレヴィの泉近辺にある雑貨店「Chiurato キウラート」さんのアクリル樹脂に本物のフルーツや唐辛子麦や葉を閉じ込めた器「RICCARDO MARZI リッカルド マルツィ」。An excellent one that is vivid in color and produces a gorgeous effect with only one piece on the table。Because it is acrylic resin, it is easy to bring in as a souvenir without cracking。However, €13 for a coaster (about 1,820 yen in Japanese yen)、€35 for a medium plate (about 4,900 yen in Japanese yen)、This platter costs €60 (about 8,400 yen in Japanese yen) and is a little difficult to put up (laughs)。Actually,、A few weeks before I traveled, I was doing an Italian feature on the TV show "Travel Salad".、At that time, it was introduced to this vessel。Now、It completely took my heart at first sight! I tried to search online in Japan、All sold out (sold out)。I have no choice but to go to Italy to buy it! I was able to appeal to my side that "only this shop can never be removed"。The appetizer served in such a bowl、Salmon and avocado serkul salad。Selkle's upper trout salmon、1Cut into 1.5 cm squares、Salt、Pepper、Seasoned with salmon patty。Middle tomatoes and cucumbers、Dust cutting to the extent that it remains textured、This is also salt for the bottom taste、Pepper。Lightly squeeze and remove the moisture from tomatoes and cucumbers。The lowest abogado、Paste and mayonnaise、Salt、Season with pepper。Carefully spread and layer from the lower part with a selkle。Remove the selkle.、Serve in a bowl with salad spinach and tomatoes and you're done.。A mellow and delicious appetizer with moderately good fats in your mouth。Because it looks good as well as the taste、おもてなし料理としてもお勧めですよ♪ Primo Piatto「イカ墨を練りこんだパスタイカとドライトマトのアーリオオーリオ」 イタリアで購入したイカ墨を練りこんだパスタ。It would be best to combine it with squid.。Because the color is bad、Taking advantage of the color and sourness of dried tomatoes、Finished using arlio orio's spices。Squid in advance、Lightly sauté with raw sliced garlic and remove to a bowl、It will not harden if you put it again when emulsifiing the pasta at the end.。Garlic is fragrant, spicy, and has a salty soup stock unique to dried tomatoes.、イカの食感を楽しみながらいただけます♪ Primo Piatto「ポルチーニ茸のリゾット」 ドライポルチーニ。I see this everywhere in Italy.、I bought it at "Mercato Centre Mercato Centrale" in Florence。Mercato (Market)、It is an indispensable market for the life of Florentines.。In the stomach of the local people itself、In the building of the market covered with a roof, shops of local ingredients line up、Ham and cheese、Shops that are convenient for travelers, such as side dishes, are on the way.。This risotto、It is an easy instant risotto just to make while mixing bouillon little by little、Return purchased dry porcini with bouillon、その出汁もそのまま入れているので美味しくない訳がありません!仕上げに5年熟成のParmigiano Reggiano パルミジャーノレッジャーノをお好みで振り掛ければ完成です♪ Secondo Piatto「牛ロースのスパイスソテー」 トマト、Sliced garlic、Zucchini、Green onion、Basil、Onion、Parsley、Sautéed beef loin with pepper and plenty of pasta spices。ピリッとスパイシーで香ばしくワインのおつまみにピッタリです♪ digestivo「リモンチェッロ」 南イタリアのアマルフィー海岸やソレント半島カプリ島付近一帯の伝統的食後酒Limoncello リモンチェッロ。A liqueur made with lemons of Italian origin。With fruit wine with a high sugar content、Lemon peel soaked in high alcohol distilled liquor for a certain period of time and then removed、It is common to add sugar water and place it for about 1 week to 1 month.。Scented with lemon、Because it is refreshing and sweet, it is easy to drink with a good taste、Because the alcohol level is more than 30%、If you are not good at alcohol, it is better to drink it with carbonated water.。If you are good at alcohol,、Let's try a general way to drink straight as an after-dinner drink by cooling it well with kinkin in the refrigerator or freezer (it does not freeze due to its high alcohol content)。For dinner at home、時間も金額も気にすることなく優雅に過ごせますね(笑) Chiurato キウラート 住所:Via Due macelli 61 Roma (スペイン広場のマックの隣) ※日本語が通じるスタッフさんがいます Mercato Centrale メルカート チェントラーレ(フィレンツェ中央市場) 住所:Mercato Centrale S. Lorenzo, Via dell ' Ariento, Firenze, Italy (駅から東サン・ロレンツオ教会へ向かって徒歩5分ほどのところ) 営業時間:Monday to Saturday (Monday to Friday 7):00-14:00、Sat 7:00~ 16:00) ※日本人スタッフがいるショップもあります...

Beauty urban Italy travel 8 days photo album special page opened!

11月2日より行って来ましたイタリアお誕生日旅行2013。9日のバースデーに無事日本へ帰国することができました今回の旅の模様を相方がずっと重い1Dを掲げて撮影してくれたので記事より一足お先にフォトアルバム「イタリア旅行特設ページ」にてお楽しみいただければと思います内容は成田空港からの出発にはじまりミラノ着→ベローナ→トレヴィソ→ヴェネチア→フィレンツェ→プラトーチヴィタディバニョレッジョ→ローマ→ヴァチカン→ポンペイ→ナポリ→マルペンサ空港→成田→東京となっております記事はおいおい少しずつ観光名所のガイドと共にご紹介していきますのでお楽しみに♪ イタリア旅行特設ページ http://lade.jp/italia/...

Notice of temporary closure of the Office of lade "journey in Italy eight days'


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