By Alan design is engaged in numerous building, including commercial space and housing arrangements

Number of residential design and construction、Containers can result in、Even in so it is produced from the store's design、そしてトータルコーディネートを得意とするALAIN DESIGN アランデザインさん。This time、9月に街中のビオラ田町内に移転予定の当事務所のデザイン案に関してご相談を兼ねて代表の中根康晴さんと奥様でインテリアコーディネーターのえみ子さん夫妻を訪ねることにしました♪ 設計・施工会社に10年勤務された後、1991年にアランデザイン(有限会社アラン)を設立された中根さんそして2006年にこちらの事務所兼ショールームを新築移転オープンされたそうですシンプルでスタイリッシュなインテリアが並ぶ中でもあまり無機質な空間にならないよう緑の優しい色合いを差し色に居心地の良い空間を創り出しているSalon de alain(サロンダラン)この空間を2人はそう呼んでいます美味しい珈琲をえみ子さんに淹れていただいて雑談を交えたりしながらも和やかな雰囲気で話は弾みいろいろな面白いアイデアを提案していただけそうで嬉しい限りです♪ サロン内にはちょっとしたBARカウンターも用意されていてカクテル作りが趣味の中根さんの腕前を披露されることもしばしばあるのだそう。The next time、そちらも楽しみですね(笑)実は御2人とは共通の友人はいるものの互いに顔見知り程度できちんとお話させていただく機会はなくほぼ初対面のようなものでしたが気さくな御2人ゆえに気心知れた者同士のように話が順調に進みつい打ち合わせが長引いてしまいました。Quire、御2人から”ランチでもご一緒に”と嬉しい誘いをいただき中根さん夫妻のオススメのお店へ出向くことになりましたのでお次はそちらの模様を紹介しましょう♪ 有限会社アラン ALAIN DESIGN 浜松市中区住吉2-33-27 TEL:053-474-7400

Summer nail Acryl sculpture with nail glitter open Atelier La fille

I'm going on a week's trip to Cape Town, South Africa, from Thursday the day after tomorrow.、I don't usually do hand nails on the job of an esthetic salon.、When you travel here and there、It is ayaco which I am stylish.。This time the、Please introduce your friend's nail salon in the neighborhood.、ご自宅でネイルスクール&サロンをされている染地台きらりタウン浜北内の「アトリエ ラ・フィーユ」さんへ伺いました。Because you are a salon in one room of your home、that it's the same environment as me、Tomoko Sumida, the owner of the same generation, talked with the same generation.、I was able to have the treatment in a state of being stretched and relaxed to the extent that I did not think that it was a very first meeting person.。This time's nail、Stated the Cape Town specification and hope for the summer、I almost made it to the Omakase pattern.。Here you will、Gel and acrylic are also available.、This time, I challenge the sculpture of acrylic and ask the length to be put out than my nails.、3The book is white nail、Between two color of red and blue。The base is covered with fine silver lame.。Because I tried with the blue which would not challenge if I usually、It is a taste that I do not select easily by myself、When I finished it, I liked the feeling that it was glittering and whetful with the refreshingness and hologram effect that was perfect for summer.。I put a clear stone on the accent only the middle finger and add gorgeousness、I'm in a petite celebrity mood.。The first time is 30% OFF、From Tomoko's desire to feel free to enjoy nails、I'm glad that it is a reasonable price setting.。Tomoko、ありがとうございました♪ アトリエ ラ・フィーユ Atelier La-Feuille ご予約、Inquiry-only dial:050-3591-7700(Reservation required) Business hours:10:00~ 12:30、13:00-15:00、15:00~ 17:00(Consultation required after hours) Closed:Sunday, etc.、Irregular holidays HTTP://

If you enjoy luxury and cool summer coffee jelly bean and Japanese restaurant

When you go back to my home town makinohara、When you go to the East、Be sure and there is much to go shop。袋井の油山寺へぬける道沿いをちょっと入ったところにある隠れ家的な自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さん。Life's friend and his wife、香り高いこだわりの美味しい珈琲豆がいただけるお店です♪ 「マサマ・キリマンジャロ コーヒーゼリー」1個 330yen まめやかふぇさんで、This summer comes every year always in stock is that coffee jelly、Africa's tallest、Drip masamakirimanjaro harvested in Tanzania Kilimanjaro mount Mazama village, made、It is a luxury coffee jelly。Good flavor with rich tasting coffee jelly、During the、You can add your favorite sweet and mellow with fresh cream and sugar、I'm also happy。Time used in gift-giving、Good for a little gift、Many customers are adults、箱ごとのオーダーもあるそうですよ♪ キンと冷やしたコーヒーゼリーをグラスに移し替え、Because the volume is so、2Also a way to enjoy summer and we feel share one with。Coffee flavor and aroma、そして程好いほろ苦さを感じながらあなたも夏を過ごしてみませんか♪ まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's

Perched on a hill overlooking Atami maple furniture specialty shops ' serve SERVE Yugawara House '

French restaurant's "Elle can screw" where to stop, and then after、Maple furniture shop "serves SARVE Yugawara House" and I。Located on a hill overlooking the spa town of Yugawara、Furniture showroom、Photography Studio、One owner's living space、1999In an OPEN and、Showcases the most popular furniture of different atmosphere in each room (6 rooms)。 Inside the building is free admission available。The front terrace、Create space while blindfolded around the trees spread to the landscaped courtyard。夏には中庭でのBBQなども楽しそうですね♪ 入口入ってすぐ左手のショールーム。Warm maple furniture a white space on mail merge、In the steam-worked linen 100% Lace Curtains swaying in the robe、フリルレースが可愛らしいLIBECO製のピローケースを重ねたベッドでの目覚めは快適でしょうね♪ 中庭を一望できるサンルーム。Melia azedarach in the premises behind the biggest trees are like the guardian angels there seems。Swinging in a hammock while enjoying reading、1Is not in space made me forget the day after?。 Look fireplace、Define a foreign smell big fridge、Wall tile in natural, clean and kitchen room。So not actually been cooking every meal.、掃除の行き届いた気持ちの良いキッチンとゆったりとしたダイニングです♪ 中2階のショールーム。Summer green.、Windows you can enjoy the autumn leaves fall。Invigorating afternoon gentle breezes and warm sunshine infused through the wooden window。 Showroom went one step further。According to the abstract paintings in black and white TV。A nice balance of Center and side tables clearance、静かな夜長の映画鑑賞などに嬉しい空間です♪ オープンな屋根裏部屋といった感じでしょうか。When the detailed work、集中したい時にこんな小空間が自分のためにあったら嬉しいですね♪ 大理石の広々とした開放的なバスに思わず溜息がこぼれ湯河原であることを忘れてしまいそうなバスルーム♪ バスルーム横のショールーム。Do you feel like a den。Does not exist this showroom dividers and door space。それゆえに流れる空気が一体化しているのでしょうか♪ オーナーである冨沢眞一さんとMac。Natural decorating always greets。In KOGANEI city, Tokyo is a head shop.、Yugawara in this House are used as salon。In the well-kept Salon、Visit different faces to show new furniture and detailed work arrangement and pattern replacement、And can also enjoy seasonal background。Among them、A light air all-time、ゆとりあるライフスタイルを自分たちで創り上げることの大切さと共に穏やかな呼吸ができる数少ないショップです♪ 湯河原旅行記の目次はこちらをクリック サーブ SARVE 湯河原ハウス 神奈川県足柄下郡湯河原町宮上744-94 TEL:0465-63-6383 Hours of operation 11:00-17:00Closed on Mondays:水・木曜日

Bruno GET on branch of the missing cycle boasts a history of over 100 years!

Since its establishment in 1905、100年以上の歴史を誇るサイクルショップの老舗「ミソノイサイクル」さん。In the Meiji era,、a bicycle that was a noble vehicle。Misonoy Cycle、Since our founding, we have been engaged in repairing imported bicycles.、Currently, it is a professional shop that handles everything from finished bicycles to custom-made cars for competitions.。Product information capabilities backed by abundant knowledge、The technical capabilities and appropriate advice of maintenance tailored to each person's ride are known.、It seems that bicycle lovers come from all over the country when it comes to holidays。Mr. Misonoy、2号店の蜆塚店に続き3号店として「ミソノイサイクル元城店」をOPENさせました! スッキリとした店内には壁一面にバイクが並びます。I'm this time、8When relocating to an office in the city in May、Widely、And I decided to buy a bike so that I could act in detail.、In the first motorcycle purchase other than Mamachari、There is no knowledge or hesitation (laughs) Conveying the use, desire and most important fashion in motorcycles、いろいろ相談に乗ってもらうことにしました♪ そして、From among the many bikes、Click here for the bike you chose in almost love at first sight! From long touring to pottering、旅をコンセプトにしたスモールウィールトラベラー”Bruno”です!旅の価値観は人それぞれ、Long touring at the end of the room, of course、Feel free to use the train by looping and strolling far and around the neighborhood, etc.、Bruno seems to think of it all as a journey.。Comfortable ride and stable handling、Coloring that shines in the town good handling by small diameter tires。Bruno is light and fashionable to ride、きっと今後わたしの良き相棒となってくれることでしょう! Bruno Minivelo MIXTE 20 430Mm size makes it easy for women to ride、Mixto type flat mini bello featuring double top tube。Grip shift、Easy-to-use design with stand equipment。The color is、I made it to Lake Blue that the other side raved about。The tasteful dull blue、There is also a classical atmosphere、It is also excellent in fashion.。However,、1The popular color of No. 1 seems to be White Mocha。It seems that there is a track record of selling about 100 units in Hamamatsu now.、It may be a motorcycle that you can see here and there in the city。If、If you see me straddling Bruno in the city、お仲間の方は是非お声をかけてくださいね♪ ミソノイサイクル元城店 浜松市元城町219-18 TEL:053-413-3000 Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:水曜休

Over 50 year-old KAGIYA building、A bookstore "BOOKS AND PRINTS-BLUE EAST.

ゆりの木通り沿いにある築50年超のKAGIYAビルを丸八不動産が取得し、As part of the revitalization of the city power、2012In October, some reopened then from that what Buzz。Young artists and creators and provide boxes at a reasonable price, to hold events such as、Intended to be a source of cutting-edge culture and。To enrich the imagination of the maker-free interior design moving in、In the is no restoration or、A vivacious activities of residents ' and business support、Beyond the relationship of landlord and tenant、I'm trying to establish new leasing tenant could raise the added value of the building。 Among them、神明町にある古本を中心とした味のある小さな本屋「BOOKS AND PRINTSRED WEST」さんのオーナーであり写真家の若木信吾氏が2店舗目をKAGIYAビルに出店させることで、Stimulate young creators、活性剤としてのキッカケとなった本屋がこちらの「BOOKS AND PRINTS-BLUE EAST」さんです。 Upcoming events in the KAGIYA BOOKS AND PRINTS, organized by Bill、Talk of inviting interiors stylist together Fumiko "Sunday branch talk" will be held at 5/26 (Sunday)。定員40名程度でコーヒーとなんと朝ごはん付きのトークショーなんだとか!興味のある方は右記詳細をご覧ください→マウンテンモーニング作原文子さんトークショー”サンデーブランチトーク” そうそう、But never forget that、わたし達が大変お世話になっている「すいどうや北伸」の馬場っちの弟馬場大輔くんが手掛けているオリジナルブランド「STOKED」の配管アートのプランターも発見しました。The art from Daisuke、While engaged in the business of plumbing in the brand、Materials used in plumbing for a produced work。I was shown in photos、In the texture of the real thing is a nice touch、It has good ambiance and Bookstore click here。KAGIYA being gathered here and there and still new shop building。今後の発展が楽しみです♪ KAGIYAビル BOOKS AND PRINTS-BLUE EAST 浜松市中区田町229-13 KAGIYAビル2F TEL:053-488-4160 Closed on Mondays:Fire、Thursday's opening hours 13:00-19:00 BLOG FB

In Fukuroi Yatomi Shinsaibashi hairdresser switch is OPEN!

On the Internet streets of Fukuroi a Hairdresser SWITCH I of branch switch plus (+) and I、Today 5/7 (Tuesday)、Because it was OPEN in Yatomi Shinsaibashi pre-opening celebration! When I was around 14:00 PM the waiting time and the owners friend Daisuke Sakai。 A peaceful place filled with the nature of Yatomi to suddenly appear presence plenty of bins。OPEN on the first day that there、Parking lot jammed with cars。At the entrance was there was festive flower vase。 On the wooden deck click here、Either on the terrace-style tables and chairs are put。A refreshing summer sunshine、The terrace in the spacious relax。 So are colours white beige exterior and interior are natural、Very spacious and clean.。The head of the check-in counter at the entrance、Germany antique light taste to it。Also see with antique furnishings in some places、That was responsible for the design of、SWITCH本店と同じく浜松の「アパートメントストア」の日内地謙、Because hina-Chan.。 Forest green spread out in front of set。Is this landscape are like watching one painting、Sakai chose this land.。 4-Shampoo booth includes private booth。Sticking to the original organic shampoo、Staff head Spa course。 This is a counseling room of the Salon.。In the spacious、Treatment rooms, 4 rooms available。It is said Vecchio aesthetician has 3 name。 In the shop、So from the original product manufacturer shop sales are also various availbale、お気に入りのシャンプーやヘアケア商品がきっと見つかりますよ♪ 今回、switch +, a new trial was、This bakery was established in the shop's is a small cafe。Because views in the kitchen、Find out what the world unfolds in this cute pastry kids suites。Are today's cake、Was sold, without having to wait for snack time。OPEN初日から大盛況ですね♪ 本店と支店を行ったり来たりで多忙なスケジュールの酒井さんでしたが自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さんから仕入れている、switch + original blend iced coffee and feast.、暫し新規店舗への想い入れを聞かせてもらうことができました♪ 最後に、Together with Sakai and his wife Tomoko Chan shot ♪ Sakai、またゆっくりお話ししましょうね♪ 美容室 switch+ 袋井市久能2715-3 TEL:0538-44-3311 Closed on Mondays:Monday、Second Sunday opening hours. 9:30-19:00

Middle East-General Medical Center near the ' AI pharmacies ' OPEN!

Kakegawa new hospital & Medical Center for Middle Eastern far down the、New concept pharmacy "" Pharmacy "has been OPEN in 5/1! Each placemark、Is the mark of the witch flying Billboard was based on green concepts。Our pharmacies、Free space is no casual street station served as a。Listen to the classic spacious flowing from automatically playing pianos、Has happend the moment 1。There、Books about drugs or being displayed、You can feel free to drug counseling。Instead of just going to just take the medication、With your friends or meet up、Enjoy reading and slowly、お茶をしながらコミュニティを広げる空間として利用してみてくださいね! エントランスのガラス面には、Image of the pharmacy express familiarity and ease of use in medicine capsule。 Shop、Has become the space feeling than any pharmacy a spacious and clean、Staff it for many people, is very smooth。 Waiting for each booth、And neighborhood residents community space will be the、Equipped with table and chairs。While waiting for the medicine、Is the drink service.、Spend a relaxing time so there are books that。 The Roland piano with Auto-playing music、Heart chill classic。In space have a clear mind、気分をリフレッシュしてくださいね♪ あい薬局 掛川市長谷1350-1 TEL:0537-61-0501

At the OPEN new concept pharmacy!

Kakegawa new hospital & Medical Center for Middle Eastern far down the、新しいコンセプトの薬局「あい薬局」が5月1日にOPENします!こちらの薬局は誰もが気軽に立ち寄れる道の駅をイメージしたフリースペースを用意しているのが特徴です。Listen to the classic spacious flowing from automatically playing pianos、Has happend the moment 1。There、Books about drugs or being displayed、You can feel free to drug counseling。Instead of just going to just take the medication、With your friends or meet up、Enjoy reading and slowly、お茶をしながらコミュニティを広げる空間として利用してみてくださいね! こちらの各種デザインを担当しているので、Today I arrived on-site to check your local。It was just under construction sign、I have pasted the road guide of the train station of medicine based on driving directions Road station was。あい薬局を運営する「ファーマシーエクスプレス」代表の桐山さんと「アライデザイン」の西尾さんと最終の打ち合わせをさせてもらったのですが、About the design of the stickers on the glass at the scene has been adjust the size and color。桐山さんOPENに向けてもうひと踏ん張りですね!がんばってください! 中東遠総合医療センターは、As the pioneering efforts of regional medical rehabilitation、Public integration Kakegawa Sogo hospital and Fukuroi municipal hospital new hospital.。Latest medical linear accelerator、PET/CT、Contrast-enhanced angiography、CT、Equipped with MRI, such as。 あい薬局 掛川市長谷1350-1 TEL:0537-61-0501 中東遠総合医療センター 掛川市菖蒲ヶ池1-1 TEL:0537-21-5555(代表)

In the Libran Re * blanc ' thank you ☆ love blood donation ' to join

Higashi-Ku, Hamamatsu with jade student to housing improvement and construction started.、キッチンや家具をプランニングからコーディネートまでを一環して行っているテイオー産業株式会社のショールームRe*blancさんが静岡県赤十字血液センターとコラボで春と秋の年2回にかけてありがとう☆愛の献血キャンペーンを開催しています。Today is the date of the spring。This campaign was started from the time、Continued after being changed to the current toshiki Otsuka's place、It's the 57th time today, so it's a great contribution.。1About 100 blood harvesters gather every day.。It was my first blood donation in a while.、I also take off one skin! ? I'm pleased to participate.。 In the afternoon, we had a lunch break.、13Many people participated in the reception even at the stage after 14:00 because it was from time to time。At the reception desk to fill out the questionnaire with personal information、Go to blood donation buses waiting in。 In the bus、Doctor's examination and measurement of blood pressure-blood density measurement、Receipt of blood type prior determination, blood donation (blood components 200 mL and 400 mL) → rest → donation card、The blood in such procedures。Up to 1,200ml per year for men、Women are required to donate up to 800 ml of blood annually.、It is said that those who donate blood will not be able to donate blood for 3 to 4 months.。To put it the other way,、You can donate blood 3-4 times a year! I've known that this is good.。 I、It is said that 400 ml of blood collection is possible because the health condition and weight are cleared this time。Drinks service、Loose stools in a reclining chair、Takes about 15 minutes。From the nurses who donate blood for beginners、It gently tells you about blood donation and points to note after donating blood.。 And as a blood donation benefit from the Red Cross、Even after donating blood, one juice was passed over.、Original towel of blood donation recommended character Ken next、Or I have a toothbrush present.。 Even more pleasingly, there is a present from the organizer, Teio Sangyo Co., Ltd.、フランスパンがもらえたり プラスもう1つ可愛いRe*blancさんのロゴが入った3色ペンが付いてきます。In addition to、I'm glad that if you draw a lottery at the store, you might win a nice prize.。Especially、There seem to be a lot of customers who are willing to participate in this pen every time.。 Mr. Otsuka says that he wants to continue this blood donation campaign that has been going on for more than 30 years since his last generation as much as possible in the future.。Many people know about the importance of donating blood、You're trying to provide an environment that's easy to participate in, isn't it?。Otsuka's knees are also known as cute toy poodles.。That、Momoko-chan is at the end of her life.。I like a dog、I enjoyed the afternoon with Mamerin.。Now、話は変わりますがladeのフォトギャラリーのカテゴリーの中にI LOVE PETを立ち上げることにしました。Your dog and your cat、I would like to introduce a family pet that is cute other than dogs and cats。「うちの子是非載せて~♪」という声もお問い合わせフォームにてドシドシお待ちしておりますね♪ さぁ皆さんも清き愛の献血にレッツゴー! テイオー産業株式会社 浜松市東区有玉西町2414-2 TEL:053-472-3219 ショールーム Re*blanc TEL:053-472-3550 静岡県赤十字血液センター

Fukuroi home roasting coffee beans at 'blister and Japanese restaurant plug I lump coffee

袋井の油山寺へぬける道沿いをちょっと入ったところにある隠れ家的な自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さんへ。This course at the first leg towards the East we always say you will。 Opened the door and the owners of Hama-Chan ",、Can I help you "and it's friendly staff and at the same time、So like sound of roasting coffee beans is music to your ears。Than the opener running as background music in Bossa Nova、Will just listen to the sound of this machine。Here you will、Pick select from the raw beans are always lined up on store shelves、Roasted to order from that commitment Buri。While waiting for the coffee beans are roasted、Will treat the wife Akemi delicious freshly brewed coffee。In small children put out hot chocolate instead of coffee and、Is your family go out to buy coffee beans in the family total putting out very good service so many。However,、Should not be confused、That is not a cafe。Shops purchase coffee beans only.。Already familiar with customers、Telephone booking in advance by going to get when you date、Because it will make the suit at that time、Telephone reservations are better hurry!。 On this day、I received the villasalci (from Costa Rica) 990 Yen。11 last year in the stock sale, boasted a popular bean's、From many customers restocked and you want that to go up、Miraculous finding domestic stock and passed on to me?。This last sale and end up、While no longer、Is your last chance! Miss! Hama-CHAN、Akemi、また美味しい話待ってます(笑) まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's

Select the instrument in Kakegawa simple gadgets 'Angel'

掛川の雑貨コレムの美千代ちゃんのところでさやかさんと美千代ちゃん御2人にコトコト市の取材をさせてもらった後にさやかさんのお店「アンジュール unjour」さんへ久々にお邪魔しましたこの近くに掛川市立総合病院と袋井市立袋井市民病院を統合した公立の新病院が5月に中東遠総合医療センターとして誕生するのですが道路も新しくなりきっと周辺の開発も進むことから人通りも多くなることでしょう。 On this day、ここのところずっと気になっていた作家・鈴木史子さんの作品の珈琲カップを求めてカップと小皿をうまく組み合わせてカップ&ソーサーにするのですがあるだけのカップを横に並べてみるとひとつひとつが手作りというだけあってどれもそれぞれに顔立ちが違い味わいがあって迷ってしまいますね相方と2人で「どれがいいかな~♪」なんて一緒に選定するのもまた楽しいものです選びに選んだカップ&ソーサーで美味しい珈琲が飲める時間を楽しみにしたいと思います購入したカップはまたのちほど紹介しましょう♪ シンプル雑貨 アンジュール unjour 掛川市高御所1198-1 営業時間: 水・木・金曜10:30~ 16:30 +月1回土曜営業10:30~ 16:30

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