Boarded a comfortable transportation means MRT from Changi International Airport to Singapore city


From Cape Town through the 14-hour flight to Singapore Changi International Airport arrived in good condition。It is time yet went 7:00 early childhood。Transfer in the way Singapore is enough stay time is 18 hours、Round one day so、I think once entering the sightseeing you can enjoy!


Light deposits, first luggage to the airport within EASY BAGY Left Baggage Service to ask where you got、Let's GO to immigration booths!


Enter the Singapore embarkation card here。Please write neatly on your passport number or personal choices?!


The immigration booths、Korail booth、"All Passports (green is the scoreboard on the booth character)" in the、Booths for Singapore citizens and residents with Access Card owner "Singaporeans /Is the Residents/Holders of Access Card (orange)。Japanese travellers are choosing Korail booth "All Passports"。 When it's my turn、And submit the completed Singapore embarkation card and passport (passport)Pass it to the officers。済ましましょう smiley greeting exchanged by smoothly (laughs)


Successfully completing the entry is.


Locate the Exchange corner、Let's convert Singapore dollar S$ Japan yen.


If that staff is a perfect destination、In cheaper than a taxi, make sure to read MRT (subway) is recommended。MRT's base fare is S $ 1 (about 80 Yen Yen Japan)、Even if Singapore Island (main island) took from the edge until the end S$2.30(Japan Yen 184 yen) so、It is a surprisingly high fares and the base fare of JR is a translation。Stations and vehicles in both clean and safe、I think you can be safe to travel, to use the MRT。"Train to City" sign on the arrivals guide will lead、The arrived at Changi Airport station.


Buy tickets at MRT station in front of the vending machines.


Must pay the fare and no deposit S$0.10.、If you purchase at the ticket vending machine standard ticket deposit is automatically calculated and charged。Fare is S $ 1.、Will require total S$1.10 fare (S $ 1) and deposits (S$0.10)。This ticket is、3Once MRT ride and refundable deposit of S$0.10、6Times may S$0.1 discount ride。1Standard tickets on rides of up to six times and is valid for 30 days。It is to make waste reduction resources.

-Screen ticket vending machines in languages (English、Chinese、Malay、Tamil) from selection
And touch your destination station on the Panel, select the。Select the quantity of tickets。
-Takes the ticket, pay the。(* The deposit also included.)


This is the Standard Ticket.。To not bend because it can be used up to 6 times in this ticket、Shall we to deal。2If after the first ride、Already with 1 standard ticket at ticket vending machines、1Just like the first ride、And touch your destination station on the screen, select the、Amounts presented in the standard ticket charge system。It's that easy!


In the stands of the Mass Rapid Transit's MRT、It is covering the Singapore domestic public transport。Elevated in rural areas、In the center of the city is on the subway。Namboku Line、East-West line、Northwest line、4 route of the Beltway was opened、In the current line of other developments are under construction。Routes, as well as、It is no doubt that become more and more comfortable flight.


Pass through the gate, held up the ticket to purchase tickets。If you see green signals can pass through the。Advances and the gate of Japan to do the same is OK!


A train arrives at the station, is a station interchange (junction) all 2 stops to the Tanah Merah (Merah)。


MRT interior is very clean and equipped with air conditioning。Over the years through the muggy Singapore is、This cool transportation is welcome、Cold and weak air conditioning、It would have something to drape a sheet!


Local display easy-to-understand English.。Well make sure your destination station.


The train from the airport、Will arrive in the middle of the Tanah Merah (Merah) station。If you go to the city、Should a transfer at this station、Direction left home once.。The line was written to Joo Koon、Go to the city.


Further change to the Orange Circle line at PayaLebar (Lebar) station、Head to the Bay Front (Bayfront).


And then arrived at the Bay Front (Bayfront) station.、Large botanical garden with the theme's future out of the gate and signs on first morning from 5 a.m. open.Gardens by the Bay gardens by the BayTo Let’ Go!

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Changi International Airport

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