Norma crowned world number one defeated Restaurant 'El Celler de can Roca"

The last、デンマーク・コペンハーゲンの「noma/ノーマ」を記事の中で取り上げたその年の世界中のレストランベスト50を決めるという「The World’s 50 Best Restaurant Awards」の2013年の結果が発表された。This regrettably is Norma、2And that place、The winner's glory、スペインのジローナにある「El Celler de Can Roca/エル・セジェール・デ・カン・ロカ」というロカ3兄弟が経営するレストランだ。 That has earned 3 stars in the Michelin can Roca、8From entering the world's best 50 years ago is steadily leaving top achievement、2011、2012Have reached the No. 2 spot in the。3Brother brother Joan's served as head chef、Josep boasts a passionate service as a sommelier as conservative in nature、Youngest son Jordi prominence as the pastry chef's fantastic break the rules。3Brothers are active in their respective fields and、By linking the restaurant team and dishes and fine finish as a magic with passion、Buzz by far exceed the expectations of guests、This Crystal。From Japan、France restaurant in Tokyo's Minami-Aoyama "NARISAWA" was picked as the 20th percentile, and top in Asia、Also Japan restaurant in Roppongi, Tokyo Dragons Gin was 22 and became a priority both for more than two。 2007And moved the restaurant to the current location in、Building a simple and modern。Set up automatic door in the kitchen doorway、Working chef for 30 people at a time to keep。Surprising because they exist to devise the cooking room。 Alvaro Fernández Prieto 「マスターシェフ 天才料理人バトル!」というイギリスの番組の決勝戦に出演したことで、In addition to publicity revving、Current、It is a book from all over the world。As a three-star restaurant、Lunch is about 155 euro pricing and Oh seems very reasonable。Also、The restaurant would like to visit one more、To enhance the enjoyment of life in。 El Celler de Can Roca Can Sunyer 48,17007 Girona +34 972 22 21 57

3Denmark winning consecutive World No.1 restaurant 'Norma'

Copenhagen, Denmark with eye-catching foodies all over the world, with restaurants noma / Norma。Norma is OPEN in 2004, and、2008Won two stars a year。In addition to the、Electrolux worlds consisting of restaurant industry insiders 800 50 best, restaurants and Academy will decide in the restaurant top 50 organizations see The World & # 8217s; s 50 Best Restaurant Awards "in the、2006In four consecutive years from the year of Spain "El Bulli and El Bulli (now closed)" but that reigned over the throne、2010Broke that record in a first-place glory to shine、Next year, following、In addition further next year and praised the honor his championship 3 years in a row。In Japan、Located in Tokyo's Minami-Aoyama / Narisawa narisawa is ranked 27th、Japan restaurant in Roppongi "Dragon House / International Silver" record and ranked 28th、From the national、2Stores that have ranked。 As Norma's Executive Chef、And trained in several restaurants in the culinary philosophy of his own genius chef Rene Redzepi and Renee rezeppei。He created dishes which are beautiful and creative、It's like looking at art、It wouldn't be an easy to say it's a work.。It's all about the serenity of food that can't move anywhere in the expressiveness of each plate and the strength of the ingredients.。If you're involved in cooking,、彼の著書である「北欧料理の時間と場所」を一読しておいてほしいものだ。 I decided to contact Norma this time to get permission to publish a picture of photographer Dette Isager, who is photographing his dishes, in our web magazine.。Then, surprisingly,、A very quick and smart response has returned.。In communicating、I will also inquire about the current situation of reservations that are difficult to get。According to the response of the spokesperson Annika、4March 8 local time am10:00Than、it was said that the next reservation for June would be opened.。The booking itself is via an online booking system on norma's website、Or you can make a reservation by phone。it says that。 and again this year、At the Guildhall in London、4/29に開催される 「The World’s 50 Best Restaurant Awards 2013 results are not really fun。 I'm waiting for the result.、At any time?、I had a conversation with a friend and his wife, "Let's go to Norma!" To fulfill the promise of、The day will surely come when you'll be perched on J.L. Moller's chair in a converted 18th-century warehouse quietly off the harbour in Copenhagen, Denmark。 noma/ノーマ Strandgade 93 1401 Copenhagen K TEL:+45-3296-3297

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