Kanzanji Temple tohoen "and without flowers ' limited time drops of Strawberry's fine elegance as cool sweetness

舘山寺にある和菓子処「しず花(しずはな)」さんといえば苺が美味しいこの時期だけ期間限定で販売される苺大福「いちごの雫」はあまりにも有名で、That、The eel is a Spring Flower Temple, I and I "had endured" next up Hamamatsu ranks third in popularity less popular products。Limited period there、In addition each one carefully hand made for、As long as a number of "Strawberry no shizuku、It seems sales depending on the day、1And sold approximately 1000 enough! However,、Per person and up to 50 due to the purchased number of maximum、Having to buy a lot in the family total putting out there。To buy over the counter、Opening times 9:00 late、It can be seen lined up from early in the morning about 7 a.m. in whichever comes first, wait! As (surprised) how to buy in advance、Stay closed on Monday、Days can be booked on the day other than Tuesday and confirmed by phone、1Than a month ago has been taken to order next month。For a limited time to feel like spring Strawberry shizuku、Popular with taste this year also boasts。This time the、Incase I's always been indebted to buy your family from early in the morning、Ask has been buying up 250 was said! Welcome to (terrible)、そちらをお裾分けしていただいたので紹介します♪ 包装は1つずつ丁寧に和紙の中に大事そうに大事そうに包まれています♪ 「いちごの雫」1個190円「春待ち茶」100g 1,050円 手前は縦にカットした状態のもの。Strawberry (akihime) whole into one、Is a Japanese-style confection wrapped in white and habutae rice cake。Thin habutae rice cake is very soft.、Is there through the carefully-selected Strawberry、Best balance between sweetness and acidity. Ran was further refined later and sweetness、More tidbits、Visit Bliss peculiar moments。The tea is、掛川の「大村園」さんの季節限定深蒸し茶の「春待ち茶」と一緒にいただきました。To enjoy the seasonal products during that time is always appreciated! I、いつもご馳走様です♪ 和菓子処 しず花 浜松市西区舘山寺町2335 1F TEL:053-487-6256 Closed on Mondays:Moon、Tuesday...

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