Lake Sanai Hanami "A holiday to spend a comfortable time with a homemade lunch under the cherry blossom tree"

Lake Samei is also famous as a famous place for cherry blossoms in spring.、Kawazu cherry blossoms and Kanzanji cherry blossoms throughout the park with a circumference of 6 km、Cherry blossoms、Oshimazakura、Yamazakura、Weeping cherry、Yaezakura, etc.、About 800 cherry trees bloom in turn.。Every year、我が家から見下ろせる佐鳴湖の開花を心待ちにしており今年は例年より早めの満開を迎え花見日和となった休日平日週末問わずこの時期の佐鳴湖の混み具合を懸念しこの日は早朝6時から準備して主人に一番乗りで場所取りをお願いしました我が家の毎年の定位置は佐鳴湖西岸の桜の木の下大木の桜の木の下は日除けもでき斜面になっていない安定した場所がお気に入りです! 午前中から場所取りをする人の姿も少なくはなくシートで覆われる芝生最近ではキャンプ等の流行りもあり、Due to the increased demand for outdoor equipment, some people are setting up tents.。 This morning was blessed with good weather、Haste、Because I decided to go cherry blossom viewing、I glared at the ingredients in the fridge.、ある物で花見弁当に取り掛かりました! 愛犬ショコラももちろん一緒に佐鳴湖は毎日のワンポコースとなっているためショコラにとっては庭のような存在です(笑) 佐鳴湖西岸は漕艇場があることから休日になるとボート部の学生たちが練習する風景が見られ穏やかな春の風が靡く中湖面に浮かぶボートの姿が優雅なひとときを感じさせてくれますランニングやウォーキングする人の姿や花見の時間を楽しむ家族やカップル和やかな風景が広がります。 Preparations for cherry blossom viewing are finally ready、Cheers with Champagne! "Homemade Hanami Bento" "Soup-rolled egg" Our standard soup-rolled egg is、Japanese-style soup stock、Chin soup stock、Cane sugar、Mirin、a pinch of salt、Soup-wrapped eggs baked with plenty of finely chopped green onions。口中で出汁がジュワッと溢れ出るぐらいのふわしっとりに仕上げています自家製紅生姜を桜の花びらに見立ててカットし添えて「桜と実山椒むすび梅むすび」 桜の塩漬けと実山椒の醤油漬けを使ったおむすびと、Two kinds of rice balls mixed with homemade pickled plums and yukari and wasabi。 "Fried fillet with mozzarella"、"Potesara with smoked bacon" Stretch out by pounding the fillet of brocade chicken with an open、Cut sliced mozzarella cheese into thin strips, bundle and roll、Fried fillet battered and fried in rice oil。It's delicious without sauce, but、Served with dry habanero tomato sauce。Diced smoked bacon with onions、Stir-fry with carrots、Potesara is perfect for applying sake to coarsely crushed potato salad! "Lotus root and carrot boiled pork"、"Beniharuka no University Potato" A Japanese side dish made by simmering lotus root without lye and boiled carrots in pork soboro to a spicy taste.、Beniharuka sweet potatoes are fried with skin、Cane sugar、Mirin、Soy sauce、a pinch of salt、炒り胡麻を煮詰めたタレに絡ませて作る甘塩っぱい大学芋「小メロンと赤甘坊トマトのピクルス」 シャンパーニュ「アンリ・デュボワ・ブリュット(Henri Dubois Brut)」 淡い緑がかった薄黄緑色元気な泡がリズミカルに踊るシャンパーニュレモンの香りから、White peach and herbal spices。The sourness blended well and the sweetness of the fruit are felt.、You can enjoy the refreshing taste! A cup while feeling the pleasant spring breeze、Taste of bliss。 The cherry blossom pattern reflected through the glass is also wonderful.。 If you prepare fillet and sweet potato for chocolate、今日一番に目を輝かせておねだりしてきます周囲を見渡せばプロのカメラマンの姿も多く皆さん桜との撮影を楽しまれているようです! 丁度友人であるカメラマンで「GRAPHYS(グラフィーズ)」代表の杉瀬宏昌くんにも出会しました数ヶ月に一度開催されている1,000円フォトが好評のようでこの日の撮影も朝から日が暮れるまでおよそ30組の方々が予約をされているようです澄んだ青空と桜を背景にナチュラルな表情をおさえてくれる1,000円フォト、That's a wonderful initiative! At the entrance ceremony commemorative photo、The school bag on my back still feels big、You can see ♪ the newcomers taking pictures before the wedding.。 Now is the best time to see it、Somei Yoshino in full bloom。 It's only a matter of time before they turn into cherry blossoms.。 At noon、The number of people has started to increase even more.、The bustling shore of Lake Samei。 Cherry blossoms swaying under the gentle breeze。 The center of the freshly blossoming Yoshino cherry is、Although it has a slight greenish color、It seems that it changes to a light red color when it is scattered.。In the same way, the color of the petals changes from white to pink, which is a sign of scattering.。 In the occasional blizzard of cherry blossoms、The ephemeral production of the scattering cherry blossoms is also engraved in the heart.。 Outdoor chair on seat、ネストテーブルと荷物は多いけれど佐鳴湖まで徒歩圏内と何往復も容易にできる我が家だからこそ成せる技足りないものがあれば直ぐに取りに戻れトイレも心配無用です! ショコラにとっては4回目となる佐鳴湖の桜犬を連れる家族の姿も多く、Lake Samei is a wonderful environment for dogs。 I sincerely ♪ hope that there will be more and more environments where you can spend time with your dog.、Sleep demon is coming。 Chocolat also squints below the knees、Dreamy expression。 「まめやかふぇ」の淹れたてコーヒー「ゴールデンマンデリン」を持参し眠気覚ましに一杯コーヒーのお供には「リンツ」のチョコレートを春爛漫愛犬ショコラと過ごす長閑な休日また来年も一緒にお花見しようね♪...

Bring your own lunch with your dog and enjoy the cherry blossom viewing at Lake Sanari, within walking distance of our house.

Go to Sanaruko Park, within walking distance of my house.、It is cherry blossom viewing with the pet dog chocolat by bringing the lunch by hand! This year's cherry blossoms on the west bank of Lake Sanari、There is a delay of one to two weeks from last year or because of the effects of a warm winter.、4It's finally in full bloom at the beginning of the month! Prevention of infection of the new coronavirus、4From the moon, especially raise awareness、Even in my house, i have continued to live in a cage.、To touch the outside air when the weather is good、Thank you for the environment where you can change your mind with your dog Chocolat and Sannako Wanpo! Cherry blossoms shining in the blue sky、Dandelion shimmering on the grass、With the strength of various trees sprouting、A natural environment that gives us healing、Sanaruko Lake。 Kawazu cherry blossoms are in full bloom as soon as possible.、After that, Somei Yoshino and Oshima Cherry Blossoms、Yaezakura in Yamazakura、In spring on the shore of Lake Sanaru, where you can enjoy about 700 cherry trees in order, such as red te-don、It is crowded with a lot of cherry blossom viewing visitors originally.、This year, it's a little more than a chillahola.、互いに距離を取り合っての鑑賞となります! この日(2020/4/10 Fri)は天候に恵まれ気温も暖かかったため、I was seen many people who took a walk, too.、わたし達はアウトドア用チェアとチャチャッと御手製弁当を作って持参! 《佐鳴湖御手製花見弁当2020》 ・二色手毬(山形県産秘伝豆と桜の塩漬け酢飯、Remi Hirano's all-purpose sauce with nira soy sauce and thymejako large cigars) ・ dashi roll egg (egg)、Chiyo's Best、It's white.、Sugar、Green Onion、Cherry-shaped red ginger) ・ Deep-fried chicken (Nishikiso chicken)、Soy Sauce Dark Mouth of Anantani from Toyama Prefecture、Japanese sake、Garlic、Ginger) ・ Mini tomatoes and eggplants from Kinko Farm、Cherry tomato、Paprika、Homemade pickles of pepper caponata, herbs and spices (Hamamatsu cellies)、Carrot、Paprika、Radish) and pickled pepper (soy sauce in Ananya, Toyama Prefecture)、Pepper、Salted kelp、Sesame oil) - Chinese soup of wakame and green persimmons Commemorative photo while defending the likely to be deprived of dashi rolled egg to your dog Chocolat! I asked Chocolat to settle down with a dog snack.、Taking a deep breath in the clear air of a pleasant spring breeze、儚く咲き誇る桜を愛でる美味しいひととき! ショコラと過ごす初めての佐鳴湖の花見家に居る時よりも伸び伸びと走り回れて御満悦のショコラが伺えて嬉しい限りです! 今年は昨年の花見とは違い、I felt lonely that it became a cherry blossom viewing that no one of my friends could invite.、This destination、I think that I was able to spend time to feel the welcome of nature quietly without worrying only by the family.。 The next year、I'm looking forward to having a fun cherry blossom viewing with many of you!...

The wind played with cherry blossom breeze and sparkling Lake! Enjoy cherry blossom viewing, sound shore party 2019

Kawazu cherry blossoms are in full bloom as soon as possible.、After that, Somei Yoshino and Oshima Cherry Blossoms、Yaezakura in Yamazakura、In spring on the shore of Lake Sanaru, where you can enjoy about 700 cherry trees in order, such as red te-don、It is crowded with many cherry blossom viewers! Since our house moved within a few minutes' walk of Lake Sanaru in October of last year、This year, I was able to fully enjoy the first "Sanaruko Hanami" with many friends! Speaking of cherry blossom viewing in Hamamatsu、The Hamamatsu Castle Park that I visited last year also looks like a castle.、But there were lots of challenges, such as the long line here but scenes abound in person while in place of struggling and secure car、This year is a quiet residential area, ringing around not knowing because of congestion in、Having that kind of time to admire the cherry blossoms gently thanks! Here's the best location! Fixed location、Near the rowing ground on the west shore of Lake Sanaru, which is the closest to my home! Unlike the Sanaruko Park side, this is an ideal environment that says that there is no need for a battle and the toilet is close! Every year、I'm enjoying making cherry blossom viewing bento.、This is most often has challenged 15 servings、This is truly hard, get up 3:00 morning、That had been reduced to a MOM with the deli、I was able to improve by getting the point every time I repeated the number of times to make a bento! Cheers Champagne at Bernard Remy Carte Branches Brut at WINE BOUTIQUE PANIER (Wine Boutique Pannier) Sanardai Honten! The family-run champagne maison Bernard Remy is based in the alman village of Armand in the Cote des Blanc, south of Eperne, France! Pinot Noir 60%、Chardonnay 35%、The Maison's standard cuvee, built at 5% Pinot Meunier,、You can enjoy a refreshing taste with a scent like lime and honey with creamy foaming! [Hanami Bento Menu] With it taste-friendly and easy to eat even when it cools down、I finished it in colorful cherry blossom viewing bento! Yuzu-maki egg (egg)、It's golden.、It's white.、Nagatoro、Snap peas、Sakura-type red ginger) fried chicken and fried shrimp (soy sauce from Anambaya from Toyama Prefecture)、Black Tiger and Tartar Sauce) Shrimp and Cheese Stick Spring Roll ,1 Shrimp, Loin Ham and Pakchi、2 Salmon, Cheese and Large Leaves、Vegetables are mizuna and pepper.、Red and Orange Paprika) Ham Salad (Hamon Serrano)、Handsome Red、Potherb mustard、Celery、Brocorise Prout) Yume Herb Pork Chashu and Boiled Egg Boiled Egg (Takewa Pepper)、Onion、Ginger、Shrimp、Carrot beef bowl) spicy meat potatoes made by the husband (potatoes)、Carrot、Onion、Pork、Snap Peas) Soaked Spinach from The Husband (Soy Sauce from Ananya, Toyama Prefecture)、Golden soup stock、It's white.、Hon-No-bushi) Three-colored rice-made rice-savbre (1 sakura starch with shrimp and bonito and bonito soup maro vinegar、Cherry Blossom Salted Ornament (2) Yamagata Prefecture Secret Beans and Crispy Ume Shiso、3 rice chicken soboro-wa、Silky egg、Sakura-type ham) Pork loin roll with asparagus, crab, spicy salmon and tomato Indian curry and baguette (cumin)、Mustard Seeds、Coriander、Turmeric、Garam Masala、Chili Peppers、Cardamom、Ginger、Garlic) Duck Fillet Cutlet Sandwich (Dream Herb Pork Fillet、Iptodo raw bread、Cabbage、Hamamatsu Trii Sauce) Mini American Dock for Children (HM、Fish Sausage、Tomato ketchup) 3 kinds of pickles (1 pickles of pepper, salted kombu and red pepper)、2 Pickled pepper, celery, carrot and red radish、Assorted cheese and dried fruit (1 Hokkaido Co-working School Of Shintoku Farm white mold type "Coban"、2Sakura, a seasonal product of Hokkaido Co-working School Shintoku Farm、3 Dry Mango and Branched Raisins (Hot) Golden Dashi and Toro kombu Sweet aoi Daifuku (Shohime)、Koshian、White ball flour) Fresh green sprouts、心地良い風が吹く季節到来! 佐鳴湖湖畔の芝の上で足を伸ばして風情溢れる桜の舞いと湖畔の雄大な景色をバックにのんびりと穏やかな午後のひとときを楽しめます! 今年も沢山の楽しい花見会が出来ました!また来年お会いしましょう!...

"Cherry Blossom Festival" Sakura Sakura 340 at Hamamatsu Castle Park at Cherry Blossom Festival

17 years of Castle to Tokugawa Ieyasu, and、To the "Cherry Blossom Festival" held from Sunday, March 25 to Sunday, April 8, 2018 at "Hamamatsu Castle Park" where the success castle which became the origin of the Edo shogunate 300 years is located! This is it.、Weeping cherry tree to cherry heart、Wild cherry、Oshima cherry tree, and decorated with approximately 340 cherry、Pick up in full bloom at their best will be、Hamamatsu Castle Park cherry red! Currently held "Cherry Blossom Festival" the hit many restaurants and souvenir stalls during the period in、For the cherry blossom pattern located approximately 550 also placed、It enhances the festive mood! On this day、Spread to the right from the entrance of Hamamatsu City Hall square、Secure a special seat where you can see the cherry blossoms while looking at the castle! Spreading the "Hanami Bento" made with assorting and affectionately、It's a toast in the afternoon! "Hanami Bento" Teki Sushi (Crab Meat)、Octopus、Rape blossoms)、Egg soup volume、 Cherry cut pickled ginger、Hachiman wrapped with chicken、Greens with Sesame、Argentina plum Meat shiso roll FRY、Kaneko farm tomatoes、Snap peas、Sweet and sour pickled Japanese ginger、Strawberry、Cherry Blossom tea。   Warm and warm cherry blossom day。The children are busy enjoying the tag in、Enjoy the rose red pink、You can ♪ feel a feeling warm when the sun starts to set, I feel a little chilly、Order "Soy Sauce Ramen" of Tenryu "Sai-to", which was opened at yatai ramen to warm the cold body! The old-fashioned taste and warm soup gently permeated the stomach、Stalls in the Cup because of、When you eat, the design of bikimon is given and there is a florise! Starbucks Coffee Hamamatsu Castle Park is under construction at the main entrance.、4/10Is scheduled to open in (Tuesday)。Starbucks standing in the forest is a pleasure! Because there are many visitors from outside the prefecture during the cherry blossom season、For the free parking has caused traffic jam even on weekdays, regardless of weekends and public holidays、Please come with plenty of time! Hamamatsu Castle Park Address: 100-2 Motojocho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka PREFECTURE TEL:053-473-1829 Opening hours:8:30~ 16:30 Parking lot:Hamamatsu Castle Park visitors free (8:00-21:00Holidays:12May 29, 30, 31...

Weeping in full bloom at the Yoshida House while Japan garden with cherry blossom

コンクリート打ち放しの業界で全国区であったニチエー吉田(※現在木内建設が事業継承)の社長を務められていた吉田晃(よしだあきら)さんの御宅にて行われた2014年花見会に夫婦でお呼ばれして参りました♪ 浜松近辺の桜は先週末でそろそろ葉桜に変わりつつあり、At last look, there will、吉田邸の玄関までのアプローチ先に咲くしだれ桜は、Exactly what is in full bloom at their best、この日は天候にも恵まれ絶好のお花見日和です♪ 色濃い蕾、It's beautiful with pale pink petals、Soft branches are shaken by the wind、たおやかな姿を魅せてくれます♪ 吉田邸といえば、This beautifully in the Japan grounds。Valuable Japanese red pine, Plum, started.、You can enjoy the wonderful well-kept garden。Last time I introduced the light up the night、Bathed in the warm sunshine of the day、鮮やかな緑がキラキラと輝く様子もまた美しい眺めです♪ お庭中央に植えられた立派な赤松をはじめ、Enjoy the four seasons trees and flowers。The Yoshida House、Even looking out from the window where、緑が視界に入るよう癒しの空間として工夫されています♪ 吉田さんが44歳の時、When approximately 37 years ago built his house here、離れの一角に茶室を設けようと、Has been relocated from Kyoto。Appointed special love garden tea house in peaceful Japan garden while in pause。またお茶会も開きたいものですね♪ 主催の吉田さんより花見会のご挨拶と乾杯の掛け声が入ります好きが高じて利き酒師の資格をお持ちの吉田さんですが、This day is often 嗜ma non-Japanese sake's sake、とても楽しそうにお過ごしでした♪ 吉田さんのお隣さんでもある「丸八不動産グループ」の会長である平野修さんと奥様の淳子さん。In addition to、お声をかけてお集まりいただいた皆様と楽しい休日の午後をご一緒させていただきます♪ 「鳥善・一水庵」さんのお弁当をいただいた後に、Under cherry blossom。Dream of spring for flavors、Could spend a blissful holiday。Mr. Yoshida、Everyone was together thank you ♪ day、After this second blossom ladder。その模様は次の記事にて紹介します♪...

One foot at the miyakoda Research Park full of greenery ahead and cherry blossom viewing picnic

To create a magnificent landscape as the doorway of the miyakoda area、魅力ある公園施設が充実している「都田総合公園」内に設置されているお花見園地には、To enjoy the four seasons throughout the year and planted flower variety、3Cherry blossoms flowered throughout the country at the end of the month is here、ソメイヨシノが見られます。Is this cherry tree planting、平成16年に行われたようでまだまだ背丈は低めで可愛らしい姿です♪ この日は、Is the wind was blowing strongly、Because it was warm and warm weather out your way like、To feel the spring ahead one step、お弁当を持参して都田総合公園にて桜のお花見をして参りました♪ 染井吉野 ソメイヨシノの花言葉は「衰えぬ気品誇り高い」 染井吉野(ソメイヨシノ)は、Believed was born through natural mating of Oshima Cherry (Prunus Speciosa) and Edo-Zakura much (sightseeing nature)。In the Edo period was introduced as a "Garden" from gardener of somei village Edo (now Tokyo, Toshima-Ku)、 After that、NARA Yoshino cherry trees (Prunus jamasakura) and confusing for 'someiyoshino' came be known as seems。Now is 7: bloom、8Do you feel like blooming。Still there were trees bloom 5 minutes depending on location。Pale pink buds that have、The express whiteness begin to bloom and full of grace。But as the time too short, transience、この一時の開花を待ち望むのが日本人ならではといったところでしょうか♪ 都田総合公園には、Welcome to wooden tables and benches can be used freely。Think good Golon on the lawn、On this day、Keep her from falling dishes and glasses、テーブルをお借りしました♪ 「モンテベッロ スプマンテ ビアンコ」 この劇的スパークリングを造るのは、 Berend's comics morning magazine in appeared in the wildly popular "Kami no shizuku"。At Rakuten、"At a celebrity party specified use that Armani! "、In addition to "best luxury 3-star restaurant even warrant! "That the aromatic, fruity and pleasant press was sold at the advertised flick (lol)、Refreshing taste and is spreading.、Characterized by the taste still lingering! By the cherry blossom、To improve your mood、Because it was put fresh strawberries in abundance、さらにフルーティーな味わいに変化しています♪ 今回はお友達の綾子さんをお誘いして3人で乾杯!昼から青空の下でのシュワシュワ最高ですね♪ 「バーニャカウダ」 スペイン産のニンニク「アホモラード」で作ったばかりのバーニャカウダソースで、Daikon radish、Carrot、Radish、Green asparagus、Green beans、Mushroom、菜の花をいただきます♪ 「鶏胸肉のバジルチーズ隠元巻き」 レシピはこちらをクリック! 「ハーブ入りウィンナー」 ボイルしてからフライパンで軽く焦げ目を付けてマイユの粒マスタードを添えて♪ 「3種のサンドイッチ」 アボカドエッグサンド、The sandbox、スモークハムとレタスサンド サンドイッチは外で食べるとパンがカピカピになるのが早いことが判明しました!食べる直前までラップは必需品のようです(笑)それでも天候に恵まれ、Also that weekend、Because the surroundings were lively with many families with children、While tasting the relaxed air、ほっこりとした気分で一足早いお花見が楽しめて良かったです♪今年はあと何回お花見できるかなぁ~♪ 一般財団法人 浜松公園緑地協会

Also, one of the feast.、Such boxes wanted

桜の花びらがひらりひらりと舞い降りる4月のうららかな春の訪れと共に 日本風情の代表格とも言える「花見」の季節をあなたは楽しまれているだろうか桜の開花情報が流れどこか心の奥で浮き足立つ感情を抑えきれず 「ねえねえお花見いつしようか・・・」と口々にするのは日本人ならではの習慣の一部であろう桜並木を手をつなぎ歩くカップルを見てごらん絶えず笑みがこぼれる彼女の頬はほんのり桜色に彩られ初々しさを感じるよ公園に咲き誇る大きな桜の木の下でくつろぐ家族を見てごらん舞い散る花びらを一枚ずつ拾い集めては、 "My mom、これ絵本にしまうの」と娘の成長を喜ぶ夫婦の微笑ましい笑みが浮かぶね花見の席で場所取りという大役を授かった新入社員を見てごらん休日の朝早くに眠い目をこすりながら必死に陣地取りに励む爽々とした姿があるだろうこうした様々な顔が見れる中桜は一体どんな想いで幾年も幾年もあれほどまでに綺麗な花を咲かせるのだろう桜の幹にそっと寄り添いふとそんなことを考えてみた今週末ぐらいがきっと見納めになるであろう花見そして花見に欠かせないのがお弁当そこで今回一つご紹介しておきたい物がある「器もご馳走のひとつ」とし日本の文化を感じ晴れやかな時を演出する為に その佇まいにも気を配ることの想いを大切にされたお重箱の存在を※写真六角重 朱塗 (二段)と漆器取り皿4枚のセット(税込73,500円) 宮内庁御用達 漆器 山田平安堂

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