Fukuroi, home roasted coffee bean shop "Mameyakafu" For the procurement of freshly roasted fragrant coffee beans!

A hideaway home-roasted coffee bean shop "Mameyakafu" is just along the road through Yuzanji Temple in Fukuroi。My friend and his wife, Hama-chan, Nintoku Hamakoji, and his wife, Akemi, run it.、A shop of freshly roasted coffee beans with a high-scented commitment。In the Western Prefecture, not to mention restaurants and cafes、Apparel and beauty salon、Not limited to grocery stores, such as food and beverage outlets、There are countless places where coffee beans are purchased from "Mameyakafu"、多くのコーヒーラヴァーに愛されている自家焙煎珈琲豆の専門店です! 昨年11月に店前の駐車場周辺とガーデンを一新されており、Replanting new plants、The crushed stone laid in the parking lot has been changed to the raw bean color of coffee! This iron sign has not changed since the beginning of the opening、Today we are welcoming a lot of coffee lovers.。 When you enter the store, the fragrant scent of coffee is in、The heart is relaxed, calm and healed。This system is、Select your favorite from the raw beans lined up in the store、Commitment to roasting every order。If you specify the date and time by phone reservation in advance, "I will go to pick it up in ◯◯"、Because I roast it according to the time、お急ぎの方は電話予約をされるのが確実です! 商品棚には、Coffee goods and gift boxes that can be used for gifts are also available、Perfect for a small souvenir! The phantom coffee "Toraja" was sold at a special price for a limited time as a special sale of the new year from Thursday, January 6 to Monday, January 10 this year.、It was sold out in no time! During that period,、If you bring a New Year's card postcard sent from "Mameyakafu", there is also a plan of large-board behavior called "original canister present"、We also got a black canister early in the new year.、我が家で愛用しています! 珈琲豆は世界各地から選りすぐりの生豆を選定され、In addition to original blends and seasonal ones that can be prepared as standard regardless of the season、Because it is prepared a wide range of single origins of attention、きっと好みの味わいを見つけられるはず! 今月の新作豆は安定の美味しさを誇る「カレンゲラ(ルワンダ産)」200g 1,000円が入荷しています! 店頭に並ぶ新鮮な生豆たち。Each bean has its own characteristics.、Brazil and Colombia、Indonesia、Ethiopia、Tanzania、Costa Rica、Papua New Guinea, etc.、常時20種以上に及ぶ世界中の美味しい珈琲が厳選されています! ブラジルやグアテマラ、Visit coffee bean production areas such as Costa Rica、After confirming the quality directly、Because it is contracted with a farm that produces high-quality raw beans、安心のクオリティとなります! 焙煎される珈琲豆を待つ間、Delicious freshly brewed service coffee is also a major feature of "Mameyakafu"。In small children put out hot chocolate instead of coffee and、Because it is a very nice service, there are many houses that go out to buy coffee beans with the whole family。However,、Should not be confused、That is not a cafe。Shops purchase coffee beans only.。New staff are also on the way.、ハンドドリップコーヒーのトレーニングも兼ねて淹れてくれます! カフェではないのに、A cup of coffee to taste。Caffeine and allergies、If you are not good at coffee other than religiously...、I would like you to know "Mameyakafu" by all means。I was a person who could not drink coffee in black until I was a good age.。However,、A dozen years ago my friend introduced me here.、I woke up to the deliciousness of coffee by knowing the cup here! now、The presence of coffee、Became one of the essential items to taste a blissful time。 「まめやブレンド」 この日、It was brewed by "Mameya Blend"。The most popular "Mameya Blend" becomes a well-balanced taste with a mild finish、200g 780円と価格的にもかなりお求めやすいオリジナルブレンドです! 店内はひっきりなしに入れ替わるお客さんで賑わい、Most of them are familiar regular customers。Many people come to enjoy conversations with Hama-chan and Akemi, who are knowledgeable shopkeepers、We're not just about coffee, we、いつも色々な刺激をもらえる素敵な友人夫妻です! 「まめやかふぇ」は同じ袋井市内に姉妹店があり株式会社プランエコが運営する産地直送型ファーマーズマーケットの「とれたて倶楽部」内にある「2961COFFEE」と「Drink Magic」でも美味しいコーヒーやスイーツが楽しめます! 他にも、Spreading the joy of coffee、It has been set up at various "coffee festivals" and events.、"Coffee classes" and "coffee salons" are also held irregularly.、新着情報をまめやかふぇのInstagramでチェックしておきましょう! テラス席はワンコ同伴OKということもあり、My dog Chocolat also visits with me from time to time。It's still chilly, but、もう少し暖かくなったら連れて行きたいと思います! 今回購入した珈琲豆はこちらの3種類①「コフィア・ディベルサ農園(コスタリカ産)」200g 1,980円 農園主のゴンザロ氏はコーヒーハンターとして世界的に有名な人物である。More than 200 varieties from all over the world are grown on his farm.、It is said that the number is the highest in the world。Among them、It's a wonderful scent that is very mellow.、We succeeded in harvesting "Poo Pra Sen", which is said to be very difficult to cultivate。It is a rare coffee that is rarely sold and difficult to obtain。 ②「マラウイ(マラウイ共和国産)」200g 1,000円 アフリカの小さな国マラウイ。Geisha variety with fruity taste。 ③「アマレイロブルボン(ブラジル産)」200g 880円 アマレイロとは黄色を意味し、Bourbon is a variety。Rare Bourbon variety with yellow fruits。It has a sweet aroma with a chocolate-like flavor and a soft richness。 From classic coffee beans to rare beans that are always indispensable、Get coffee beans to enjoy your daily coffee time again this month。Valentine's Day may soon be coming.、Days seduced by sweet scents。コーヒーと相性抜群のチョコレートとも一緒に楽しみたいと思います! まめやかふぇ 住所静岡県袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation:10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesdays (there are holidays in addition to every Tuesday):まめやかふぇInstagramの休日カレンダーをご確認ください) 駐車場:Yes (free) http://www.mameyacafe.com/...

Fukuroi home roasting coffee beans ya new beans on Mame and Japanese restaurant "newguineapeaberry"

袋井の油山寺へぬける道沿いをちょっと入ったところにある隠れ家的な自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さん。My friend and his wife, Hama-chan, Nintoku Hamakoji, and his wife, Akemi, run it.、香り高いこだわりの煎り立ての自家焙煎珈琲豆がいただけるお店。In the Western Prefecture, not to mention restaurants and cafes、Apparel and beauty salon、Not limited to grocery stores, such as food and beverage outlets、まめやかふぇさんから珈琲豆を仕入れているところも少なくはなく多くのファンに愛されている自家焙煎珈琲豆の専門店となります♪ こちらでは、Pick select from the raw beans are always lined up on store shelves、Roasted to order from that commitment Buri。While waiting for the coffee beans are roasted、Will treat his wife Akemi delicious freshly brewed coffee。In small children put out hot chocolate instead of coffee and、Is your family go out to buy coffee beans in the family total putting out very good service so many。However,、Should not be confused、That is not a cafe。Shops purchase coffee beans only.。Telephone booking in advance by going to get when you date、Because it will make the suit at that time、お急ぎの方は電話予約をされるのが確実です♪ 2月の新作豆「ニューギニアピーベリー」 今回のハマちゃんお勧めの珈琲豆は、2月の新作豆「ニューギニアピーベリー」200g 980円ですバイトスタッフの久野裕太郎くんが美味しく淹れてくれました。Deep coffee、How to roast、How to grind、Stand the smell or taste depends on the temperature and speed way。久野くんの好みの淹れ方と明美さんの好みとわたし達の好みの味わいを話し合いながら、After age 30 coffee controversy (lol)、Was drinking coffee at last I was weak、まめやかふぇさんの美味しいコーヒーのおかげです♪ 2月の新作豆「ニューギニアピーベリー」200g 980円 2月の新作豆「ニューギニアピーベリー」。Coffee beans、Usually one fruit in two bean (seed) is a flat surface to face no deposit is、Rarely and only 1 Tablet、The beans called peaberry (whole beans in Japan)、Rarities are。このニューギニアピーベリーは、Is a distinctive aroma.、Refreshing gentle acidity and rich flavor、Peaberry seems deep filled with flavor is spread.、とてもバランスの良い美味しいコーヒーです♪ Kalitaのミルで手挽き 煎りたて挽きたての新鮮な豆は、95℃前後のお湯を注ぐとふわぁ~っと膨らみ、Visit smells so blissful hours。During the winter,、So easy with cold、Always warm with hot water prior to。First of all,、In order to maximize the flavor of coffee、Infuse for 20 seconds or so, go around the whole coffee beans ground just hot water to become familiar。After that、Outward from the center of small circles around "delicious enough I-is!" and thought not, pour。Disconnect the Dripper pour up to dosage、Be careful do not dropped until the end。The condition of the delicious coffee (there may be cut off and graininess, to appear on the coffee flavor)、Roasted fresh、Freshly ground、淹れたての三拍子ですね♪ 「竹炭と十穀のかりんとう」(まめまやかふぇ販売) 竹炭と十穀のかりんとうは、Using natural yeast and wheat country、And finishing with your own cask、' Tis、Brown rice、Such as acne is a savory pumpkin 10 grains karinto。Akō salt is effective、カリッとした食感の中に甘味と塩気のバランスが良く美味しいかりんとうでコーヒーとの相性も抜群です♪ 「ニューギニアピーベリー」と「竹炭と十穀のかりんとう」 ハマちゃん、Akemi、Kuno-Kun、いつも美味しいコーヒーをありがとう♪ まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's http://www.mameyacafe.com/...

Cosmos coffee home roasting coffee roaster coffee fragrance selection of baked goods

牧之原の国道150号線の静波海岸入口の交差点(実家の食事処 峰の交差点)を真っ直ぐ海岸へ向かい、1本目の十字路交差点を右折したところにある自家焙煎珈琲屋「COSMOS COFFEE コスモスコーヒー」さん。The original、In the owner's family 橋向、Extend your shop was started from a small shack、After the relocation of 2 號舖 eyes on Jing-Bo、さらに2013年10月新たに近隣に新居兼コーヒーショップを構えられ、Is a specialty store for home roasting coffee that attracts not only local but also many coffee fun。All big house 1st floor space has become shop、Co. also provided、オーナーである蒔田大祐さんのこだわりのコーヒーと奥様の作られる美味しいケーキや焼き菓子をいただけます。Parking is in front of me is equipped with、遠方からの来店も安心です♪ 店内は、Warm natural wood grain an.、オーナーの蒔田さんが淹れる姿が目前にできるカウンター席とテーブル席合わせて22席とゆったりしています。Serving counters、20About roasting green coffee beans are sorted and、There is a menu、直接蒔田さんに好みを伝えても良いですし、Can interest smell and roasting at the show。Coffee beans、良心的にも100gから購入が可能で自宅にもしミルが無ければその場で挽いていただき自分で挽かれる方は豆のままの購入をお勧めします♪ この日は、Interviewed after the evening for、店内は静かで焙煎室で入荷仕立ての珈琲豆を焙煎している蒔田さんの姿がありました。And、丁寧に一粒一粒確認するようにダブルハンドピックを施していらっしゃいます。Lovingly, over the effort.、一杯の美味しいコーヒーが誕生いたします♪ 先日正月休みに実家に帰省した際にいただいた珈琲と焼き菓子が大変美味しかったために、If you again go back to my parents ' House、Buy sweets and baking。However,、Still a popular place for、You must be early showcase pastries and baked goods are made much scarce become like。お目当ての「コーヒーメレンゲ」はありませんでしたが他の焼き菓子を数点セレクトしました♪ 「フロランタン」250円 厚焼きサブレの上にアーモンドスライスたっぷりのキャラメルをかけて焼き上げています「チョコチップサブレ」120円 チョコチップとオレンジピールをサクサクのサブレと共に焼き上げています「メイプルサブレ」100円 品の良い風味のカナダ産メイプルシュガーを贅沢に焼き上げています「ダブルチョコチャンク」160円 ココアクッキーにチョコチップをたっぷり入れて焼き上げています「チョコボール」250円 サクサク食感のクッキーをチョコレートでコーティングしています「マドレーヌ(プレーン)」150円 たまご風味豊かに昔ながらのシンプルなお菓子「スノーボール」250円 粉砂糖で雪化粧したアーモンドスライス入りクッキーです「マグフォリアブレンド」100g 700円と「焼き菓子」 前回いただいた「マグフォリアブレンド」は藤枝にあるこだわりのスニーカー屋「sneaker-café MAGFORLIA マグフォリア」さんとのコラボレーションブレンドで、Taste the bitter impact of a dark roast、Sauce and baked goods is also good。実家に帰る時にまた立ち寄りたいと思います!蒔田さんありがとうございました♪ COSMOS COFFEE コスモスコーヒー 静岡県牧之原市静波2263-6 TEL:0548-22-6685 Opening hours Mon-Fri 12:00-21:00、Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 10:00-21:00( L.O.20:30) Closed:Tuesday's http://cosmoscoffee.jimdo.com/...

Fukuroi home roasting coffee beans ya blister "and" Japanese restaurant to byte staff appeared a new!

袋井の油山寺へぬける道沿いをちょっと入ったところにある隠れ家的な自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さん。My friend and his wife, Hama-chan, Nintoku Hamakoji, and his wife, Akemi, run it.、香り高いこだわりの煎り立ての自家焙煎珈琲豆がいただけるお店。In the Western Prefecture, not to mention restaurants and cafes、Apparel and beauty salon、Not limited to grocery stores, such as food and beverage outlets、まめやかふぇさんから珈琲豆を仕入れているところも少なくはなく多くのファンに愛されている自家焙煎珈琲豆の専門店となります♪ こちらでは、Pick select from the raw beans are always lined up on store shelves、Roasted to order from that commitment Buri。While waiting for the coffee beans are roasted、Will treat his wife Akemi delicious freshly brewed coffee。In small children put out hot chocolate instead of coffee and、Is your family go out to buy coffee beans in the family total putting out very good service so many。However,、Should not be confused、That is not a cafe。Shops purchase coffee beans only.。Telephone booking in advance by going to get when you date、Because it will make the suit at that time、お急ぎの方は電話予約をされるのが確実です♪ 時期的に店内にはお歳暮やお年賀としての贈答品を注文されるお客様も少なくないため珈琲豆と一緒にチョコを詰め合わせる方も多いです挽きたての美味しいコーヒーにリンツチョコの組み合わせ、Will be surely pleased。まめやかふぇさんで取り扱っているリンツチョコはスイス人のロドルフ・リンツによって生まれた世界中で愛されているチョコレートです♪ 「グアヤボ農園(グァテマラ)」 「グアヤボ農園(グァテマラ)」200g 980円 原産国は中南米のグァテマラ農園名は“プラン・デル・グアヤボ農園”。It runs by car from the capital guatemarashiti about 4 hours、New Oriente region close to the border with Honduras、Located at the foot of the small village of 2000 people too "Cuesta del guayabo"。Elevation of the plantation of 1400-1600、More like mountain feels pretty steep cannot use the machine on a farm、It's all manual。この豆は“パカマラ”という品種で、Popular for years next to a scarce breed、Features a very large beans。Small handsaw mill as it may 挽kenai。Recommend roasting than the roast in a shallow。甘く透明感のある香りは絶品! この日は新しくバイトで入ったお洒落で爽やかなイケメン久野裕太郎くんがグアヤボ農園を美味しく淹れてくれました!ゆっくりとその珈琲の特性を活かし、But tasted more like thanks for drip onto the response was very impressive。Overseas experiences, such as the United States and Canada、帰国後に「いずれは自分の珈琲屋を出したい」と、Big dream for、目下まめやかふぇさんで修行の日々を送られています。Hama-Chan from the learn more、To Akemi and encouragement to MOM, though (lol)、I am looking forward serving coffee in the shop of his day will come! Hama-CHAN、Akemi、Kuno-Kun、また顔出しに行きますね~♪ まめやかふぇ 袋井市村松2607 TEL:0538-42-7222 Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's http://www.mameyacafe.com/...

Home roasting coffee beans specialty shops & Cafe noncurante nonclante this month recommended beans

In the quiet residential area of tomizuka sat quietly、"noncurante" is a home-roasted coffee specialty store and café that offers delicious coffee, homemade sweets, and lunches as a home and shop。With Brazil started.、Aligns the selection of beans from around the world、You can enjoy the coffee with a deep taste by roasting the best for the bean.。In the shop、There is also a café booth.、Coffee recommended that day、Ma'am Homemade Sweets、Pasta and baguette pizza、Lunch with curry and gratin。Because the owner has Fran and Chianti, who are big dog standard poodle sisters.、Only the terrace seat has become OK with a dog、I see a lot of appearances of the visitor who enjoys taking the dog of the family。The name of the store "Nonkrante" is、It is said that it was named ♪ from the owner's desire to "provide a carefree time so that you can spend a rich time" Roasting is ordered and then put on the roaster on the spot.、5Completed in a minute。It is best to leave the depth of roasting to us.、It is also possible ♪ to adapt it to your liking in the store.、With woody construction full of warmth、6 counter seats、Table 8 seats、It is wrapped in the smell of coffee with about 12 seats on the terrace and can spend a quiet time.。At the counter、Hand drip carefully one cup by the owner for each order、Because the taste may change due to weather and humidity,、The commitment to provide after tasting properly。Roasting、You can also ♪ enjoy the aromatic taste of freshly ground coffee here There are always more than 20 kinds of green beans lined up.、Each taste is written in a easy-to-understand way.。All prices include tax, and orders can ♪ be ordered in units of 100g from 200g or more.、It is completely colored in the Color of Christmas、A pretty tree and a small thing are put in a good sense.。There are only a few days left in this year. ♪、12月20日(土)に予定しているクリスマスパーティで使用する100%有機栽培の甘い香りと優しい口当たりの珈琲豆「イサオ スズキ(有機)」200g 1,100円と今月のおすすめ品でブルボン種の最高級品であるシャープな酸味と香ばしさが楽しめる「トップスカイ」200g 1,200円をオーダー♪ 挽きたて淹れたてのコーヒーのお供として先日伺った名古屋のイタリアン「la vena del legno ラ ヴェーナ デル レンニョ」のパティシエールである奥様の智絵ちゃんよりいただいた「Foret フォーレ」さんのシュトーレンを一緒にいただこうと思います♪ 可愛らしいラッッピングで一気にクリスマスモードにスイッチが入れるシュトーレン。It seems that the owner of Mr. Foret is going to be changed generations, and the staff seems to be working mostly now.。There are many kinds of stollen and a mouthpiece、The taste and texture change depending on the ingredients and cooking procedures.。This is Storen.、Because it was made for the texture like biscotti、サクサク食感です♪ 「トップスカイ(ブルボン種)」と「シュトーレン」 シャープなすっきりとした酸味と香ばしいナッツのような香りが楽しめるブルボン種の最高級品「トップスカイ」には、It goes well with storen, which is packed with almonds and nuts.。Nonclante's new year's business、31日(水)の大晦日まで営業(ランチ営業無し)され、2015年の1月4日(日)からの営業(4日・5日・6日はランチ営業無し)となります香り高い珈琲と緩やかなひとときを味わうにはオススメのお店です♪ noncurante ノンクランテ 浜松市中区富塚町1618-120 TEL:053-473-0848 Hours of operation 10:30To 18:00 Closed on Mondays:Moon、Tuesday's http://homepage2.nifty.com/noncurante/...

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