In the Libran Re * blanc ' thank you ☆ love blood donation ' to join

Higashi-Ku, Hamamatsu with jade student to housing improvement and construction started.、キッチンや家具をプランニングからコーディネートまでを一環して行っているテイオー産業株式会社のショールームRe*blancさんが静岡県赤十字血液センターとコラボで春と秋の年2回にかけてありがとう☆愛の献血キャンペーンを開催しています。Today is the date of the spring。This campaign was started from the time、Continued after being changed to the current toshiki Otsuka's place、It's the 57th time today, so it's a great contribution.。1About 100 blood harvesters gather every day.。It was my first blood donation in a while.、I also take off one skin! ? I'm pleased to participate.。 In the afternoon, we had a lunch break.、13Many people participated in the reception even at the stage after 14:00 because it was from time to time。At the reception desk to fill out the questionnaire with personal information、Go to blood donation buses waiting in。 In the bus、Doctor's examination and measurement of blood pressure-blood density measurement、Receipt of blood type prior determination, blood donation (blood components 200 mL and 400 mL) → rest → donation card、The blood in such procedures。Up to 1,200ml per year for men、Women are required to donate up to 800 ml of blood annually.、It is said that those who donate blood will not be able to donate blood for 3 to 4 months.。To put it the other way,、You can donate blood 3-4 times a year! I've known that this is good.。 I、It is said that 400 ml of blood collection is possible because the health condition and weight are cleared this time。Drinks service、Loose stools in a reclining chair、Takes about 15 minutes。From the nurses who donate blood for beginners、It gently tells you about blood donation and points to note after donating blood.。 And as a blood donation benefit from the Red Cross、Even after donating blood, one juice was passed over.、Original towel of blood donation recommended character Ken next、Or I have a toothbrush present.。 Even more pleasingly, there is a present from the organizer, Teio Sangyo Co., Ltd.、フランスパンがもらえたり プラスもう1つ可愛いRe*blancさんのロゴが入った3色ペンが付いてきます。In addition to、I'm glad that if you draw a lottery at the store, you might win a nice prize.。Especially、There seem to be a lot of customers who are willing to participate in this pen every time.。 Mr. Otsuka says that he wants to continue this blood donation campaign that has been going on for more than 30 years since his last generation as much as possible in the future.。Many people know about the importance of donating blood、You're trying to provide an environment that's easy to participate in, isn't it?。Otsuka's knees are also known as cute toy poodles.。That、Momoko-chan is at the end of her life.。I like a dog、I enjoyed the afternoon with Mamerin.。Now、話は変わりますがladeのフォトギャラリーのカテゴリーの中にI LOVE PETを立ち上げることにしました。Your dog and your cat、I would like to introduce a family pet that is cute other than dogs and cats。「うちの子是非載せて~♪」という声もお問い合わせフォームにてドシドシお待ちしておりますね♪ さぁ皆さんも清き愛の献血にレッツゴー! テイオー産業株式会社 浜松市東区有玉西町2414-2 TEL:053-472-3219 ショールーム Re*blanc TEL:053-472-3550 静岡県赤十字血液センター

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