Healthy baked cheese cake in draining yogurt making

If my best friend all the way from Yaizu to come... and wake up and immediately、Ayaco, bake a cake and decided that。Originally、Like the dishes to make sense so that、So the rule of thumb and become sweet and deadly、Not too much expertise。But、Home suites is what is inside what is pretty self-explanatory.、It is safe。Actually,、I like a little whipped cream、Cheesecake is a favorite。Today、The introduction by draining yogurt healthy and easy baked cheesecake。Sweet, moist and ready.。レシピは下記をご覧ください♪ ヨーグルトで作るヘルシーなベイクドチーズケーキ 材料(20cmタルト型) (生地)クリームチーズ200g、Melted butter 30 g、Yogurt (plain) 100 g、1 eggs (total eggs)、1 egg yolk、砂糖70g 小麦粉(薄力粉)大さじ4レモン汁大さじ1 (クッキー台)ビスケット8枚(今回は森永ビスケットを使用)溶かしバター40g 作り方 1.クリームチーズは室温でやわらかく戻しておく。Chin's butter in the microwave。Dividing the egg mix。 2.Yogurt is put on kitchen paper plate monkey、Keep the Dish drainer。(* Before attempting to、Short time OK) 3.Preheat oven to 170 degrees。Put the biscuits into a ziploc bag, grind Pat with a cotton swab。 4.Put the melted butter in a zip-lock、揉mi込mi by hand, mix。Press to lay and sleep on a refrigerator。 5.Put cream cheese and melted butter in a bowl and mix with a hand blender、Drain yogurt、Sugar、Turn the eggs, stir well.。 6.In a bowl Mix flour with powdered home at swing put。Put lemon juice, mix in more。 7.Type out of the refrigerator the dough to put、Lightly tap and air out、170Bake for 40 minutes in the oven。 (For steam into the pot roast、型と一緒に置く※スチームオーブンの方は不必要) 8.型を少し揺らしながら型とクッキー底を離す。Take out heat、If kinta in the fridge and voila。...

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