World Heritage sites in Nepal ethnic music band "KUTUMBA" live.&Birthday party!

"Mani Keshab Narayan Chalk", which is part of the royal palace of "Durbar Square" in Patan, has been improved.、1997At patan museum opened in 1997、The other day、The live "MAGIC OF MUSIC" @PATAN MUSEUM of the Nepalese folk instrument band "KUTUMBA" to which the Sarangi player Kiran Nepali belongs, will be held.、All tour members pre-opening support! Live rates、1It is exceptional at 400 rupees (about 428 yen for Japan yen) for a person! A stage is set up in the courtyard of the Patan Museum.、100The venue seats or more seats are available! Enter include Nepal television coverage、The venue was filled with cameras on all sides! Bikram Shakya, a classmate of guide Naresh and a member of Patan City Hall,、He is a key person who connected me with Kiran Nepali, the most famous Sarangi player in Nepal! On this day、Bring system child and daughter, had come to cheer! Both father with WeGame、My beloved daughter who dressed up was very cute! Members preparing on stage、Our tour members、A big mission awaited us on this day! That is、Celebrating the 81st birthday of Noboru Sugiyama, the oldest member of the tour、Have a birthday party! To make Mr. Sugiyama happy when he celebrated his birthday while traveling、To raise a big birthday cake in advance、We will be a big celebration! It is affixed to the birthday cake、Candles with flowers is fire! At the same time and blow spark intense、From "KUTUMBA" preparing on stage、As a surprise, a "birthday song" was given, so everyone sang in chorus.、I sincerely congratulate Mr. Sugiyama on his continued health and enjoyment of life! We were introduced to Bepyn Bazracharya, the director of the Patan Museum! Including this live performance、The museum is planning various events! The venue started at 7 p.m. when the sun began to set.、Become a packed auditorium、Many of the standing room only crowd, is a great success! Beside the venue、Prepared food stalls、Alcohol and food is freely available for purchase! With no roof garden、Comfortable style、It will be a romantic venue because you can see the night sky! Percussion madal player Pavit Maharjan also MC、6We will introduce each of the first members! Raju Maharjyan of Newaree Drum、Metal percussionist Siddhartha Maharjyan、Fluteist Rubin Kumar Shrestha、Kiran Nepali from Sarangi、Arun Manandhar from Albajo! Sarangi player Kiran Nepali、Set "Sārangī" on the stand、The way they play while standing is cool and smart! Colorful lighting on red bricks、The stage starts with a bewitching image different from the atmosphere of the daytime! Because it's a folk instrument、Sound makes you feel nostalgia somewhere warm to dust comparatively here! Including Nepal folk songs arranged in contemporary music、It is played from the album song of "KUTUMBA"、2The songs are so cool! Madame, who became friends while watching the live performance in the front row,、Beret Bertilsdotter, who is in Nepal for about a month from Sweden! Who is the cheerful and adorable Mr. Berrett、Love traveling and hit it off with comrade、Come and visit Östersund in Sweden! I received a happy invitation! Get into the rhythm and the live show is exciting! And then! Our guide, Naresh, started dancing in the space in front of the stage! And then、Dance time starts to、To live music、To the elderly than to kids、Our audience is rising、Revelry! Hall was born in unity、Filled with enthusiasm、At the height of the !! I knew that Mr. Naresh was a cheerful person.、By unexpectedly popped、"Nature here present." and feel、I have been tossing around the smile a lot! The people of Nepal、The Festival also included、Dancing in a place like this is compelling! Me too both ankles fault without、Certainly、I would have danced first! I would definitely like to get revenge next time! (laughs) Finally, take a commemorative photo with the members of "KUTUMBA"! Dannyabad、 Delay comb Largo! (धँन्यवाद, धेरै खुशि लाग्यो) Thank you! It was a lot of fun...

"Bojan Griha" Nepal folk music and folk dance is a popular dinner show!

Visit Bhojan Griha, a restaurant in Kathmandu where live Nepalese folk songs and folk dance shows are held! At the entrance、歓迎祝福のティカ(Tika)を頂戴しました! こちらは、150In a renovated historic house in Queens for more than a year ago is the historic buildings! Approximately 6 years have otherwise spent on renovation and repair here was on the verge of collapse、In the corridor、国王と王妃の自画像などが飾られています! 広々としたダイニングスペースを各部屋用意し、Can hold about 250 people in all seats。Here you will、ネパール料理がコース仕立てで提供される高級レストランとなります! セッティングされた長テーブルの座椅子に腰掛けると、The aperitif will be served! The pre-dinner drinks poured from a jug of thin brass mouth、A splendid arch painted glass! Turn off pour brim、Stop well, instantly knocking wrist gesture is beautiful、As of the beginning of the show seem like、思わず魅了されてしまいます! 食前酒の地酒にて乾杯! 「ポップコーン(Popcorn)」ネパールでは、Had spread as a cheese popcorn、At each House's veranda, large amounts of corn drying 伺etari、移動販売も良く見掛けます! 「ピーナッツのフライドポテト(BADAMALOO TAREKO)」スパイスを用いたネパールのジャガイモ料理で食欲が湧くテイスト! 「Ventisquero Reserva Carmenère 2013(Chili)」2,400ルピー(日本円にして約2,570円) チリのカルメネールをスパイシーな料理に合わせます! ランチタイムが遅かったため、Dinner was less without feeling hungry。少しずつ提供される小皿の料理をお酒の当てに赤ワインをいただきます! 「肉入り餃子(MOMO)」ネパールの定番料理の1つで「モモ」は日本で言う「餃子」です。Steamed、Grilled、Deep fried type and divided、Seem to be using bean jam in the Buffalo。Have to jam ingredients:、Become the mainstream of us along with a spicy sauce。During the skin folds fully equal with curvy、Ground Buffalo meat and vegetables with plenty of、おつまみに最適! こちらでは毎晩ネパール大使館から派遣されている楽団がネパール民謡を生演奏してくださいます! さらにネパール民謡の生演奏とコラボレーションする民族舞踊のショーが大人気です! 「豆スープ(Kwatti ko Jhol)」優しい味わいの温かな豆スープ! 民族舞踊は男女一組となり、The story of the husband and wife each plays。Fishermen catching fish are good at catching large amounts of fish、Approaching women "lifetime somebody."、Farmers harvest rice and to cultivate rice "forever secure." and there are stories that he、生演奏に合わせてテンポよく軽快な楽しい踊りが観られます! 民族楽器のサランギ(Sārangī)を奏でるオジサンがとてもユニークで坂本九の「上を向いて歩こう」や童謡の「チューリップ」を弾きながら、Take up laughing, imitating the cries of goats and frogs、御自身の「CD(500ルピー)」と玩具の民族楽器「サランギ(5,000ルピー)」の販売に繋げていました! 「ミックス野菜カレー(MISMAS TARKARI)」野菜の甘味が凝縮されたカレー! 「チキンカレー(KUKHURA KO MASU)」ゴロッとしたチキン入りのボリューム感のあるスパイシーなチキンカレー! 「ハーブで香り付けされた蒸し米(SADA BHUJAJHANEKO MAS KO DAL)」「フライドフィッシュ(MACHHA TAREKO)」「ほうれん草のクミンソテー(JEERA PALUNGO)」「季節の野菜(MOUSHAMI TARKARI)」を盛り合わせワンプレートです! 「ヨーグルト(Sikarni)」デザートはやはりヨーグルト! 「イラムティー(Ilam Tea)」インドのダージリン地方と国境を挟んで接している隣接するネパールのイラム地域で採れた最高級茶葉を使った珍しいネパールの紅茶「イラムティー」をいただきました!高貴な香りがありまろやかな風味で食後にホッとするミルクティーです! 食後のドリンクをいただきながら寛いでいると、Restaurant owners kindly go to greeting! Is the food you enjoy Japanese group in Nepal is in addition to our sight.、ネパールの伝統文化に触れ合える素敵なレストランです!...

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