I wanted to meet mother's bashful smile、Give something for mother's day

Bashful's sixtieth birthday too、"I guess the lucky person" and ruffled and wrinkles、Said shy。 It was after last year's mother's day gift event。 Gray hair increases each year with eyes、A look at a mother's face、"An aged!" and I think to myself。 Spend labor day with standing work、While socializing and troubled knee bomb today show laughing haha。 It's Petite mother back over nearly、I was in elementary school、 Similar to the tall father?、Is my back patted my head's about to have grown、 As they wonder and many years have passed, the stick height difference、Existence of a mother feels great in。 While chased by self-employed mother busy、Children love or don't care one day goes by。 Is was so obedient to 受ke止mereru、At any time from what would have been。 Of gratitude, to present a gift to mother、I'm sure would be from around。 So、Like the clean feeling when presented a caricature of my mother at an early age、 That honestly grateful "thank you" put your feelings。 今年ももうじき「母の日」がやってくる。 Come, give thanks for every day。 Merely、Bashful adorable smiling mother's echo、I find the gifts from the heart。 And I'm happy to、Haha I feel like two people rose by。 2Your mother's face、Deliver non-fragrant comfort and forced gratitude。 香と香のコラボレーション 4/13(Sat)~4/21(Sun)11:00-20:00 Dr.Vranjes × フラワーアレンジメント「HANANOMICHI/水野道乃」 CENTO COSE主催の3社コラボイベント開催フィレンツェの豊かな文化とし世界中で愛される ルームフレグランスDr.Vranjesの新作4種が登場し 限定20本の林檎の蒸留酒の香り「CALVADO’S」を始め 全32種の中からお好きな香りをセレクト。 New ' CALVADO & # 8217s; S ' for the、世界初CENTO COSE スペシャルオーダーとして100mlボトルが可能になりました贈り物に最適なフラワーGIFT BOXとして 通常8,400yen→期間限定特別価格5,250yenにて販売(母の日限定BOXの予約・配送可) CENTO COSE KAKEGAWA 掛川市南2-7-1中村ビル2F TEL:0537-21-6501 http://www.centocose.com...

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