"Seasonal flowers bloom trillion change from satchou ' lunch in relaxed space

遠州西ヶ崎駅から徒歩数分の西ヶ崎交差点のところに2013年11月6日にオープンされた中国料理店「旬華咲兆 しゅんかさっちょう」さん。The menu is、Sichuan cuisine is served in a single push to the mae。Because it faces the main street、Although it is an easy place to see、There is consideration such as turning the entrance to the back、The parking lot is also large and easy to stop.。Because it is OK even with children、The appearance of the family stands out、綺麗目なファミリーレストランのような雰囲気です♪ 店内は、You can see the kitchen with glass.、It is a calm space based on white and dark brown.。Because the number of seats is relaxed for the space, the sense of distance from the next seat is moderate、It's cozy.。There are about 7 table seats for 4 people on the main floor、At the back of the left hand side of the entrance, we could see counter seats and private rooms for one person.。To the front、There's also a ikebana.、Fish and shrimp、There's an awabi in it.。Lunch menu、950円~用意されており、Noodles with rice、Rice comes with soup.、Rice is free refills。そしてどのランチメニューにもデザートに杏仁豆腐が付いてきます♪ 「蟹肉入り天津飯(スープ付)」(麺も可)950円 蟹肉入り天津飯は、Crab meat in white rice with rumblings、Fluffy egg is put and finished with Chinese bean jam without acidity。How to use potato starch is a little heavy finish and the asscerion is too strong、It's not too dark.、It's not too thin.、これといって特徴のないシンプルな味わいなので食べやすくなっています♪ 週替わりランチB 今週の料理とハーフ坦々麺「豆腐と蟹肉のあっさり塩煮込み(ライス付)」1,250円 週替わりランチBは今週の料理とハーフ坦々麺がいただけます。What's your dish this week?、豆腐と蟹肉のあっさり塩煮込みです。Light salt-based bean paste with tofu and crab meat。The weight of the bean jam stands out here as well as Tianjin rice.。It is subtle that the expression of hotel-like cuisine is correct.、I feel that it is a dish with no individuality unusual for a private restaurant。It's probably aimed at receiving all the people.。Regardless of age or gender、There are restrictions on what the whole family can eat deliciously.、If you see a little child cooking deliciously next to you、これはこれで良いと思えてしまいます♪ 週替わりランチB「ハーフ坦々麺」 胡麻ペーストの味わいよりも香辛料のスパイスの酸味が強いハーフ坦々麺。Noodles、Thin straight noodles。ハーフセットはお得感があります♪ ランチに付くデザート「杏仁豆腐」追加料金+100円で杏仁豆腐にココナッツミルクが付きます どのランチにも付くデザートの杏仁豆腐は追加料金+100円で杏仁豆腐にココナッツミルクが付けることができます。This is standard apricot tofu.。Its size is a large bowl like chawanmoku、There is a sense of volume for desserts that are attached as a set。Sweetness is gentle、I like smoothness moderately.。Because the price range is comparatively reasonable、Small children and grandpas、おばあちゃんのいらっしゃるご家族連れにはお勧めかもしれません♪ 旬華咲兆 しゅんかさっちょう 浜松市東区西ケ崎町718-1 TEL:053-432-6666 Hours of operation 11:30-15:00(L.O.14:30) 17:30To 22:00(L.O.21:30) Closed on Mondays:火曜日・第3水曜日...

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