Kagoshima bamboo town "early digging of Satsuma-Cho bamboo shoots" is fragrance, excellent crunchy texture!

Kagoshima, Japan bamboo shoot production.。Bamboo area in Japan、Lords bamboo、Senior bamboo、唐竹、Moso bamboo、Green bamboo in it、Madake、Square bamboo is available。 From a wide variety、Kagoshima, you can taste the various shoots all year round。Digging early, bamboo shoots, Lye、Flavor、Crunchy is excellent and market trade at a higher price。In the popular restaurant, etc、 Picked fresh shoots are eaten in sashimi and。Such a precious bamboo shoots of unreason from Kagoshima Maru 8 real estate and received help from morizono, Hideaki Mori that grew so、おうちで美味しく調理したいと思います♪ おうちごはんに「WINE BOUTIQUE PANIER 浜北店」さんで購入したデイリー用のリーズナブルなワインを合わせて紹介していくコーナーは、In those early will become the ninth、I want to continue at your own pace this year and last year。On this day、和食に合うワインをセレクトしてみました♪ 「トレビアーノ・ダブルッツィオ テヌータ・ジリオ トッロ」イタリア 白 750ml 1,470円 アブルッツォ州中西部、Tello village on the Adriatic Sea with co-operative Winery。More than 1000 members。Have a grape growing area of 3000 hectares、In the large agricultural cooperatives of Italy's finest wineries、20Years ago branched out into manufacturing bottles stuffed with wine、And international competitions in Italy and outside、Has gained a high reputation in wine guide Gambero Rosso slow food Association publishing。Best finish in a fresh and refreshing fruit flavor and aroma wrap and soft taste and minerals。Good clean and crisp、For seafood, such as favoring very、Tired of drinking good well with Japanese food doesn't taste。Carpaccio, fried fish、焼き鳥(塩)などと良く合うそうです♪ 「早掘りタケノコの素焼き醤油」 早彫りタケノコを皮ごと縦半分にカットし、Wrap in aluminum foil and the Braising about 10 minutes in our stone oven roaster。After that、Open the foil, and hang one soy sauce、Bake until browned and burnt section、Whets the appetite drifting scent of sweet bamboo shoots。So crunchy and not soggy shakishaki sweet scent、風味豊かなタケノコは絶品です♪ 「キスの天ぷら」 軽く塩をしたキスに天ぷら粉を付けて180℃の油でカラッと揚げます。That is unfortunately not well flowers bloom like Tempura I FRY brother、Can be plumped and tender and delicious fried。雪塩であっさりといただきます♪ 「鶏と早掘りタケノコの炊き込みご飯豚汁」 早彫りタケノコの旨味を引き出す炊き込みご飯は、Chicken (you dipped in soy sauce and sake) with Japanese-style broth and salt、In plain cooked with soy sauce and rice are delicious。Soups and、具沢山の豚汁を添えてボリュームアップ♪ 「日田醤油 高級合わせ味噌」750g 1,365円(税込) お味噌にうるさい我が家のお気に入りの味噌は天皇献上の栄誉を賜った高級味噌醤油醸造元「日田醤油」さんのもの。And "traditional miso.、"Three years with miso.、Are purchased in a set, compared to eating in this high-quality laminated miso and miso sticking。Compared with the good miso was always loyal、This high-quality laminated miso is a little sweetness will win。The interesting thing about this miso、It in the box had been shinobasa you sick? (laughs) most was stiff in miso, mildly salty and sweetness to、上品でまろやかなお味噌汁が味わえます♪ 「柚子白菜」 柚子大根も大好物ですが、Miss pickles winter cabbage。5so mm cut cabbage into Ziploc bags、Salt、Yuzu half pieces of fruit juice、The shredded citron peel, plus 揉mi込nnda、Easy pickles.。Is a favorite dish for married couples we like Citron。Japanese and because of the seasonal taste、Produces euphoria at the moment to taste it!, Mori、貴重な食材をありがとうございました♪ 本日のワインが購入できるのは ↓↓↓ WINE BOUTIQUE PANIER ワインブティック パニエ浜北店 浜松市浜北区貴布祢1200 プレ葉ウォーク浜北1F TEL:053-489-6145 Hours of operation:9:30-21:30Closed on Mondays:無 http://www.wb-panier.com/...

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