"Sun Moon Restaurant" Local restaurant specialties of fresh fish popularity of the catch in the Sun Moon Lake!

Lunch on the second day at Sun Moon Lake、In the Chung Hsing front water company business area、 Specialities of fresh fish in the Lake 漁reta to Monday inclusive Bou (Sun Moon Restaurant) of the popular volunteer guide Liu Jin Xia (Cynthia Liu), I take whats coming。 Here is、Owner cooks have experienced food using local produce and fish、 By providing the Thao tribe cuisine that combines tradition and innovation and fish dishes、Always crowded。 It is recommended that you make sure to make a reservation when you visit♪ the inside of the shop is always crowded with tourists and locals.、A small number of people's legs are commonplace! I asked Mr. Cynthia Liu, a volunteer guide, to interpret.、 Staff introduce recommended menu。 À la carte also available、As a special course meals、 "Economic Agcai (Set Menu)" 800TWD、1,500TWD、2,000TWD、3,000TWD (10 servings) and for four、 "Economic vegetables (set menu)" 800TWD (Japanese yen) of 5 dishes set:About 2,880 yen) I decided to order and share it with a♪ bag "Beautiful thigh (kohaku-an)" with less peculiar Egumi and habit、Moderate crispy、Felt a faint sweetness、 a white birch with a scent like a young cone。 In Taiwan、Throughout the year various kinds of bamboo shoots is the、 "Beautiful legs" and also is known for its beautiful shape and is。 Ricotta cheese to put that kind of like sour cream mayonnaise、Bake。 Its spicy flavor more、爽やかな一品です♪ 「鮮筍湯(新鮮な筍のスープ)」 細かく千切りにした筍をベースにあっさりとした白湯スープ。 Instrument size light 4 servings of will。 優しい味わいが染み渡ります♪ 「清香油雞(チキンの蒸し物)」 しっとりと蒸した鶏もも肉を甘味のあるソースでいただく一品。 It is a dish unique to Taiwan♪ served with shamoji made with bamboo、There was a rice tub made of wood、 This is also lightly offered about 4 servings♪.、Stir-fried empty-core vegetables were offered! What is acid acid?、In the fermented food seems to be made in some parts of Taiwan, China、 And traditional food to ferment the hemp bamboo。 The spinach stems a crisp texture and、Is characterized by leaves with a little sticky、One of my favorite Greens。 A light vegetable stir-fry、箸休め的な存在で胃に優しいです♪ サクサクと運ばれてくる料理5皿セットの 「経済合菜(セットメニュー)」800TWD(日本円:About 2880 yen) is、 Become like a cursory 4 servings、4If you share the same、1It is a very advantageous set and about 700 yen per person! "Steamed fish" which is the main fish dish and this signboard menu will appear later♪ "Sashimi-tamago (tuna and crab fried egg)" egg grilled with tuna and sashimi。 Onion bites (toutson) is a herb that grows naturally North from the central part of Taiwan、 Things like garlic flavored onions with leaves、料理に良く使われます♪ 「清蒸鮮魚(蒸し魚)」 特に名物料理となる日月潭で漁れた新鮮魚の煮魚で葱をたっぷりと添えていただく看板メニューがお勧めです! 日月潭の「總統魚」とは実は「曲腰魚」という名前ですが、It's called "The Fish"、 In a kind of carp、Length is 30-50 cm size。 Taiwan's former president, Chiang Kai-shek、He said he loved this fish and was named "The Fish."。 Plain tasting fish.、Comes into the stomach to melt at the finish of the fluffy whipped cream、 Our sauce with plenty of rice and spread the taste of happiness。 Due to bone、Please note that when eating。 台湾でいただく魚料理は蒸し方がとても上手で素晴らしい火入れです♪ 「パイナップル」 デザートに台湾の名産品でもあるパイナップルが出て参ります熟したパイナップルは甘味豊かでとてもジューシーです♪ 店内な壁一面には訪れた客のサインで埋め尽くされています! 日月潭のマスコットでもあるフクロウが飾られており賑やかなローカルレストランでお勧めです♪ 日月餐坊(Sun Moon Restaurant) 住所南投市南投縣魚池鄉水社村中山路125號B2(中興停車場對面) TEL:+886 4 9285 6806...

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