While watching the spectacular Cape Point two oceans restaurant wine lunch

Located about 50km from Cape Town, the Cape Peninsula、In detail, it forms "two capes"、Cliffs and hilly capes jutting out on the Atlantic side are the capes of good hope.、Another high rocky mountain on the Indian Ocean side will be Cape Cape.。The top of the Cape Peninsula, including Cape Cape and Cape Cape、It is designated as a national park called the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve and is also registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site。it's also part of a plant protected area.、It is a wonderful scenic spot with many visitors from all over the world。After taking a commemorative photo at the Cape of Good Hope、Head to Cape Point、こちらで有名なレストランでランチといたしましょう♪ CAPE POINT ケープポイント内にあるTwo Oceans Restaurant ツーオーシャンズレストラン。Here is、1995opened in December 2008,、地元で漁れるシーフード料理が壮大な景色と共にいただける人気のレストランです♪ 店内はすっきりとした白を基調にしたスタイリッシュな大箱ダイニングで約300席ほど収容でき観光客でとても賑わっています♪ 風が強くなければテラス席でキラキラと輝くフォールス湾海面と雄大な山やまの大自然を眺めながらの食事も良いでしょう♪ こちらでは、Have time to talk privately with Your Japanese guide Keiko and your guide while having lunch together.、とても楽しかったです♪ まずはスパークリングウォーターをオーダー「Sauvignon Blanc Two Oceans」と「Chardonnay Durbanville Hills」 スッキリとした爽やかな味わいでオススメを伺い白ワインをグラスでいただきました手前の琥珀色の方は樽出しワインです♪ 「パン」 香り良くふんわりと柔らかいパンは、I'll add plenty of olive oil.。 「Two Oceans Seafood Platter」R350(日本円3,500円ほど) Crayfish(イセエビ),tiger prawns,deep fried calamari (squid),fresh line fish,mussels,seafood curry,pilaf rice and a trio of sauces. Grilled small tiger prawns with large lobsters、Served with squid frites、3I'll attach it to the dip of the seed.。Sautéed white fish and seafood curry、ムール貝のワイン蒸しなどなど1人前でこのボリュームです!(驚) 「Two Oceans House Salad」R85(日本円850円ほど) 蒸し鶏とアボカドや葉野菜をハニーマスタードソースでいただくボリューミィなサラダです♪ 「Crab&Avocado salad」R60(日本円600円ほど) こちらは日本人ガイドのkeikoさんがオーダーした、Crab and avocado salad with americane sauce.。I was allowed to taste it.、見た目も美しくさっぱりと新鮮な魚介をたくさんいただける美味しいサラダですね♪ こちらの花は、King Protea, also a south African nation。ケープ地方独特の地中海気候によって育つ花でとても美しいですね♪ さて、After eating, the party purchased a ticket for cable car one way R39 (about 390 yen Japanese yen)、We're heading to the lighthouse.。If you are not confident in your legs, we recommend a round-trip ticket for the cable car.、If possible, go down the walking course.、大自然を眺めながらゆっくりと歩いて降りるのが記念撮影もできてベストでしょう♪ ケーブルカーに乗り込み景色を楽しみながら登頂します♪ 階段を見ても分かるように、Stair slope using pebbles so as not to destroy the image which is still a part of nature as much as possible。辺り一面も岩肌で固めた壁が目立ちます♪ 景色は最高で気分は高揚しますが、After drinking wine, the top of the mountain、かなりハードです・・・深酒は禁物ですね!(笑) 灯台からは見事にTwo Oceans 大西洋とインド洋が同時に見ることが可能です。You can see the Cape of Good Hope and the endless ocean below。The scene where the cold current flowing from the Atlantic Ocean and the warm current flowing from the Indian Ocean intersect is exactly romantic。When I look at the scenery,、世界の果てまで見渡せるような気がしてきます♪ 上からロンドン、Beijing、Amsterdam、Sydney、Rio De Janeiro、Jerusalem、New Delhi and other countries remain on the signs.、The others seem to have been stolen.、There's no Tokyo in Japan.。There are people who do something very disappointing, aren't they?。I really can't believe it.。 見事なまでの海のカラーのグラデーションが映し出されています♪ 美しい海と喜望峰。What is the beauty of this scenery?、やはり実際に多くの日本の方々に見ていただきたいです! インド洋からの景色。The afternoon sun shines strongly,、It's cool because it's windy.。朝夕もきっと綺麗でしょうね♪ 帰りはテクテクと石階段歩いて降りますが、It's also fun to see the spectacular ocean-sky scenery in your eyes and the natural plants around you.、なんら苦になりません♪ スキンケア用品としても用いられて人気の高いアロエ・スッコトリナ。There are about 300 kinds of aloe、Most of them have roots in the southern part of the African continent.。In South Africa、A species called ferrox (Aowani) distributed in cape province is mainly、It is said that it is useful as cosmetics and medicines.、日本のようにアロエを食すことはないそうですよ!国の食文化の違いは昆布以外にアロエにもありました!(笑) 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら CAPE POINT ケープポイント http://www.capepoint.co.za/ Two Oceans Restaurant ツーオーシャンズレストラン http://www.capepoint.co.za/twooceans.htm...

"Cape of good hope" of the Cape Peninsula in South Africa to visit once

Hout Bey up after、Chapmans Peak drive along the coast to enjoy the lead views, while line、Head to the Cape of Good Hope♪ The area around The Cape of Good Hope is a nature reserve and is home to wild animals.。Twilight here appeared suddenly on the side of the road are the animals、"Baboon Baboon monkey is。On the Cape Peninsula、400Inhabit the Baboon over。So wild、O目ni掛kareru whether or not depends on your luck.。So a clever monkey、窓を開けていたら何か食べ物がないかと乗り込んでくる危険性もあるので要注意ですよ! 飼育されたOstrich ダチョウの姿が間近で観れるということで車を一旦道路脇に停めて外へ降りてみることにしました♪ 広い柵の中で飼育されているOstrich ダチョウは、Divided by female and male。Animal's basic、Male is having beautiful hair you know do you?。Ostrich an ostrich is no exception。The male black hair color、Its beak is pink。Female has Brown wings。To protect this chick、Male mid-field with backgrounds of night、Metz is becoming a land of savanna and similar colors、Camouflage is known for。Ostrich has length 2 m、Weight 100 kg can。As the bird is the largest species on Earth。However,、The size of the brain as in the human eye、Weight 40 g。But not compared to the approximately 1,500 g man at large。The legs of the ostrich、But only two fingers of、Is that not a single nail。Effectively using fingers is one、Will be keeping with the fingers of the legs just the overall balance of the。Then it、約60km/hで走ることができるというから驚きです! ダチョウは草食動物で(雑食性とする説もあります)腸は鳥類の中でも長く、The ferment in the gut fiber quality horses。Also、Swallowing stones, lay on the stomach、Sometimes, by using a rubbing of a stone in a different suri潰su。If seeing an ostrich eating stone is good worry。 Immediately、I tried several giving weed was around。Not assume any delicious、Seemed to be the favorite。意外とグルメさんなのかもしれません(笑) こちらの人は、Wild animals came down on the road、As does not give harm to people、Seems to block out leaving animals outside the fence to guards。 Ichiro goes to the Cape of good hope to CAPE OF GOOD HOPE the sign on your right。 The gate here with payment gimpp R80 (Japan Yen 800 yen) admission。 By driving around on the coast、Around one aspect is the nature park region in the world heritage site。 STOP!STOP!とマーヴィンさんに車を停めてもらった目先には・・・いました!いました!野生の動物! 野生のバブーン(ヒヒ猿)がまた現れました!(感動)バブーンですらこれほどに興奮してしまうのですからサファリを体験するとなると大興奮の連続なのでしょうね! さてCAPE OF GOOD HOPE 喜望峰に到着しました観光ツアーの方々も記念撮影を順に行っています♪ 南アフリカと言えば誰もが思い出す喜望峰。Here is、To reach Portugal who voyage of Bartolomeu Dias、Because it was too rough stuff found around the Strait and the "Cape of storms" began to call it。After that、And renamed the Cape of good hope、1497In Vasco da Gama for the first time as the Cape of good hope Indian Ocean sea routes and has reached the。That is why from the height of popularity and the African continent's southernmost Cape of good hope.、The southernmost point of the actual、It is referring to a position to divide the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean at Cape a glass from the Cape Peninsula to the Southeast was 150 km。By the way、The Cape of good hope, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE in English。HOPE-hope。But it caught a "Cape of hope"、Real would be mistranslations of the "Cape of good hope"、間違ったまま日本に定着してしまったとの説もあるそうです(笑) 記念撮影を終え、Explore the big stone bad thug feet in。With rampant along the coast "kelp" was picked up。In Japan、Kelp are indispensable to the soup and cook.、In South Africa the kelp even food habits is no otherwise、Are seaweeds in the sea。So much trouble、I taste, into a tangle of South Africa。旨味成分の味がなく大味で硬かったです(笑) 喜望峰を後にし、The following goes to CAPE POINT Cape point can look at the Cape of good hope、Before that in this famous restaurant、まずは腹ごしらえのランチをすることにいたしましょう♪ 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら CAPE POINT ケープポイント http://www.capepoint.co.za/...

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