Singh "Wat Phra" golden statue, highly prestigious 1 Chiang Mai temples

THA PAE gate in the East of the old town entrance roads straight toward the West、その突き当たりにある チェンマイ市内で最も格式が高いとされている寺院「ワット・プラシン Wat Phra Sing」。 1345In the Biru Kings、Is the temple started to put the ashes of the late father King Kam Fu Chedi (pagoda) built。 The temporary、But under the rule of the Burmese 寂remashita、And living in this Temple famous monk siewitchai monk、 Donations from a lot of people、Is a service, which revived Temple。 どの寺院の本堂も外壁の装飾がとても綺麗です! 本堂の入口には蛇の頭を持つ蛇神「ナーガ Nāga」がこちらにもおり、 Has become indispensable to the Temple of Lanna of northern Thailand also this style。 Filled with a sense of openness and Hall in the ceiling is very high and has。 「ワット・テェディ・ルアン Wat Chedi Luang」と比べてみると、 Remains of plaster because column、Dunhuang and, although it lacked in bulk、Is giving restless。 The people of Chiang Mai、Very strong faith.、 Visit every day to worship、So many people get the monk preaching。 本堂の中の釈迦像トンティップ仏。 1477In the casting of the year、Is like a Buddha statue in northern Thailand the most revered by the people。 Has been a gentle face、A quiet smile、Please wrap people warm hospitality。 Previous、1月にバンコクに訪れた際に拝観した「Wat Pho ワット・ポー」の寝釈迦仏(涅槃像)の凛々しさと比べると、 And features of the Buddha in Chiang Mai、幾分か慈悲深き優しさが滲み出ているように思います♪ 思わず立ち止まり、That was stunning、こちらのリアルに人にしか見えない僧侶! 実はこちらは蝋人形なのです!(驚) 有名な高僧で祀られているのですが、Too real for、 Quietly take a deep breath and、Pulsing body it can be seen as well。 Also try approaching the face side、A presence seem real to look impressive.、そして高貴な佇まいです! こちらの高僧の前でも、I watched many and kneel and worship that is。 Not in front of the main building of the golden statue of WAT Singh、 For installed in the small chapel of the left hand went to the back to、So many unfortunate tourists Miss。 By still guided by local guides、Do not worry about missing。 This area is、The old、It was a downtown market, and。 The Biru Kings、You were choosing a location to my father's ashes、Looking for the best place、 It was near the Centre of the old town market。 本堂の左手後方にある美しい礼拝堂「ヴィハーン・ライカム」。 About 500 years ago this building、Not only the typical classic Lanna style、 It is mix of Sri Lankan style。 The front doors of carved wood painted gold、Feel the weight of history。 The Chapel、Red-painted walls and pillars is a picture drawn with gold、 In facing the changes and、A unique atmosphere。 礼拝堂の「ヴィハーン・ライカム」にはこのお寺の名前の由来にもなった黄金のプラ・シン像が鎮座しています。 Built more than 1,500 years from now、One was brought from Sri Lanka、 Style conquered the demons that are。 The building is、Teak wood and is made based on、The pillars are painted Lotus、 Some squinting eyes, and watching the、It is painted pillar Phra Singh conquered the devil。 This mural is in the wíhǎan like。 This mural was depicting Lanna customs and Palace、 In original at the time、As is said of northern Thailand traditional art masterpieces。 As one of the characteristics of the Lanna style building、Thus the roof heavy layer that is seen、曲線美が素晴らしいです♪ 奥にそびえ立ち、A beautiful white stupas painted with plaster、The donations collected、Future、Little by little gilt seems to labeled。 Beside the temple、Is the school to become a monk.、 Can hear the sound of children playing depending on the time zone、A peaceful atmosphere。 Many foreign tourists for?、Many children have to learn English、気軽に英語で挨拶をしてきてくれる良い子達ばかりです♪ 2つの寺院を回ったところで、Because it exactly reached the lunch break、 「チェンマイハッピーツアー Chiangmai Happy Tour」にランチタイムをお願いしチェンマイ名物のカオソーイが有名なお店「ラムドゥアン」へ向かいましょう♪ ワット・プラシン Wat Phra Sing 所在地:Samlan Rd, Tambon Prasing, Amphur Muang Chiang Mai 50200 ⇒Google Map 利用時間:8:00-17:00Holiday:無 料金無料(心付け程度) チェンマイハッピーツアー Chiangmai Happy Tour

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