Nagoya hideaway Italian ' La vena del renno ' in à la carte dinner tasting

1 in Nagoya、2Ikeshita-Cho in the most famous Italian "il Vecchio Moreno" I was training young chef、Independently of Yuki Uchida、2009March 5 at the wife of confectionary、智絵さんと共にオープンさせたイタリアン「la vena del legno ラ ヴェーナ デル レンニョ」さん。Yet the 36-year-old and enjoy the culinary passion and warmth, young chef and his wife、Shop little hideaway。You want to feel the season is about how they、Most of the menu offers seasonal selection。オンリーワンをモットーとするシェフと奥様が夫婦の足並み揃った感覚で奏でる料理の数々がいただけます♪ ”vena”はイタリア語で”柄”、"legno" is "tree".、"del" means "of" in English。This means that "vena del legno" is "wood".。Click on the "la" means a single head、"The number in the grain of the wood、Part one "the meanings、Become the "only one" for your mind, so named。Store in Brown's poise and warmth and、Such as seating and kitchen placement、Many of the furnishings in antique、It is designed for pleasant relaxing time on your。Shop、Counter 4 seats、Table 10 seats and、Views from the kitchen of your eating pace so tables equipped with wall-side only。In the evening、5,500円~のおまかせコース料理も用意されていますが、This time the、アラカルトで好きなものを好きなだけいただきます♪ 「サンペレグリノ」500ml 600円 イタリアのミネラルウォーター。The water quality is hard water.、飲みやすくすっきりとした炭酸水です♪ 「自家製フォカッチャ」 もっちりもちもち食感のフォカッチャ。 "French Magre duck instant smoked and persimmon、水牛のリコッタチーズ ハチミツがけ」1,800円 「スペイン産イベリコ豚のテリーヌと瞬間燻製した鴨のフォアグラ 洋梨のモスタルダ」2,000円 2種の前菜を盛り合わせてもらいました。At the back is、Magrecanal、The world's best duck loin that only Müllard duck meat from Faogra is allowed to name。At first, Chef Uchida's original winter standard menu was served with raw meat.、In the past few years, I have spent a lot of time and effort cooking duck and then smoked it instantly.、Sew honey on the skin and bake it crispy to finish、It's one of our couple's favorite dishes.。It has a more soggy duck texture and meatier than last time, with a smoked aroma and rich taste.、And the meat quality full of elegant wild taste。The soggy sweetness of the moderately ripe persimmons and the gentle acidity of ricotta cheese go very well together.。My tongue growls at the appetizer that gives the impression that it is a main dish.。In foreground、Terrine made from Spanish Iberian pork and instant smoked duck foie gras served with pear mstarda (pear jam with grain mustard)。Each of them is very delicious even if you eat it alone.、三位一体でいただいても最高です!お酒が飲めれば尚良し!(笑) 「青胡椒のパン」 青胡椒のスパイスがアクセントになるパンシェフの内田くんがフライパンを振る瞬間をカウンターからパチリ! 「三重県産牡蠣といろいろなきのこのタリアテッレ」1,800円 大粒でふっくらとし、Use plenty of oysters that do not shrink easily even when cooked.、Among the variety of mushrooms、There are plenty of mushrooms full of umami such as honshimeji and honnameko! Elongated ribbon-shaped tagliatelle、もちろん生パスタでむちむちもちもちとした食感で牡蠣ときのこから出た出汁オイルに良く絡みます♪ 「北海道産鱈の白子と葱、Chinese cabbage、春菊のペーストのリングイネ」1,700円 鱈の白子のパスタ、How can it not be delicious! It seems that he was added to the menu list at the request of his wife Tomoe-chan because he served it as a bribe.。Contrary to the shade of appearance、It is finished in a fairly light pasta than Japanese.、It is very easy to eat.。The onions and Chinese cabbage thicken and taste sweet.、Spring chrysanthemums are a good accent。Even if there are people who are not good at it、きっと美味しくいただけること間違い無しです! 「会津若松の馬肉ロースのビステッカ 赤ワインとマルサラのソース」3,800円 会津若松の馬肉のロースをビステッカで、Dodon and I'll take it。”bistecca ビステッカ”という言葉は、19English used by the British who lived in Florence in large numbers in the second half of the century、ビーフステーキbeefsteak(ビーフステーキ)が語源と言われています日本語のビフテキのようにフランス語のbifteck(ビフテック)が語源という説もあるそうですが、In short、It's a steak。The texture is moist and the aroma is mellow.、Only the umami spreads in the mouth! After all horse meat is the best! Romanesco、Cauliflower、Beets、Brussels sprouts、Black radish、Served with eight-headed taro。赤ワインとマルサラのソースで馬肉の肉質たっぷりと凝縮された旨味で大いに楽しみます♪ 奥様の智絵ちゃんからクリスマスプレゼントで「Foret フォーレ」さんのシュトーレン(ドイツのクリスマスパン)をいただきました!(嬉喜)フォーレさんは、It seems that it is the cake shop where Tomoe used to work.。The stollen made by Tomoe is very delicious.、This year, butter may be difficult to arrive.、It is said that the making of stollen was abandoned.。However,、以前いただいた「智絵ちゃんのシュトーレンが美味しかったよ~♪」とお伝えすると「全く同じではないですが以前勤めていたフォーレさんのものを是非試食してみてください♪」と、It was given to me by Tomoe Santa! Until Christmas Day in Germany and the Netherlands、Stollen is cut and eaten little by little by family over a period of about four weeks.。The surface is generously sprinkled with powdered sugar like powdered snow.、Stollen chock-full of dried fruits and nuts soaked in rum。内田トナカイくん智絵サンタさんありがとう!来年は是非一緒にモリーノさんに行きましょう♪ la vena del legno ラ ヴェーナ デル レンニョ 名古屋市昭和区前山町1-57 TEL:052-761-2870 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00 18:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:Wednesday、木曜日昼

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