Maserati Nagoya hosted fall touring 2015 aimed at Fukui Mikata goko Rainbow line (2)

「マセラティ名古屋」主催のイベント企画として定例会の第2弾を記念し「マセラティ秋の遠足 in 福井」のツーリングで、 Maserati party headed in the direction of Fukui、 From Tsuruga Hokuriku car road、Across from the Maizuru-Wakasa Expressway.、 Wakasa Mikata interchange off you, getting towards Obama.、 事前に予約してくださった「うなぎ料理 徳右エ門」へ到着しました♪ 三方五湖の名物と言えば「うなぎ」です! うなぎの養殖が盛んなこちらの地域にはうなぎ屋がたくさんありますが、 Mikata station near morality right Mamoru gate established eel in very famous seems to。 三方五湖の1つである三方湖の「うなぎ」は口細青鰻と言われ(クチボソアオウナギ)、 And a sharp mouth、That round ass features。 他の地域の「うなぎ」がハゼを食べているのに対し三方湖産の「うなぎ」は高タンパクのゴカイを食べているため脂肪がたっぷりで栄養価が高いとの評判とのこと♪ 3階の大座敷を貸切ツーリングに参加されたマセラティオーナーの方々と会食スタート! お馴染みの方もいれば、And for the first time、First of all,、御1人ずつの自己紹介から始まります♪ 「うな丼」 1,950円 創業当時から100年余り継ぎ足してる秘伝のタレで、The Kansai-style、 Peel up crisp during the plump grilled over an open fire。 Menu is rich in、「うな重」や「うな丼」「ひつまぶし」など脂ののった美味しい「うなぎ」が取れるからこそできる品揃えです♪ 昼食後は、En route to the Rainbow line line、A green shrouded mountain just around the corner、長閑な道のりが続きます♪ 三方五湖のナンバー1のビューポイントである梅丈岳の頂上へ案内する「三方五湖レインボーライン」は、 From the Mihama SADA、Would be 11.2 km long linking Wakasa seamount Mt. length plum tourist road。 【通行料金】1,040円(普通自動車) 山頂までの道のりでは日本海や周囲の山々など絶景が堪能できます! 「三方五湖レインボーライン山頂公園」の第1駐車場に到着! 広々としており、Spacious secured parking space、無料開放で400台の収容が可能です♪ 【営業時間:8:30~ 16:30: * Closed、Depending on time。 「レインボーライン山頂公園」は、360°にわたって広がる三方五湖の大パノラマが美しい山頂公園。 2005Registered in the Ramsar Convention in the years、Over the years, various flowers are in full bloom、Heal those who visit。 There are places, such as lover's sanctuary and the rose garden in the extensive grounds。 「レインボーライン山頂公園」へ向かうには、Take a head to ride about 2 minutes lift or cable。 【山頂公園入園料大人800円】(リフト・ケーブル代込み) 三方五湖のケ―ブルカ―とリフト乗り場に何とも可愛い親子たぬきがいますその名も「大名だぬき”Square nishimatabee”"。 民話「大名だぬき角兵ヱ」 古くからレインボーライン(梅丈岳)ふもと漁師村(日向)に伝わるお話です。 It's been handed down to the current、A warm contact with the villagers、And ties、We were told。 「角兵ヱ」は、Procession with love、Deceive villagers mean a little annoying was the raccoon dog、 The fishermen out to sea to catch fish、When you catch a fish、角兵ヱ」に教えてもらい、It became a wonder and big catch。 Also、That the typhoons in the rough sea、Previously taught、It is very nice。 村人はそんな「角兵ヱ」が大好きでした。 From the day、大好きなこのたぬきを「大名だぬき角兵ヱ」と呼ぶようになったそうです低い山々の谷間にちりばめられた三方湖、Suigetsu Lake、Kan Lake、Lake、日向湖の 5つの湖が醸し出す色あいの違いは繊細さを感じ、 In a breathtakingly beautiful、Mystique and even feel。 Understand the difference from 11.2 km Rainbow line (toll road)、 五湖と日本海のダイナミックな景観が楽しめます♪ 「久々子湖(くぐしこ)」 周囲7.10km/最大水深2.5m/面積1.40km2。 This Lake is、Has become a long Lake to the North and South、 Because that little tangent to the sea at high tide and regurgitates seawater from the Japan Sea、Will the salt water。 Also here is no. 13 times Fukui national polity held in 0/1968.、 Mihama town regatta(Every year)、Adult Championship、 National Junior Tournament boat(10Annual continuation)Such as the rowing venue。 「日向湖(ひるがこ)」 周囲4.0km/最大水深38.5m/面積0.92km2。 This Lake is、Lake connected to the Japan Sea、Complete saltwater lake in the only sea fish、 Black sea bream、Bora、捕remasu, sardines。 Also hamachi、Puffer fish、Are used as fish farms, Thailand。 Fishing also available、You can enjoy fishing。 「三方湖(みかたこ)」 周囲9.6km/最大水深5.8m/面積3.58km2。 This Lake is、Is only one fully freshwater lake in the five lakes of Mikata。 CARP、Crucian carp、Moloko、Shrimp、Pond smelt hypomesus olidus、捕remasu eel。 From winter to spring、Traditional fishing methods ' bashing net fishing "will be。 Also、Reed、The water chestnut and other aquatic and Wetland Habitat。 「水月湖(すいげつこ)」 周囲10.80km/最大水深34.0m/面積4.18km2。 This Lake is the largest lakes in、In Lake Mikata and Setoguchi、Tied with moat Urami River and Lake、 Hiruga Lake is connected to in the saga-tunnel。Is a brackish water lake in half and half salt water and fresh water。 「菅湖(すがこ)」 周囲4.2km/最大水深13.0m/面積0.91km2。 This Lake is the smallest Lake lakes in、Is the same Lake Suigetsu brackish-water Lake。 The surrounding area offers、White-tailed eagle、Steller's Sea Eagle、Lots of birds including waterfowl observed。 After enjoying the fresh air and scenery、参加車両を駐車場に並べて記念撮影! 新旧のマセラティが総勢12台集結! マセラティオーナーの皆様と記念撮影! 記念撮影の後は日向湖沿いに「三方五湖レインボーライン」を下り、 Mihama town street、敦賀市方面へ向かいます♪ 最終目的地は駿河市にある「日本海さかな街」へ到着! こちらで各々に買い物を楽しみ自由解散となります♪ 福井敦賀の「日本海さかな街」は、 Tsuruga local fishery industry by focusing on Hanoi 70 stores too、Japan's largest sea fish market。 Tsuruga Port seafood fresh fish shops, fish processing shops、Kelp、Dainty、And 50 shops including sweets Shoppe、 海鮮丼・寿司・焼き鯖・特産品の専門店やレストランなど15店舗の飲食店が軒を連ねる巨大海鮮市場です! 場内には、Atmosphere of the old leave、Dashing she heard、活気に満ち溢れています♪ 威勢の良い掛け声が飛び交います! ずわい蟹がズラリ! とろろ昆布のかんな削りを披露! 「日本海さかな街」の駐車場でも記念撮影!...

Maserati Nagoya hosted fall touring 2015 aimed at Fukui Mikata goko Rainbow line

2015Tuesday, November 3, Culture Day、As an event project sponsored by "Maserati Nagoya" that has been planned for a long time、 To commemorate the second regular meeting, we have participated in the "Maserati Autumn Excursion in Fukui"。 Blessed with good weather、Go down the Meishin Expressway to the Yoro service area, which is the meeting place! This time, most of the participants are from Nagoya.、Expeditionary Brigade from Hamamatsu、Our couples-only。 People gather in time.、Our white Massé and decently the same 3200 GT、 Spider、Spider Zagato、Previous generation Quattroporte.、Previous owner of the Quattroporte.、Its predecessor was the Ghibli、 It was the ♪ start of a fun touring with a total of 14 cars and 22 Maserati owners The air in November is very clear.、Is a little outside the cool air flow.、 The inside of the car was perfect for ♪ touring in a sunny day, including checking the route.、Each such participant safety、Contains the description and notes。 Mr. Yoshinori Tanaka, the after-sales master technician of "Maserati Nagoya", who planned this event, will be in charge of the scenery in ♪ the mountains.、Coco, the M family's dog, also seems to be ♪ comfortable The biggest feature of the 3200GT, which is the same as my house, is、Nicknamed the boomerang, this distinctive LED tail lamp。 That appeared at that time was pros and cons、The Giugiaro Design、 Original、Nothing to oval tail lights、 It is finished in the form of reluctantly drinking the strong request from the Maserati side, "I want a strong personality!"。 But it seems had been professed as Giugiaro himself he doesn't like too much、 As a result、These tail lamps are recognized as the biggest feature of the 3200GT。 Beautiful form、And it's a ♪ boomerang for my husband to take a camera shot in the passenger seat、This driver is responsible for my。 3200GT ride is very smooth、 The highway drive is in a great ♪ location Maserati's parallel emblems。 Maserati emblem、It is a design of the emblem of the ancient city of Bologna, the three-pronged spear of Neptune, the god of the sea。 This Trident、It also signifies ♪ the unity of the three Maserati brothers NEW Ghibli New Ghibli Maserati's New Ghibli with beautiful proportions and a powerful power unit。 It is a sports sedan with an overwhelming presence! NEW Ghibli The engine installed in the New Ghibli、V-type 6-cylinder 3.0 L Twin-Turbo。 To start the engine、Enters the room like the Maserati engine sounds。 The unique power of the V8 engine is not、 You can enjoy ♪ the sound that makes you feel the unique atmosphere unique to Maserati, including the exhaust sound Previous generation Quattroporte The styling of the previous generation Quattroporte with Pininfarina's signature is、 Design by creative director Ken Okuyama。 Previous、I had the experience of test driving at the "Maserati Festival"、 It is a car that is not only great in design, but also in driving and sound 4th generation Quattroporte The 4th generation Quattroporte, designed by Marcello Gandini, has a ♪ simple but elegant design! Maserati of this era also used leather and wood luxuriously in the interior.、It's a suite that runs! In particular, the white-collar Quattroporte has a bewitching atmosphere.、This is ♪ one that I would like fashionable women to ride Zagato Spider Zagato Spayder Zagato Spider Zagato Spider, which will be the oldest Maserati on this touring。 222The Maserati biturbo times、Anyway, it is a car that has many breakdowns and is difficult to handle! however、This zagato, which was beautifully finished by the factory manager Tanaka of "Maserati Nagoya", is、 In great condition、It showed me ♪ a run that did not feel the times From the Meishin Expressway Yonehara Junction, enter the Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway.、 Fukui、Across from the direction of Tsuruga.、Our goal is the "Mikata Five Lakes Rainbow Line"! On the way to your destination、Take lunch in eel specializes in Fukui。 Next is "Eel Cuisine Tokuemon" and "Mikata Five Lakes Rainbow Line"、This is ♪ an introduction to "Japan Sea Sakana Town Seafood Market" Click here for the next article! Maserati Nagoya 2-4-15 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi TEL:052-202-1133 Hours of operation:10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday's

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