Child Penguin waddle at boulders Beach and relax

Boulders Beach Penguin is famous for its、And that she is walking the dying, cute。Charm with plenty of sights to see each year、About 60000 visitors from simonstown sort photos visit Penguin to small arrived boulders Beach 5 km、Or observe。Border beach is now also the world's only、Can African Penguin to see close to where it is。Cape Penguin observation、And the Boardwalk across the coast, and made、The Office is managed by the South Africa National Park has been installed、より良い環境下で見ることができるようになりました♪ 駐車場からビーチまでの道のりにアルケア・アロエというアロエで有名なショップがあります。Made from the Cape region atovan that Aloe Vera extracts、品質が良いと評判のお店でお土産物にも喜ばれています♪ ボルダーズビーチのアフリカペンギンは、In a rare example to form a colony near the city is one。Cape Town's penguin colony was first known in 1983、1When a pair of pairs was found on Foxy Beach in Boulders。The penguins came to Fors Bay from Dyer Island.。At the time, Fors Bay was prohibited from commercial fishing.。As a result、The penguins were found where prey is abundant, also suitable for breeding、Established on boulders Beach、So was increasing the number of。But nearly 30 years later、Boulder Beach penguins fall in a difficult situation。Presence of cars and humans、Breeding ground fighting、Penguins will make a nest in a dangerous environment、The nest predators and natural threats exposed to make is I。Fewer fish feeding on the impacts of climate change、The effect also increases the frequency of severe weather、The number of penguin chicks that decreases sharply.。So we put a stop to the decline in the number of hina birds.、To create a safe breeding environment、Boulders Beach Park Administration Office、We have set up a population hive.。Also、South African Coastal Bird Conservation Foundation (SANCCOB) and Dyer Island Conservation Trust、South African National Park is also working on a conservation effort for the precious Simonstown penguins。 Pay R40 (400 yen in Japanese yen) at the entrance gate and enter。In front of the gate、There are posters from the time when many penguins existed before.。"Please remember the scene of this poster well and enter," said Keiko, a Japanese guide.。Unfortunately, there is a different landscape from the scene at that time.。 Take in the sea and walk along the promenade。This promenade doesn't exist in the past.、It seems that I was directly down to the beach and went near the penguins.、Built to protect penguins from many tourists。 海岸沿いに行く手前でペンギンを発見! こちらが、It's the population hive I just described.。The hives are numbered.、Shown to help administrators understand the number。 African penguins once heard that loud cry、It was called a jackass (male donkey) penguin.。Colony and breed in areas from southern Namibia to Port Elizabeth。But environmental pollution、Egg predation by seabirds、Because the guano (sediments of feces such as seabirds) of their favorite breeding ground have been scraped off、African penguins are in crisis。The species as a whole is under a lot of threat.、The flightless bird which lives in this waterside、Designated and protected as an endangered species。A penguin with a distinct shade of black and white is a parent penguin.、グレーで毛並みがふわふわと首にマフラーを巻いているようなペンギンがヒナです♪ 想像していた以上に数は見られませんでしたが、still present right in front of you、I feel very loving when I see penguins alive and my heart is hot。 Penguin lying on the beach、I put a sink in the hole and warm it up to protect it.。I can't help but love the appearance of my mother penguin who desperately raises her.。More than this、I just hope the number doesn't decrease.。 The penguins walking around with chocolate chocolate are very cute.、顔つきは凛々しく思えるのはわたしだけでしょうか?(笑) こちらは、It looks like a parent penguin is protecting chicks from seagulls.。 親ペンギン「うちの子に手を出すんじゃないわよ!」 カモメ「ふんっ!」 ヒナペンギン右「あぁまた喧嘩してるよーまったく」 ヒナペンギン中央「今日はどっちが勝つかな?」 ヒナペンギン左「そりゃおかんに決まってるでしょ!」 こんな声が聞こえてきそうですね(笑) この大自然豊かな環境の中でも減少しつつあるペンギン。I hope that tourism that takes into account the providence of nature can continue.。 南アフリカケープタウン旅行記の目次はこちら...

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