Treat yourself! Brand chicken Hoshino black eggs make homemade Crema Catalana style flan

The other day、From Mr. Yasuhisa Ashikura, a friend of his husband who runs a vinyl factory "(Yes) Ashikura Vinyl" in Shibata、ご実家で飼育されているブランド鶏ホシノブラックの生みたて卵をいただいただのですが、"Because the egg yolk ratio is higher than a normal egg, it is exquisite when it is made into pudding!" I asked you to teach me.、I decided to make a Cremaca Tarana-style pudding cake at my house.。用意するのは卵4個♪ まずは18cmの丸型にバターを薄く塗っておきます。And from making caramel, the real thrill of pudding。Dissolve and heat 60g of sugar against 60ml of water in a small pot.。Let's not burn it without keeping an eye from it because it changes to a yellowish color that is made to gurgle and the melt comes out.。When it becomes caramel color, remove it from the fire source.、Flow into the mold before it hardens.。(Note:I'll use the small pot later, so let's leave it without washing it.) Next, I'll make the egg solution, so I put 1 whole egg and 2 egg yolks in a separate bowl.、Add 50g of sugar and mix in a lather。 Mix eggs and sugar.、100ml milk in a small pot made of caramel、Add 200ml of fresh cream、I loosened a bottle of vanilla beans there.、The skin is put as it is and it is crowded.、Warm it so that it doesn't boil.。Why heat it in a pot made of caramel?、The aroma of caramel is transferred to milk and the flavor improves.、It is the way of two birds with one stone to get the stickiness of caramel.。 Cover the warm milk and fresh cream and steam it for about 5-10 minutes.、I put it in the egg solution little by little and mix it.。Let's filter it and let it flow into the mold.。Heat the oven at 170 degrees around here and heat it.。 We will make sponge dough as a foundation.。I put one egg in another bowl.、Add 25g of sugar and whisk in hot water.。When the dough warms up to the skin of the person、Mix the electric hand mixer from the hot water bath until it becomes the fastest and white cloudy.、Let's slow down gradually and blend in with the dough.。Then sift 25g of flour and mix.。(Note:湯煎に使用したお湯はのちほどオーブンで使用するので捨てないでください) ゴムべらでさっくりと混ぜ合わせ、Pour in a tablespoon of olive oil before mixing.。If you gently put it into the mold, the fabric will float, so don't worry.。Place the mold on the top plate.、The hot water used in the hot water bath was poured into about one-third of the top plate a little while ago.、170Bake for 30 minutes at a time.。(Note:Because the baking is slightly different depending on the oven、確認しながら時間は調整してください) 焼きあがったケーキに竹串を刺して、It's OK if you don't stick around.。However, since it is still half-boiled, let's cool the remaining heat by wrapping it as a mold.。If you get the extra heat,、The freezer remains of its mold (Note:It's not a refrigerator.)。Because it takes time to harden、In the meantime, let's make another baked snack with egg whites left for two eggs.。 Because two eggs of egg white are left in the pudding cake making、Mix 100g of sugar in about 3 times.、High-speed rotation with an electric hand mixer、Whisk until you can't even turn the bowl upside down with a feeling of cornering.。Put it in the aperture bag.、I spread the kitchen paper on the top plate and squeeze it out in the size of about 10 yen coin on it.。100℃のオーブンで60分焼き上げたらメレンゲ菓子の完成です♪ 外はサクッとし噛むとキャラメルのような食感の一口サイズのメレンゲ菓子はコーヒーのお供に美味しいですよ♪ メレンゲ菓子が出来上がる頃に、Cremaca Tarana-style pudding cake is also completed.。Take it out of the freezer、Cut around the mold with a kitchen knife.。Put on a bowl larger than the mold.、Tip、If you warm the bottom with your hands a little, it will fall off with an interesting ston.。This moment is the most fun (laugh) The fragrant caramel is familiar with the thick and thick fabric.、The inside is thick and smooth pudding.、It is the completion of the exquisite pudding cake that I have never tasted.。後はお好きにカットし生クリームやフルーツと一緒にデコレーションをお楽しみください♪ 自家製クレマカタラーナ風のプリンケーキ クレマカタラーナ風プリンケーキ材料 ■カラメル(水60cc,砂糖60g) ■プリン生地(全卵1個,2 egg yolks,50g sugar,100 ml milk,200ml fresh cream,バニラビーンズ1/2本) ■ スポンジ生地(全卵1個,25g flour,25g sugar,オリーブオイルまたはサラダ油大さじ1) ■型に塗るバター適量 メレンゲ菓子の材料 ■メレンゲ(プリン用で余った卵白2個分,砂糖100g)...

Rum steamed charm, make pudding

とろとろ~っととろける滑らかなプリンが食べたい時にオーブンだと少し面倒臭いなってことありませんか?ズボラなわたしはあるのです(笑)そんな時はフライパンを使用して水を張り蒸すだけで作れる簡単なレシピで作れるプリンを紹介しましょう♪ ラム酒を利かせ蒸して作るとろけるプリン 作り方 1.牛乳を鍋に入れ温まってきたら砂糖とラム酒を入れて沸騰手前で火を止めます 2.牛乳を温めている間にボウルで卵を溶いておきます※卵は泡立てないように! 3.溶き卵の入ったボウルに牛乳を少しずつ流し入れます 4.濾し器を通してココットに注ぎアルミで1つずつ蓋をします 5.フライパンに器半分が浸るくらいの水を入れ沸騰させ一旦火を止めて器を並べます 6.フライパンを弱火にかけ蓋をし、25~30分蒸します 7.カラメルソースは小鍋に砂糖と水とラム酒を火にかけ黄金色で火から外します 8.小鍋を回しながらお湯を入れ馴染ませます※お湯を入れると跳ねるので火傷注意! 9.蒸し上がったプリンにカラメルを注いで冷蔵庫でよく冷やします 10.盛り付けは自由ですので生クリームやフルーツでテンション上げてください♪ 材料(50ccカップ12個分) プリン液 卵2個 牛乳400cc 砂糖大さじ4 ラム酒(お好みで適量) カラメルソース 砂糖大さじ2 水大さじ1 ラム酒(適量) お湯大さじ...

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