On Alitalia from Fiumicino Airport (Rome) connecting domestic flights to and from Linate Airport (Milan)

From Fiumicino Airport (Rome) and arrived safely around 19 o'clock、To this day in the hotel Linate Airport (Milan)、Moves the domestic lines Terminal in the transit of aircraft。11Italy earlier in the month,、Nights out cabin temperature is cold not、It was as cool in stall 1。I have been told Japan and almost same temperature、Hamamatsu wind is not strong:、全然暖かく感じます♪ 国内線ターミナルに移動手段として国際線西側サテライトとターミナルを結んでいる無人運行のモノレール「スカイブリッジ」に乗り込みます。At the same time many people are available、Sound inside the car is very comfortable, quiet monorail。Shake a little、Because it works like the Maglev what seems to。 Indeed、On this monorail Sri is not considered、海外にいるというだけで身が引き締まる思いで斜め掛けバッグを握り締めていました(笑) こちらで手荷物検査です。Hat、Jacket、Belt、Remove the metal、On the instructions of the Ministry of land, infrastructure and transport than in the other thick-soled shoes、Safety shoes、Will call off the decorations such as boots and metallic shoes, such as。From mobile phones and cameras in the baggage bag、put in the cage out of the iPad and other electronic equipment, read the。And himself also received the security check, if it is passable。 And immigration in Rome。As a result、Entry and exit stamps in passports will be in Rome。But tour operators says、Sometimes does not press the stamp and squid was Italy who said (surprise) is that only Italy it seems to be、今回はきちんと押してくれる人で良かったです(笑) せっかく空港にいても乗り継ぎ便までの時間に余裕がなく、No time for shopping。最終日のミラノ滞在にかけましょう♪ 空港内にはイタリアに来た!と思わせてくれる素敵なバーカウンターが現れました!美しいミラネーゼ(ミラノ女性)がワイングラスを傾けて白ワインを嗜む姿が素敵ですね♪ 搭乗ゲートB7にてアリタリア航空「AZ2058便」の航空チケットとパスポートを見せてチェックインを済ませます。 Founded in 1947, after World War II、2009Alitalia, reborn as a fully privatized company。Hub airport, and Rome's Fiumicino airport、The aircraft is a green flag、White、Red colours and、Design A logo on the tail。It is bright green body line。Domestic flights as a "AZ 2058 flights"、From Rome to Milan。The flight time between the Linate (Milan)-Fiumicino (Rome)、1Time: 10 minutes。20Sometimes so half-Rome from Milan ringtone 21:40 going。Why not direct flights? Question was answered by tour operators.、Cheap plane tickets simply because it is in (laughs)、乗り継ぎやトランジットがあると余分にフライトが楽しめて良いと思ってしまうのはわたし達夫婦だけでしょうか♪ 国内線なので一気に機内は小さくなりますが、And the most covered with package tourists from Japan、海外気分ゼロです(笑) 「Cantine Maschio Prosecco Maschio Brut」 ヴェネト州のローリングブドウ畑で栽培プロセッコブドウから作られた古典的なイタリアのスパークリングワイン。There's a rich floral notes and the bright candied fruit flavors vibrant、A refreshing wine。スパークリングワインをオーダーするとこちらが出て来ました♪ 1時間程度のフライトなんて本当にあっという間です。"AZ 2058 flights' arrived safely at the Linate Airport (Milan)。 In front of the baggage receipt conveyor in cell.、Their、Receive her suitcase。Here tour operators who originated the word "sure no damage to suitcases! "With that。Words that you heard for the first time on the tour.。So、That it's just get treated to luggage with Italy。Can not recommend、Is Ke rose gone they may become the disclaimer about Choi wound of one place there is (surprise)、3If the non-repairable damage, such as a month over、航空会社が保証してくれるケースが多いのでご安心を♪ ツアー旅行の最大の良いところは、Is that enough to transport。Linate airport is already tour buses will pick up because it was coming、Take the suitcase to deposit。At this point 22 is near、Located approximately 15 km away from the airport、Where to stay hotel on the first day。次回はミラノのホテルの紹介です♪ Alitalia アリタリア航空 http://www.alitalia.com/jp_ja/ RomeFiumicino ローマ・フィウミチーノ空港 別称Leonardo da Vinci Airport レオナルドダヴィンチ空港 http://www.adr.it/web/languages/japanese Milano Linate ミラノ・リナーテ空港 http://www.milanolinate.eu/en...

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