Enjoy the summer! Growth of Umberto's view、Yururi Chillin' BBQ terrace

Every year、During the rainy season and dropped once houseplant Umberto home leaves to play、This time the、2for the tip had stretched to over m number of branches are cut off、テラスにてその復活を待ち望んでおります! 芽が出始め、Routines to observe daily started to grow healthily and Umberto became fun、That day had been watching the terrace。The morning of the next day weather、"Enjoy a BBQ on the terrace! "That it be、早速準備に取り掛かります! お肉は、Beef Loin or thick-sliced beef tongue and pork、Spain's Iberico hogs and pigs chestnut、Chorizo、Cartilage, gizzard Spareribs marinated in olive oil and herbs、Such as grilled squid! Vegetables、Now in season "thanks enshū-Mori fragility if sweet daughter" to three native potato、Green peppers、Carrot、Red and yellow peppers、Bean sprouts、Pleurotus eryngii、そして欠かせないのが茗荷です!甘々娘と茗荷は必須アイテム! 遠赤外線で400度まで上昇する石窯ロースターで、Japanese ginger baked golden brown and wrapped around pork loin、Grilled beef dish we dipped to the、Jusici, a combined with bittersweet of myoga rarity and、我が家のBBQの定番となります! アルコールは、And raised in nearby is Mr. Yasuyuki 大塲 entertainer and Bong-Chan and his wife engaged in "drink Boo.、According to the Spain pork、野生の苺を思わせる味わいとクリーミーで繊細な舌触りが楽しめる「Cava Reserva Familia Brut Rose/Mas de Monistrol MM」とエレガントな酸が瑞々しい味わいとなる「HONORO VERA ROSE」をセレクト!どちらも気分上々のロゼカラーにしました! 心地良い風が涼しげで、Eating out in real luxury! In front of growing Umberto's in the Sun、In the grow up free、Can enjoy the "MASERATI Quattroporte" car in Leer、Taste non-everyday and in my home、快適なBBQ! 真っ昼間からのアルコールは酔いも早く、Also can be right next to the couch in the living room、Good BBQ House where ♪ now、今年の夏は我が家のテラスで何回BBQできるかな!...

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