Okuhamanako Sankanike "The local burger of Sanka-day beef in the station building is popular Granny's burger&Cafe"

Drive to Hamamatsu、奥浜名湖で楽しむマリンスポーツ「WAH ウォーターアクティビティ浜名湖」の体験会を主催する長谷川乾(Kan Hasegawa)くんにお声がけいただきお出掛けです!途中「天竜浜名湖鉄道三ケ日駅」の駅舎内にあるハンバーガーショップで乾くんが営む「グラニーズバーガー&カフェ(Granny’s Burger&Cafe)」で早めのランチタイムと参りましょう! 「天浜線」の通称で親しまれる「天竜浜名湖鉄道株式会社天竜浜名湖線」は、From Kakegawa Station in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, to Tenryu Nijo Station in Tenryu-ku, Hamamatsu City、On the local railway that runs at "TH Shinjohara Station (TH Shinjohara Sta.)" on the Amahama Line in Kosai City、こちらは日本一の柑橘選果場の町「みかんの里」と称される三ヶ日町にある「三ヶ日駅」。The name of the place of the three days is、It is derived from the fact that it was called the three days because the market was held on the third day of the month。 この日はイベント出店などでお見かけする「かもめの珈琲屋さん」も、Luckily, it was operating in the station building.、ランチ後に伺ってみましょう! 「天浜線」では、To make effective use of it as an unmanned station、We are attracting various restaurants and merchandise stores in the station building.、There are gourmet spots scattered along the route。Now it is also known as "Amahama Line = Gourmet Line"、It is a popular spot for many tourists, including locals。 国の登録有形文化財にも登録されている木造平屋建ての「天浜線・三ケ日駅」は、Now, though,、The atmosphere full of atmosphere that makes you feel the good times of the Showa era is attractive。While basking in the scorching summer sunlight、The train is approaching。There are only one or two trains in one hour on both the upper and lower lines.、A train that I was able to witness at the right time。 Here is、2021On the train that has been operating since February of the year、Wrapping train of "Yuru Camp △ × Amahama Line" in collaboration with anime。Cute characters are drawn in light blue that blend in with Lake Hamana。 Lunch time on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 10:30-15:00までの限定営業となる「グラニーズバーガー&カフェ(Granny’s Burger & Cafe)」。There are additional terrace seats that were not there when I visited before.、The terrace seats there are pet-friendly.、As a dog lover, I'm happy! (* If you have a dog, there is a separate entrance door at the end of the stairs、Please note that it is different from the general entrance。) 店内は木のぬくもりを感じる寛ぎのカフェスタイルで、17There are table seats about the size of seats.、It is open on Saturdays and Sundays.、この日もあっという間に満席です! 奥の黒板には、The "three-day neighborhood map" centered on Lake Inohana is drawn.、人気スポットが満載! 店内奥には大きめのテーブルが設置されているためグループでの入店も可能こちらのオーナーである長谷川乾(Kan Hasegawa)くんの奥様で店長の実香(Mika)さんと乾くんご夫妻も愛犬家で、I have a 15-year-old Chihuahua named Nobu。It seems that he has always wanted to meet our chocolat.、来訪をとても喜んでくれスタッフ総出で大歓迎してくれました! テラス席といっても屋根付きとなるため雨天でも利用できるところが嬉しいですね! ショコラも席に着くと、Please provide me with drinking water for my dog right away.、Thank you for your service! It is a good idea to drink plenty of water when going out on a hot day to avoid heat stroke like people。 The staff here is polite in customer service, and their cheerful and depressed healing smiles are impressive。I took a look at the menu right away.、Let's have a signature menu。テイクアウトも可能です! 店内のカウンター前には、Popular local souvenirs include "Mikatsu Mandarin Cider" and "Mikatsu Blue Mandarin Squash"、"Wada Ranch's three-day beef curry" using three-day beef is also on sale。 Aged at a low temperature for more than two and a half years in complete sun.、Washed, crushed and dried、Sun-dried natural salt rich in natural minerals and enzymes "Chikyu no Shizuku"、Many exciting things and things of Lake Hamana are designed on the palm of the hand, and gloves and work gloves that adults and children can see and use Lake Hamana itself and experience it、The character of the local burger "Three-day beef burger-kun can batch"、Shizuoka Prefecture-based writer Inujun's new book set in Lake Hamana, "This Love、If it comes true" and so on。 In the kitchen where you can see over the counter lined with local goods、店主の実香さんとスタッフがテキパキと阿吽の呼吸で作り上げて行きます! 鉄板でじっくりと焼き上げるバンズやパティに目玉焼き厚焼きベーコンの香ばしい香りが漂ってきます! こちらで2年半働かれている韓国人スタッフのナムさん(46歳)は、It has been about 15 years since I moved from Korea and ran around Japan.、He can read and write Japanese and speaks fluently.、I'm also fluent in English.、Inbound customer service is also smart。Nam、He is always cooking and has a lot of diligence, so he can learn the technical side quickly.、The store manager, Mika, says that she is now able to entrust the store。 「三ヶ日みかんサイダー」¥290(税抜) 「三ヶ日青みかんスカッシュ」¥340(税抜) バーガーとセットでお得に頼めるドリンクの一つ「三ヶ日みかんサイダー」は、Squeeze plenty of three-day tangerines harvested in three days、A juice that allows you to enjoy the refreshing flavor of tangerines and the refreshing taste of carbonic acid。The other is hand-picked three-day green tangerines squeezed、Adjust the sweetness with honey from the three-day satoyama、Enjoy the sweet and sour freshness of "Three Days of Blue Tangerine Squash"。 タワー張りにそびえ立つ巨大ハンバーガーがやって来ました! 人気No.1のご当地バーガー「三ヶ日牛バーガー」¥1,310(税抜) ポテトMセット¥290(税抜) 浜松の「無添加パン工房 秋桜(コスモス)」の天然酵母で作った全粒粉入りのふかふかの特注バンズに、A large patty made from 100% local brand beef three-day beef is luxuriously used.、Cheddar cheese melted in fresh vegetables such as crispy lettuce, thick tomatoes, sliced onions, and、A half-boiled fried egg with a thick yolk that is best cooked、具材をたっぷりと8層重ねした豪華なご当地バーガー! 「グラニーズバーガー」¥1,180(税抜) ポテトMセット¥290(税抜) オープン当初から人気を誇る店名を冠した「グラニーズバーガー」は、The meaty homemade patty of 100% Aussie beef is thick、Thick-cut bacon that sticks out of a fluffy custom-made bun with whole wheat flour, also made with natural yeast、A soft-boiled fried egg with a thick yolk、And、シャキシャキレタスやスライストマトなど瑞々しいフレッシュ野菜が入ったボリューム感満点のハンバーガー! 大口を開けてもその高さには到達しないボリューム感に圧倒されながらも食べ応えを堪能し無心に頬張ります! 美味しそうに漂うハンバーガーの香りに、To the chocolate that has been staring at me with resentment、I let them eat the homemade rice I brought with them。 美味しいご当地バーガーと愛犬ショコラと共に過ごせるランチタイムにご機嫌な一枚! 食事の後には美味しそうなコーヒーを淹れてくれる「かもめの珈琲屋さん」でほっこりと休憩することに致しましょう! グラニーズバーガー&カフェ(Granny’s Burger&Cafe) 住所静岡県浜松市北区三ヶ日町三ヶ日1148-3 三ヶ日駅舎内 TEL:053-525-2202 Business Hours:Soil、On Sundays、10 of public holidays:30-15:00 Closed on Mondays:月曜〜金曜日 駐車場:Yes terrace seats:Doggie Companion https://grannys-burger.foodre.jp/...

Birthday trip in Karuizawa(1)Yamanashi "GOOD DINER INN COPAIN Hokuto Store" Terrace lunch with dog accompaniment

Every year、11Birthday trip to go out on my birthday in the month。I can't go abroad due to the corona disaster、For the past few years, I have hated to travel.、Last year, I went on a trip to Atami to enjoy hot springs.、This year, I came to Karuizawa to enjoy the autumn leaves! Because I have my dog Chocolat who welcomed my family during the Corona disaster、今回もショコラ同伴で過ごすワンコ旅となります! 私たちが住まう静岡県浜松市より目的地となる軽井沢までの移動距離は約400km、It takes about 4 hours.、Enter the Chubu Crossing Road from Shimizu、Go slowly with breaks along the way、Entering Yamanashi Prefecture。In the mountains as autumn deepens、Surrounded by yellow-colored trees、紅葉ならぬ見事な黄葉が見られます! 軽井沢へ向かう途中、Lunch at the southern foot of Yatsugatake、Yamanashi is a hamburger and pizza made with local organic vegetables in Hokuto City.、Go to "GOOD DINER INN COPAIN Hokuto Store" where you can enjoy special roasted coffee! This is、In Tokyo, Ikebukuro became a branch of "GOOD DINER INN COPAIN", which is a place of relaxation where hostels and café bars coexist.、The owner is based here、It was opened when it was moved to Hokuto City in Yamanashi.。2012"Cafeteria Copan" opened on September 5 of the year、2014From April 27, it has been changed to "Good Diner in Copan Hokuto Store".。 The inside of the store has a high ceiling.、It becomes an open and warm space full of the warmth of wood.、Table seats、Private room、About 50 seats are available on the terrace.。 Because the open terrace is allowed to be accompanied by a dog、I will visit you on the terrace with my dog Chocolat.。Because the temperature in early November in Yamanashi is less than 10 ° C.、It seems that lunch is the limit for spending time on the terrace.、It seems that if there is no wind, it is within the range of time。There are also considerations such as preparing blankets from the store side.、Helpful! Order while looking at the menu table。Take-out is also available! Hearty burgers and colorful sandwiches、Pizza made with plenty of local organic vegetables。 11:00~ 14:30There are service drinks for a limited time、As for hot coffee, it will come with a nice service of "free refill"! Warm your chilled body with plenty of warm coffee in a cute mug with the store's logo! With the commitment of the owner who loves coffee、Coffee beans are freshly roasted coffee beans.、It will be a mild and easy-to-drink American coffee! There is a coffee roastery across the road from the shop.、The owner comes on weekends and roasts it.。 The coffee bean roaster is equipped with a roaster from "FUJI ROYAL", which is headquartered in Osaka.。 When the hamburger plate you ordered is ready,、Look at the camera of Chocolat、The usual "Hi、Pose!" "Bacon Cheeseburger" 1,400 yen on a thick fluffy bun、For a juicy patty made with minced beef and pork、Melted rich cheddar cheese、For thick bacon full of satisfying eating、A tower-type hamburger with crunchy lettuce and fresh tomatoes、The sauce is covered like an avalanche of sweet aurora sauce with grain mustard! Garnish is、French fries with cucumber and pickled carrots on one plate! "Cheeseburger" 1,250 yen I ended up with the same picture surface、"Cheeseburger" without bacon from the hamburger above。Because both are tall、To make it easy to eat、Put it in the included burger bag、Please don't spill it! Chocolat meals are served with homemade rice and trays.、Get permission from the shop、Feed on the terrace。Were you too hungry?、It's all over in no time! When your stomach is full、Chocolate plunged into nap mode。I can climb stairs, but I'm not good at going down.、抱っこ待ちの様子です(笑) 深まる秋と紅葉を楽しみながらの軽井沢への誕生日旅行の始まりです! GOOD DINER INN COPAIN 北杜店(グッド・ダイナー・イン・コパン) 住所:8240-6321 Nishiide, Oizumi-cho, Hokuto-shi, Yamanashi TEL:0551-38-1023 Hours of operation:Lunch 11:30-15:00(14:30LO)、Dinner 17:30-21:00(20:30LO) Takeaway:Order 10:00-20:00、Receive:11:30-15:00.17:30-20:30 Closed on Mondays:Monday (Tuesday if Monday is a national holiday) Parking:15台https://www.instagram.com/good.diner.inn.copain.hokuto/...

"Granny's Burger" a hamburger shop in the Mikkain station building operated by a pesticide-free vegetable farmer!

To the hamburger shop "Grannyburger Granny & #8217;s Burger" in the station building of "Tenryu Hamanako Railway Sankehi Station"! Tenryu Hamanako Railway Co., Ltd. Tenryu Hamanako Line, which is popularly known as the "Tenhama Line", is、From Kakegawa Station in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, to Tenryu Nijo Station in Tenryu-ku, Hamamatsu City、"Tenhama Line Shinshohara Station" in Kosai City (THHARA Shinjo Sta.)It is a local railway that runs! This "Tenhama Line"、To make effective use of it as an unmanned station、Because various restaurants and shops are attracted to the station building、There are many gourmet spots on the route.、The "Tenhama Line" is now known as a "gourmet route"、Local people started.、It will be a popular spot for many tourists! On this day、I'm on a drive to see the annual Maserati Touring event scheduled to be held around Lake Hamana next month.、On the way, late lunch time at hamburger shop "Granny's Burger" in the station building of "Mikan days station"! "Amanohama Line/ Mikaka Station", which is registered as a registered tangible cultural property of the country、The quaint atmosphere of the good showa era is wonderful! Both the upper and lower lines、1Although it is a local line of one ryo that runs only one or two times in time、Students and local people are used to school and commute to work.、Just、You can meet the timing when the train of the upper and lower lines passes each other、The appearance of the red flag of the railway worker is left in the impression! Actually, I haven't boarded the Tenhama Line yet.、I'm going to experience it someday! If you come to the store、It becomes a cozy atmosphere to feel the warmth of the tree、17A table of seats is available! Here we、Using "Three Days Beef" of the brand beef, which is a special product of the three days、"Mikanichi beef burger" and、Including popular menus such as "Granny's Burger" which bears the name of the restaurant、無農薬・無添加にこだわったグルメバーガーに出会えます! 「グラニーズバーガー」と「三ヶ日みかんサイダー&ポテト」のセット(単品1,130円+ドリンク280円+ポテト180円+税) オープン当初から人気を誇る店名を冠した「グラニーズバーガー」は、100% beef meaty homemade patty is thick、a half-boiled fried egg finished in thick lying bacon and thick yolk that sticks out of a fluffy bun、And、瑞々しいスライストマトやシャキシャキレタスが入ったボリューム感満載のハンバーガーです! バンズに添えられたピクルスと共にバーガーを貫くように指した串と一緒にバーガー袋をしっかりと抱えてガブリと一口! 大満足なボリュームながらに、The taste that sticks to the additive-free feels gentle、胃もたれ知らずの自然派バーガーとなります! オススメされた「三ケ日みかんサイダー」は三ヶ日で採れた三ヶ日みかんをたっぷり絞り、It is a juice that you can enjoy the refreshing flavor of mandarin oranges and the refreshing taste of carbonate! Because the potato of the assorted was hock-hok, the texture was good, and it felt very sweet.、I thought that potatoes with high sugar content were used.、Thanks to the carefully used sun salt "Chikyu no Kaoru"! What is "Chikyu no Kaoru"、Rare organisms such as the world's oldest biostromatites and dugongs at the time of life's birth、The sea water of Shark Bay, Australia, which is considered to be the source of life registered as a World Heritage Site, is a rare 100% sun salt that has been dried in the sun for more than two and a half years.、Plenty of minerals to please the body、Because artificial heat is not applied、The ingredients of the sea are obtained as they are.、Because it is a neutral salt that is broken down in the body、It seems to be a natural salt that does not put a burden on the body! This natural salt is made by the umami of minerals to add depth to the dish.、こちらのポテトも一際甘みを帯びて感じるようですよ! 「チーズバーガー」と「コーラ」のセット(単品830円+ドリンク180円+税) シンプルに大好きな「チーズバーガー」は、The picture of cheese melting in homemade patties is unbearably appetizing! If it is this thickness, it will be a feeling of size that is easy to eat even for women! (laughs) the current owner, Inui Hasegawa (Kan Hasegawa)Mr. a、Founding member of CyberAgent Co., Ltd., one of Japan's leading IT companies、20Living a life that runs around the generation、After wandering around the world and gaining a lot of stimulation and experience、I was looking for a place to move to.、2016I liked the property and the environment of Lake Hamana in 19、With his wife Mika Hasegawa to make this place her final home、夫婦で移住を決意! 移住後は IT畑から農家に転身され農家直販ストア「MARU FARMまるファーム」を立ち上げ、 We are particular about making vegetables that are not used at all and are conscious of circulation.、無農薬野菜を栽培しています! 縁あって、while farming、2018He took over as the first owner of "Granny #8217 & Burger" since May 2007.、現在に至るとのこと! 入店早々、It seems that it was not thought by the local people though it was a thing every time, and "Are you on a trip?" And open-mindedly with his wife Mika who was talking to me casually、I have a lot in common with my husband.、With the owner's mr. Inui who has been wandering around the world、Talking about Tokyo and traveling stories、If you notice, you'll stay quite a long time.、とても楽しい時間を過ごさせていただきました! 駅前の銅像に寄り添う愛らしい猫ちゃんの姿も平和でほっこり気分! 浜松近郊にお越しの際はローカル鉄道「天浜線」の「グルメ路線」を是非お楽しみください! Granny’s Burger(グラニーズバーガー) 住所: 1148-3 Mikakamachi Mikakamachi, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka TEL: 053-525-2202 Hours of operation:10:00~ 16:00( L.O. 15:30*Open only on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: Monday to Thursday (open on public holidays) Parking:有 https://www.facebook.com/grannys.mikkabi/...

Launched as a brand new "showgenberger" popular barbecue restaurants beef burger

At the shopping center as no stranger in Toyama、こだわりの黒毛和牛が頂けると人気の「焼肉ハウス 大将軍【富山】」を運営する本田 大輝くんが新たな試みとして、4月1日に和牛バーガー専門店「Shogun Burger(ショウグンバーガー)」をオープンさせました! 場所は富山市内の総曲輪にあるショッピングモール「富山グランドプラザ(GLAND PLAZA)」の天窓がある中央フリースペースの奥になり週末は多くの人で賑わいます! 店内はカウンター席と店前のテラス席とコンパクトなサイズでスタッフとの距離感も近く調理風景が楽しめる空間です! 目の前ではバンズの温めから始まり、Allow the patties sizzle up、When finally cheddar cheese、Toro-(s) appetite for improving picture power melting cheese、Will be longing for the voila! Φ(*'Д' * )溜まりません! メニューは、"Cheese burger (fries、Drink) ¥ 1200 "based on、Double patties and Bacon with your choice、And plus, egg style、欲張りな方はタワー型の「全部のせ 2,200円」も可能です! バンズは富山県産の小麦粉を熟成させ、Aroma and a soft finish soft palate had original bands、Since PuTTY uses the yakiniku-BBQ beef luxury 100% using the、ジューシィーで肉の旨味がしっかりと感じられる一品! 途中に味変で「MAILLE」のディジョンマスタードをアクセントに添えるのもお勧めです! セットで頂けるコーヒーは、Guests can enjoy specialty coffee roasting shop coffer (Offe) original、食後にほっこり♪良い香り♪ 「毎日食べたいハンバーガー」として、Healthy menu including salad sense Burger with no bun, pork burger is also available、女性にもお勧めです! 夜は、Enjoy a steak's barbecue restaurants, such as Burger other than、ワインを楽しみながら肉バル感覚に使えます!肉食家集まれー! 最後にバルセロナ振りの再会を記念してオーナーの大輝くんとスタッフの扇谷 厚子さんと一緒に「SHOGUN BURGER(ショウグンバーガー)」ポーズでパチリ!...

In the "In-N-Out Burger" United States most popular Burger restaurant Gabriele!

In-Out Burger, which opened its first drive-through-style hamburger store in California in 1948、California and Nevada in April 2016, mainly in the southwest and central United States、Arizona、Utah、growing with a large fast food chain with about 310 stores in Texas、米国でも大変人気の高いハンバーガー店として有名です! 観光地巡りをしながら、Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Hasegawa who immigrated to Provo, Utah, USA、隣町のオレム(Orem)にある「In-N-Out Burger(イン・アンド・アウト・バーガー)」へランチに立ち寄りました! 現地読みでは、It becomes "Inenaut Burger".(-Be ω-Isuzu)^☆ In-N-Outでは、Order accounting in line at the cash register、Secure a seat with a numbered receipt at hand、It's a style that waits for the number to be called.。 The menu is basically double double (patty and two pieces of cheese)、"Cheeseburger"、Hamburgers、「フレンチフライ」の4種類と至ってシンプル! 今回は、Double double burger and French fries and drinks "Combo♯ 1 set 6.15$ (Japanese yen):約680円)」をオーダー! こちらの人気の秘密は、After all the order is received, it cooks.、No frozen products、in addition to the security of using fresh vegetables、and cheappricing.、Aiming for 100% customer satisfaction、お客の要望に合わせて裏メニューが存在するところにあります! 厨房を覗けば、French fries also start with cutting potatoes、フレッシュ感溢れる揚げたてポテトがいただけます! バンズにふんだんに用いられるシャキシャキレタスやトマトやオニオンが彩り良く食欲をそそり、 For patties with meaty high quality US beef、A hamburger full of melting cheddar cheese、大きな口を開けても足りないほどのBIG SIZE! さらに嬉しいことにドリンクはセルフサービスで詰め放題おかわり自由となります! 熱々のフレンチフライポテトに付けるケチャップも備え付けのカップに好きなだけ注げこういうところがアメリカンだと実感します! ケチャップブースには、Jalapeno pickles are placed、You can also eat as much as you like.。 It's so intense that this jalapeno pickle is paralyzed again.、癖になる味わいで止められない! 帰り際もカップにたっぷりとドリンクをおかわりし、To the car.。 Take it home in a paper bag with jalapeno pickles、I carved it in pizza in a share house、ビールのおつまみにいただきました! 次回、If you have a chance to visit、是非とも「裏メニュー」にチャレンジしてみたいと思います♪...

"Hymer" Hamamatsu open! American big size burgers

浜松の街中常盤町に昨年の2016年9月にオープンしたアメリカンダイニング「100%kraftdining HighMeal ハイミール」へ! こちらはダイニングバー「DRINK&FOOD リーダー」で長く店長を務められてきた新村雅洋くんが独立され、Homemade hamburgers with a plump and juicy grilled on lava stone Grill 100% beef Patty in the heart、気軽に楽しめる肉料理や自家製オリジナルスイーツを提供されています! 店内はアメリカンスタイルのカジュアルダイニングとなり、Sinchon-interior design and furniture, even one in the owner's idea to cram lots、In addition、In the maker of Windows and wall paint is a famous artist in Tokyo、Join local artists、コンセプトに沿ったバランスの良い空間を手掛けられています! オープンキッチンが伺えるカウンター席に加え、You can relax sofa、 Look at the sight of young moms with young children、The smile most was inside an。 Suddenly roofs、High aesthetics、While having fun girl fashionable and women's power、 大振りのハンバーガーを大胆に頬張る姿が観られます♪ ビル2階という立地ながらに平日といえども満席となる人気店! 階段の踊り場にウェイティングスペースとして置かれた木製の椅子で席が開くのを10分ほど待機。 When、壁面に飾られた黒板には手描きで描かれたビッグサイズのハンバーガーのイラストが! こちらは新村くんの奥様である海津 彩音 (New Aya sound)ちゃんの作品です! 彩音ちゃんは、I used to work asynchronously、現在は「at.nail」のオーナーとして活躍されるネイリストです♪ ソファ席に案内されメニューの中から「ベーコンチーズバーガー(100%ビーフパテ・トマト・レタス・レッドチェダーチーズ)1,100円」と 「スパイシーチリチーズバーガー(100%ビーフパテ・トマト・レタス・チリビーンズミート・レッドチェダーチーズ)1,100円」に「コカコーラ」をオーダー! どのハンバーガーにもミニサラダまたはポテトが選べ添えられます! 特注のふっくらバンズにスパイシーな100%ビーフのパテが乗り、Hearty Hamburger、Established in table "hands dirty, to prevent dripping juice" Burger bag the beans and let go! Meat of beef black pepper spice is nice 100% enjoyment in sense of everything to eat and、トマトやとろけるチーズの風味にシャキシャキレタスのフレッシュ感が楽しめるアメリカンバーガーです! ハンバーガーだけでも10種類以上もあるため通い甲斐のあるお店ですね! ハイセンスな新村夫妻が造り上げた空間は、Is warm.、Has become a lovely place that everyone can enjoy、As well as lunch and dinner、二次会やイベントにも使えるお勧めのダイニングとなります♪...

From Showa retro Cafe "hood" literary foot 繫 go NET cafes went Burger

1952年(昭和27年)創業の老舗の純喫茶「BONNET ボンネット」熱海銀座の繁華街にひっそりと佇み風情溢れる映画館「熱海ロマンス座」隣に位置し、 Yukio Mishima and tanizaki Junichiro、Singer, writer, including fubuki koshiji foot 繫 go passed coffee shop is also known as。 店名の「BONNET ボンネット」とは、Represents a type of hat for ladies、 Women decorate the hat deeply on the sign is depicted。 Master Cup Cup、丁寧にサイフォンで淹れられる薫り高き珈琲と 小振りで飾り気はないもののマスターのこだわりを感じる味わい深いハンバーガーがお勧めです♪ 昭和レトロな面影溢れるアンティークな照明に、 Showcase period established separating the counters and tables。 And、Drifting high taste coffee aroma and flavor of the Showa era、 Remains of a bygone era、The restaurant suggests a nostalgic view of the world。 On the net、朝9時より営業と表記されているところが多いですが現在(2015年11月訪問時)は、 For couple of hours is restricted in、朝10時より15時までの営業に変更されたとのことブランチ使いには最適な場所となります♪ 「ハンバーガー&コーヒーセット」800円 戦後まもなく、When master was entering into military camps、 We go out with a burger befriends、Shocked the、 Japanese always win! And devised the original Hamburger、Coffee shop opened。 At that time、Those who know the Burger even less in、Blink of an eye and taste boasts popular、 At the same time style。 Pickled with toothpicks stuck in vans and、 The environmentally friendly and can be removed by choice。 Raw onion and lettuce、Parsley、Topped in the basket、 For tucking yourself before eating、Enjoy the lush texture of lettuce shakishaki as。 Small vans as fit in a hand、Without opening the big women of size can be。 バンズはマスターがオリジナルでオーダーしており「住吉屋」で製造。 Vans side up crispy on the griddle、Accented with wispy and giving the mustard、 忍basu in PuTTY's wearing source、And I enjoyed the texture and sweetness, firm and meaty、 More satisfying flavor with small size。 添えられたポテトも皮付きと嬉し懐かしさを覚えます♪ セットのコーヒーは、Relax at the counter sipping coffee master、 Every order is carefully fur siphon。 Fragrance、コクと苦味のバランスが程好いまろやかなブレンドコーヒーです♪ 「ホットドック」550円 1本のホットドックを半分にカットした状態で小さなウィンナーを2本で提供。 This pickle will be stuck with toothpicks。 The burgers as well as、ホットドックのコッペパンもマスターがオーダーし「住吉屋」で製造されています。 The cabbage was slipped into the screen beneath the sausage、Soak in the sauce、 In the sweet flavor and moist、 But excessive frills、Because of simple taste also transmitted straight to。 And beams.、Feels of nostalgia and warmth、It is an article somewhere and you。 A popular dish is chicken basket、It takes a bit of time with the。 Brewed coffee master、The kitchen is wife responsible for and、For the old couple of mediums、 時間と心に余裕のある方に利用してほしい喫茶店です♪ 時代を感じさせる暖かな灯りは、Minds calm for such space.。 Young younger days of beauty suffer a master with Hat。 Today I'm sure master is、Perched on a counter while listening to my favorite JAZZ、 But like the best espresso yourself、オーダーが入るその時を待っていることでしょう♪ BONNET ボンネット 住所静岡県熱海市銀座町8-14 TEL:0557-81-4960 Hours of operation:10:00-15:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday...

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