Okuhamanako Sankanike "The local burger of Sanka-day beef in the station building is popular Granny's burger&Cafe"

Drive to Hamamatsu、奥浜名湖で楽しむマリンスポーツ「WAH ウォーターアクティビティ浜名湖」の体験会を主催する長谷川乾(Kan Hasegawa)くんにお声がけいただきお出掛けです!途中「天竜浜名湖鉄道三ケ日駅」の駅舎内にあるハンバーガーショップで乾くんが営む「グラニーズバーガー&カフェ(Granny’s Burger&Cafe)」で早めのランチタイムと参りましょう! 「天浜線」の通称で親しまれる「天竜浜名湖鉄道株式会社天竜浜名湖線」は、From Kakegawa Station in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, to Tenryu Nijo Station in Tenryu-ku, Hamamatsu City、On the local railway that runs at "TH Shinjohara Station (TH Shinjohara Sta.)" on the Amahama Line in Kosai City、こちらは日本一の柑橘選果場の町「みかんの里」と称される三ヶ日町にある「三ヶ日駅」。The name of the place of the three days is、It is derived from the fact that it was called the three days because the market was held on the third day of the month。 この日はイベント出店などでお見かけする「かもめの珈琲屋さん」も、Luckily, it was operating in the station building.、ランチ後に伺ってみましょう! 「天浜線」では、To make effective use of it as an unmanned station、We are attracting various restaurants and merchandise stores in the station building.、There are gourmet spots scattered along the route。Now it is also known as "Amahama Line = Gourmet Line"、It is a popular spot for many tourists, including locals。 国の登録有形文化財にも登録されている木造平屋建ての「天浜線・三ケ日駅」は、Now, though,、The atmosphere full of atmosphere that makes you feel the good times of the Showa era is attractive。While basking in the scorching summer sunlight、The train is approaching。There are only one or two trains in one hour on both the upper and lower lines.、A train that I was able to witness at the right time。 Here is、2021On the train that has been operating since February of the year、Wrapping train of "Yuru Camp △ × Amahama Line" in collaboration with anime。Cute characters are drawn in light blue that blend in with Lake Hamana。 Lunch time on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 10:30-15:00までの限定営業となる「グラニーズバーガー&カフェ(Granny’s Burger & Cafe)」。There are additional terrace seats that were not there when I visited before.、The terrace seats there are pet-friendly.、As a dog lover, I'm happy! (* If you have a dog, there is a separate entrance door at the end of the stairs、Please note that it is different from the general entrance。) 店内は木のぬくもりを感じる寛ぎのカフェスタイルで、17There are table seats about the size of seats.、It is open on Saturdays and Sundays.、この日もあっという間に満席です! 奥の黒板には、The "three-day neighborhood map" centered on Lake Inohana is drawn.、人気スポットが満載! 店内奥には大きめのテーブルが設置されているためグループでの入店も可能こちらのオーナーである長谷川乾(Kan Hasegawa)くんの奥様で店長の実香(Mika)さんと乾くんご夫妻も愛犬家で、I have a 15-year-old Chihuahua named Nobu。It seems that he has always wanted to meet our chocolat.、来訪をとても喜んでくれスタッフ総出で大歓迎してくれました! テラス席といっても屋根付きとなるため雨天でも利用できるところが嬉しいですね! ショコラも席に着くと、Please provide me with drinking water for my dog right away.、Thank you for your service! It is a good idea to drink plenty of water when going out on a hot day to avoid heat stroke like people。 The staff here is polite in customer service, and their cheerful and depressed healing smiles are impressive。I took a look at the menu right away.、Let's have a signature menu。テイクアウトも可能です! 店内のカウンター前には、Popular local souvenirs include "Mikatsu Mandarin Cider" and "Mikatsu Blue Mandarin Squash"、"Wada Ranch's three-day beef curry" using three-day beef is also on sale。 Aged at a low temperature for more than two and a half years in complete sun.、Washed, crushed and dried、Sun-dried natural salt rich in natural minerals and enzymes "Chikyu no Shizuku"、Many exciting things and things of Lake Hamana are designed on the palm of the hand, and gloves and work gloves that adults and children can see and use Lake Hamana itself and experience it、The character of the local burger "Three-day beef burger-kun can batch"、Shizuoka Prefecture-based writer Inujun's new book set in Lake Hamana, "This Love、If it comes true" and so on。 In the kitchen where you can see over the counter lined with local goods、店主の実香さんとスタッフがテキパキと阿吽の呼吸で作り上げて行きます! 鉄板でじっくりと焼き上げるバンズやパティに目玉焼き厚焼きベーコンの香ばしい香りが漂ってきます! こちらで2年半働かれている韓国人スタッフのナムさん(46歳)は、It has been about 15 years since I moved from Korea and ran around Japan.、He can read and write Japanese and speaks fluently.、I'm also fluent in English.、Inbound customer service is also smart。Nam、He is always cooking and has a lot of diligence, so he can learn the technical side quickly.、The store manager, Mika, says that she is now able to entrust the store。 「三ヶ日みかんサイダー」¥290(税抜) 「三ヶ日青みかんスカッシュ」¥340(税抜) バーガーとセットでお得に頼めるドリンクの一つ「三ヶ日みかんサイダー」は、Squeeze plenty of three-day tangerines harvested in three days、A juice that allows you to enjoy the refreshing flavor of tangerines and the refreshing taste of carbonic acid。The other is hand-picked three-day green tangerines squeezed、Adjust the sweetness with honey from the three-day satoyama、Enjoy the sweet and sour freshness of "Three Days of Blue Tangerine Squash"。 タワー張りにそびえ立つ巨大ハンバーガーがやって来ました! 人気No.1のご当地バーガー「三ヶ日牛バーガー」¥1,310(税抜) ポテトMセット¥290(税抜) 浜松の「無添加パン工房 秋桜(コスモス)」の天然酵母で作った全粒粉入りのふかふかの特注バンズに、A large patty made from 100% local brand beef three-day beef is luxuriously used.、Cheddar cheese melted in fresh vegetables such as crispy lettuce, thick tomatoes, sliced onions, and、A half-boiled fried egg with a thick yolk that is best cooked、具材をたっぷりと8層重ねした豪華なご当地バーガー! 「グラニーズバーガー」¥1,180(税抜) ポテトMセット¥290(税抜) オープン当初から人気を誇る店名を冠した「グラニーズバーガー」は、The meaty homemade patty of 100% Aussie beef is thick、Thick-cut bacon that sticks out of a fluffy custom-made bun with whole wheat flour, also made with natural yeast、A soft-boiled fried egg with a thick yolk、And、シャキシャキレタスやスライストマトなど瑞々しいフレッシュ野菜が入ったボリューム感満点のハンバーガー! 大口を開けてもその高さには到達しないボリューム感に圧倒されながらも食べ応えを堪能し無心に頬張ります! 美味しそうに漂うハンバーガーの香りに、To the chocolate that has been staring at me with resentment、I let them eat the homemade rice I brought with them。 美味しいご当地バーガーと愛犬ショコラと共に過ごせるランチタイムにご機嫌な一枚! 食事の後には美味しそうなコーヒーを淹れてくれる「かもめの珈琲屋さん」でほっこりと休憩することに致しましょう! グラニーズバーガー&カフェ(Granny’s Burger&Cafe) 住所静岡県浜松市北区三ヶ日町三ヶ日1148-3 三ヶ日駅舎内 TEL:053-525-2202 Business Hours:Soil、On Sundays、10 of public holidays:30-15:00 Closed on Mondays:月曜〜金曜日 駐車場:Yes terrace seats:Doggie Companion https://grannys-burger.foodre.jp/...

Morning where you can enjoy Dutch coffee in the atmosphere of Washitsu "Coffee Shop Mitsuwa" 1912

While driving along the shores of Lake Hamana、Morning with friends to the old-fashioned coffee shop "Coffee Shop Ticwa" famous for Dutch coffee! This is proud of the founding of the Daiso and its old history.、It is located in front of Washitsu Station.。Taisho Roman full of calm、It has a Showa retro atmosphere that feels nostalgic some place、Morning where you can enjoy Dutch coffee is popular、地元の常連客でいつも賑わう喫茶店となります! 入り口にはショーケースが並び和菓子の店頭販売もされています! 店内はクラシカルな雰囲気が漂い温かな照明が灯される落ち着き溢れる空間でカウンター席とテーブル席に分かれています! 4人掛けのテーブル席はパーテーションで仕切られており、Soft light shines through the stendras of the small window、居心地の良さを感じます! 奥には個室も用意されているため、It seems to be used for tea ceremonies of neighboring madams、ちょっとした会合に適しています! モーニングメニューはサンドイッチやトーストの3種類から選べドリンク代にプラスするスタイルです! 大正浪漫や昭和レトロな雰囲気の喫茶店が大好きな私たち! 以前からこちらのモーニングの噂を聞いていたので、Sunny this morning、I received an invitation from a friend.、浜名湖周遊ドライブをしながらこちらに訪れることに致しました! 名古屋のモーニング文化には到底敵うわけがありませんが浜松や湖西でもモーニングできる喫茶店やカフェがあるのは嬉しい限りです! 「サンドイッチモーニング」ドリンク代+230円 (ハムサンドイッチ+サラダ) きちんと手作りされているバランスの良いモーニングプレートが登場です! ハムサンドイッチは、Fluffy thin bread with mustard + mayonnaise、ハムとレタスが入った優しい味わいのサンドイッチが食べやすいサイズ感にカットされ提供されてきます! サラダボールは、There is a spaghetti salad at the bottom.、Potato salad or pumpkin salad、Salad with cucumbers, tomatoes蒡 beef, and carrots、Banana and pineapple are included as fruit、Why is kasatsu-toage sneaking inside?、ユニークな盛り合わせとなります! 「ダッチコーヒー」 こちらの看板メニューでもあるダッチコーヒー! ダッチコーヒーとは、Not coffee in boiling water、coffee that is slowly extracted over time with water、It is also called "watered coffee"。"Dutch" means the country of the Netherlands.、17At the beginning of the 21st century、For the Dutch to extract delicious coffee from bitter Robusta coffee beans、Devised "watered coffee" to suppress the unique bitterness and miscellaneous taste of beans。It seems to be called "Dutch coffee" in connection with the deviser.。This Dutch coffee is also extracted in cold water for about 10 hours and slowly drained.、爽やかな味わいに仕上がっています! モーニングを楽しんだ後は、Local morning vegetables and fruits、Flowers and houseplants、花苗等を販売されている「ひまわりファーム」に立ち寄りお買い物! 天候に恵まれた日の浜名湖畔の周遊ドライブはとても見晴らしが良く気持ちが良いのでお勧めです! 珈琲処みつわ 住所静岡県湖西市鷲津5028 TEL:053-576-0169 Hours of operation:8:00-19:00(Morning time):8:00-11:00) Closed:Thursday、第二水曜日 駐車場店横有 https://www.instagram.com/coffee_dokoro_mitsuwa/...

Give a home meal only this time from the Hamana Lake drive in the winter

Spread sunny Saturday weekend drive、愛車 Maserati Quattroporte(クアトロポルテ)と共に「遠州のからっ風」が吹き荒れる浜名湖舘山寺温泉へ! 浜名湖畔に足を運ぶと「かんざんじロープウェイ」や「大観覧車」を背景にパノラマに広がる碧々とした冬の浜名湖の煌めきを堪能! 画像にこそ写りませんが極寒です(笑) ドライブを楽しんだ後は我が家でこの時期ならではのジビエディナーを楽しみましょう! 狩猟免許をお持ちの御家族を持つ友人から頂いた「猪」の塊肉! 新鮮な「猪」ですので、Enjoying a wild flavor is also good.、Keep dipped in olive oil and marinated with salt and herbs prior to this time,。Back to room temperature、Sauteed garlic after stone ware roaster at finishing at the Center temperature 60 ° C、Mesmerize, wrapped in aluminum foil、Roasted Vegetable (carrot、Burdock root、Shallots、Small potatoes、Piccolo onions) with、いただきまーす! 最近、And make "vegebros"、Felt even delicious home cooking、猪のソースにも大活躍! 猪の出汁に赤ワインや常日頃から愛飲する9種類のパワーフルーツを用いたドリンク「NUKUHIVAノニジュース」を加えて煮詰めたソースは、Finished with thick with the scent of berries、猪との相性も抜群です! ロバート・パーカー氏が90点を付けた200年の歴史を誇るポルトガル・ダン地方のワイナリー「カサ デ サンタル レセルバ 2012(Casa De Santar Reserva 2012)」リッチな味わいで丸みを帯びたタンニン、A powerful、スパイスや果実味を楽しめる赤を合わせて! ジビエが美味しいこの時期にこのような贅沢食材を提供してくれる友人に感謝感謝です♪いつもありがとうございます♪...

Lake Hamana round drive in the father and the open car of the field

Like a classic car as a fellow、Friends of my father and since were talking about before "when it gets warmer convertible with each other trying to drive"、Today is perfect for driving that is set home.。The father of the coverage、The number on your favorite open case Rowan arrived in a vehicle、記念に愛車のアルファロメオスパイダーちゃんと撮影させてもらうことにしました♪ 一昨年、The zero-one has just overhauled the engine、Show us as the perfect, comfortable ride! The convertible、Also was touring in before and after、So communicate smoothly if you speak a little louder, signal stop、It is a fun way information。And、As a unique convertible goodness、Feel the wind、The moment slip through a green tunnel、Good is open to taking a shower of negative ions is! most、This destination、紫外線もきっちり浴びまくっていますけど(笑) 今日は浜名湖をぐるりと一周するコースの途中で「ヤマハマリーナ浜名湖」に立ち寄り浜名湖とクルーザーをバックに記念撮影♪ そして浜名湖競艇の周辺のドライブを快適に楽しんだあとは、Tranquil Lake Hamana Lake、Adjacent to the peopl...、さかいのお父さんのご自宅付近にある「富士マリーナ」にも立ち寄りました。 But still a bit windy so、Across the pier are very good.。"I let、I was near the sea like "and、Sea and fishing are favorite epochally dad delighted。As well as cars, owned and experienced dads also ships the very makes learning fun。Now take the initiation of fishing while enjoying a cruise next time。わたし達に釣りの忍耐は果たしてあるのでしょうか?(笑) こちらのクルーザーでカジキを釣り上げるというのです!楽しみですね! 丁度、Is the pitching staff had been the maintenance of the other boat and the boat view asking。-Maintenance is always in the hands of their leave and that is、コミュニケーションは大切ですよね♪ 最後に、Zero Kanzanji Temple Pulpal behind by Buckshot and decided! is a bitter ~ ♪ shops at lunch I stopped in the middle of the drive>>>NEXT....

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