Salone del Mobile Group fifth stores stores Kansai "quintocanto" at bliss for an Italian lunch

大正14年(1925年)に中之島の北側を流れる堂島川畔の田蓑橋のたもとに「大阪ビルヂング」として竣工した 旧「ダイビル本館」が2013年2月に、 22-Story glass building lower floor beautifully restored old building reborn、 新「ダイビル本館」となっています。 Finely carved over the details to the retro atmosphere of profound feeling atmosphere。 その「ダイビル本館」の低層階1階と2階に2013年7月初旬に11店舗のレストランやショップをオープンしています♪ そのダイビル本館の中でも、1階の田蓑橋に向かって北西の角に煌々と現れる イタリア料理「クイントカント QUINTOCANTO」さん「QUINTOCANTO」とはイタリア語で「5番目の角」を表し、 Here is、先日伺ってお気に入りレストランの1つにランクインされた「SALONE2007」さんと同じくして、 Yokohama、Shibuya 2、Minami-Aoyama、大阪と全店で5店舗展開されている平高行(たいらたかゆき)氏の率いる SALONE サローネ・グループの関西初出店となるお店で、 There is the opening of the first group of five stores、その意を込めて名付けられています♪ 華やかでありながらも、At the chic and restless entrance、 スタッフ達の心地良い笑顔でのお出迎えが待ち受けています♪ 店内は、Clean and white, colours and、Grey, as with plugging the Suns finish modern、 The 24-seat tables、And rear sofa and Chair in White leather、 1 plate 1 plate and guest becomes the protagonist、The store building was designed around foil box, staff。 From a soft pouring in through the Windows, trees Hall shimakawa along with natural light fluctuation、Produce a sense of serenity。 On one side of the store on one side、By placing the mirror staff and attention to all the tables, as concern、 Good atmosphere、I has been comfortable space built on our guests feel the depth and。 サローネさんはイタリアの伝統料理を再構築した「クチーナ・クレアティーヴァ」を基本コンセプトにされていますがクイントカントさんでは、The concept as a + Rx-essence、 Our location here in Osaka、関西近郊の食材を多用する「地産地消」も目指されています♪ ランチコースは「Corso di Pranzo」5,000円のみを提供(税・サービス料別) この日はサローネ代表の平さんに予約をお願いし、 In the Manager、ソムリエも担当される西嶋大明(にしじまひろあき)さん(1974年生まれ)が対応してくださいました! 西嶋さんは、2008Since being joined in the Salone del Mobile、 ホスピタリティ溢れるサービス精神と巧みな弁舌、Bought to fully utilized the talent as a sommelier、 移転前の横浜サローネや南青山での支配人として定期的にグループ内での移動をされており、 Now、Has been active in the Osaka store。 何処かでお見掛けしたことがあるように思えてならない西嶋さんに、 And notify、 「良くコナンに似ていると言われます」と・・・妙に納得してしまいました(笑) 平さんからシャンパーニュのサービスを頂戴しました!(感謝) 平さんは、Now as part of the activities of the Group、ご実家である山形の葡萄畑を残す活動をされているそうです!(凄) 高齢化が進み耕す者がおらず、To immigrate to the land of the shortage of manpower in、 And shelving for wine grapes since ancient times of Japan co., Ltd.、 Using either the grapes、大阪で自家醸造として活躍される「島之内フジマル醸造所」さんとコラボし山形ワインが造れればと大きな夢を掲げてプロジェクトを遂行されています。 Current、Well as responsible for the project's、クイントカントさんの立ち上げ時に西嶋さんの前に支配人をされていた藤巻一臣さんとのこと「僕の次の配属先は山形かもしれません」と冗談半分半分本気!?で西嶋さんがおしゃっていました(笑) 「アラン・ベルナール/ブリュット・ブラン・ド・ブラン・プルミエ・クリュ」 アラン・ベルナールは、 1912Producers of the stronghold that dizzy was founded in Le coltan manipulating (grape cultivation farmer, Brewer's)、 Now、Father Alan's take command、Family management to his son Benoit。 Prior to、The grapes were supplying large Maison、Noticed the high quality of our grapes、 The cultivation of grapes in Champagne、Brewing、At his own hands all the processes until bottling。 Golden glow、Fine lather、Feel fresh acid rich fruit flavours、 エレガントな余韻が楽しめるシャルドネ100%のシャンパーニュです♪ まずは定番のお料理のお口取りからのスタート! 見た目のインパクト感溢れる大胆な演出と遊び心で最初からガッツリと心を鷲掴みにしてくださいます♪ イニーツィオ「フォアグラ レモン」 食用の竹炭を練り込んだシュー生地のお口取り。 Squid ink infused bread with decoration.、Shoe by taking their hand will be。 An instant、どれが食べれるの?と不思議さとワクワク感に駆られます♪ 竹炭を練り込んだシュー生地の中には、And endured the foie gras mousse、 甘さを控えたレモンのジャムがフォアグラを軽く仕上げています♪ お次はアンティパスト(前菜)です横浜のサローネ2007さんでも感じたことですが、 This group which shops、Staff got on and made education、 For most important food chef's produce、Our customers have fun.、More palatable, such as dining、 A detailed description and、Please provide the comfortable Saab。 This menu is、That is laid out in vertical、 まるで一枚の掛け画のように美しい盛り込みがされています♪ アンティパスト「カツオ白インゲン 赤タマネギ」 イタリアでは、Generally there are tuna over a white bean and red onion salad、 There and arranged to Ristorante、 This is a roasted bonito of the season、White Kidney Bean Salad、Red Onion puree、Green olive sauce、 Flavored with smoked ricotta cheese、Black olive tree will be in bread crumbs。 白インゲン豆の優しい風味と味わいでマイルドな仕上がり♪ こちらでは、And choice of bread、 We have chosen one love green and bright shades of Royal Blue。 サローネ2007さんでは「PERCEVAL ペルスヴァル」の9.47の切れ味の素晴らしいナイフの色合いが選べましたがこちらでも素敵な演出をされています♪ 「自家製パン」 ハイジの白パンのように、Beautiful round bread white。 At 140 ° C oven for lower than normal bread being baked、 White finished with baked slowly while adding humidity to。 Easy to combine dishes without heavy、Produces soft, light fluffy bread are aiming so、 Very sweet and、ソースやスープにも良く合います♪ ペッシェ「スズキ ムール ズッキーニ」 しっとりと柔らかに仕上げたスズキにムール貝やズッキーニを合わせて、 Incorporating Zucchini sliced、Served with dried mullet roe from the top、 With the scent of Basil under the zucchini puree slipped into has been for the screen。 Herb、Combine the Mint、Frozen grapefruit and accented、...

No1 Italian is touted as the "SALONE2007" traditional rebuild and leading Yokohama

Yokohama、Shibuya 2、Minami-Aoyama、The SALONE Salone Group, which has five stores in Osaka and all stores,。 Italy regional cuisine with creative cuisine, offering a reputation for restaurant group。 SALONE2007, the flagship store of the Salone Group,。 Always seeking cutting edge culinary Italy、To rebuild the new while retaining the traditional Italian, pride with technology、 Anniversaries and celebrations each and、Fit to produce an extraordinary special moments、 Fame has on hand as Yokohama's Ristorante。 7At the end of November 2014, which marked the year of the year, we moved from a small shop in the back alley of the former Chinatown to the basement floor where the original mod hair of "Barneys New York Yokohama Store" was located.、The store has been expanded ♪. With the double chef system of Chef Kentaro Hosoda and newly appointed chef Yoshikuni Nagashima, it is a high-quality ristorante where you can enjoy dishes that continue to deepen Cucina Creativa (*) based on Italian tradition and wines mainly from natural sources throughout Italy to your heart's content. * What is ♪ Cucina Creativa?、 Italy food traditional cuisine and regional specialties by utilizing the latest technology and the rebuilding of。 There is so much in each region in Italy cooking local rule.、 By complying with the rules、Refers to the dish evolved from the world of gastronomy (gastronomy)。 1Down the stairs from the entrance on the floor, please proceed to the basement floor。 Entrance A moist and calm space based on royal blue, which is also the image color。 The iron art with a chic and modern design is impressive ♪.、Manager Yosuke Yamashita。 5Greeted the birthday month、He is ♪ a young manager who has just stepped into the world of 30-somethings. A calm interior with a modern atmosphere in sparkling wine glasses。 20Front seat only for shops、This has been extended to 16 table 32 seats。 Sometimes a basement floor、As the atmosphere day and night、You will ♪ be able to enjoy the adult world moistly on this day.、CENA Corso di consists of monthly changes as the best dinner in Yokohama 8 Piatti We have asked for a full course in May of 12,960 yen.。 (10% service charge will be added) Bright navy blue table napkins、 Next to it、The carefully written menu is prepared ♪ in a stylish envelope、When you take a break, chef Kentaro Hosoda will greet you at each table.。 It's great to see the chef's face before you cook.。 Here you will、Chef Hosoda and Chef Nagashima in the kitchen、5The course is assembled by the staff of the name.。 Chef Hosoda has an unusual background as a former hairdresser.、 In terms of manufacturing,、There may be things that the world of beauty and the world of food can pass.。 In it、It's ♪ the beginning of a blissful time, and here we have a full and half pairing of Italian natural wines for each dish.、 If it is full, it corresponds to one bottle per person.、If it is half, it seems to be able to enjoy the amount of about one bottle of wine by two people.。 Also、If you want to reduce the number of cups、It is also possible to have it adjusted at any time。 First of all,、Order♪ a toast of champagne from Sayuri Oshiro, caposara in charge of wine "Edmond Surrain Brut Carte Noir" Glass 2,000 yen held by Richard Surlain、70% Pinot Noir under the Negossian brand、30% Chardonnay。 The grapes、Harvested from an average 25-year-old tree。 The palate is、There is a refined plumpness of Pinot Noir、 Crisp acid and well-balanced fruitiness、I feel ♪ comfortable that you can enjoy it even after "inizio / Introduction" A5 Sirloin potato truffle This mouth inizio / Introduction and fish soup filosofia / Only two dishes of philosophy、 And specialties offered in style have been unchanged since opening。 In your appetizer and the meat of the A5、Also changed、 It is a dish to grip the stomach of all the guests who were hungry.。 Sirloin with a white truffle scented make-in puree。 Soft, high-quality meat quality、With a taste full of gravy every time you chew、It is true that gastric juice begins to work actively in one bite.。 against the stomach、A reliable dish ♪ that arouses motivation as a signal that the meal has started Daisuke Suehiro, a hall staff,、I hear you're from Osaka.、The splendid Kansai dialect does not come out at all.。 However,、While it is a soft serve、The area where laughter is also firmly incorporated is the Kansai people (laughs) "STAGI / Sicilian Aroma" Green tomato, ricotta, bonito Using green tomatoes harvested in Sicily this season、Finishing with gazpacho and a。 Blue tomato slices、With a cinnamon-scented ricotta cheese、Spearmint、Skin-Muscat、 And then marinated in various spices、Served with cold cooked bonito。 Fresh bitterness of blue tomato blue feel wrapped in mild ricotta cheese、 And sweet scent of mint and Muscat.、Produce a refreshing cool glass、It is ♪ a suitable appetizer for early summer "fusione" pork, crow, pistachio in Italy、Many dishes combining seafood and riches of the soil、This is a combination。 Piglet fillet surface to clothe [mustard、And then burned at a low temperature, soft finish、 Sauce is filled with delicious melted crowded broth made from pork and Sicilian tuna and mullet roe。 Pistachio paste and powder and malt sec、Interweave crushed pistachios also in flavor and texture than can be enjoyed。 With the texture crisp green asparagus。 Potion in one bite you feel very very good volume。 Bizen-yaki is also nice、Carefully handmade pottery, each dish has a different ♪ flavor. "Filosofia / Philosophy" Fresh fish, octopus, clams This is also the same as the mouth.、Vapore fresh fish specialties provided by the style from the first。 The marbled sole pleuronectes yokohamae with Octopus from Akashi and Chiba prefectures, clam、Are raised tender steamed clam broth alone。 The soup with a very refreshing aroma of olive oil pressed with orange has ♪ a gentle taste that permeates the stomach "Trebiano d'Abruzzo Damigiana 2013 Labasco" Italy ....

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