Toklas show room in ' Park 四tsu池 ' Middle floor kitchen selection

四ツ池公園に隣接するタワー型賃貸マンション「パークビュー四ツ池」のリノベーション企画第2弾として「ALAIN DESIGN アランデザイン」さんにご協力いただいている「中層階モデル」の施工がスタートし、The selection of a variety of items for every room at the same time rapidly。This time the、中層階に設置する予定のシステムキッチンを選定するためにアランの中根夫妻に同行していただき「TOCLAS トクラスショールーム」さんへ伺いました! トクラスキッチンは、Marble sinks&人造大理石カウンターを標準装備したシンプルで選びやすい「Bb」シリーズ。Highback counter combines ease of use with care and your sensitivity to answer 114 color surface painting doors, etc、自分らしさを叶えるための多彩なプランが充実した「Berry」シリーズオープンキッチンの可能性を極限まで追求した「DOLCE X」シリーズの3シリーズ。Help you in the kitchen was equipped with an imitation marble worktop has been developed in their daily lives...。Rental apartments with limited space on the compact while also、And the design of、Enhanced capacity、An easy-care population marble、And, shades of colorful sink etc.、キッチンでの料理作りが楽しくなるような設計の内容が満載です♪ システムキッチンのベースカラーは清潔感溢れるホワイトを選定。And、Think color images of every room to fit、Playful and relaxed color incorporated。While I saw and variety kitchen、Inflated images of the completed room、Seriously whats to select tenants, as。中層階3部屋の完成を是非ともお楽しみに♪ パークビュー四ツ池 有限会社アラン ALAIN DESIGN 浜松市中区住吉2-33-27 TEL:053-474-7400 TOCLAS トクラスショールーム 浜松市中区中沢町70-11 TEL:053-475-4503 Hours of operation:10:00-17:00Closed on Mondays:水曜日

Every year at the annual 'Libran Re * blanc' "thank you ☆ love blood ' to join

Higashi-Ku, Hamamatsu with jade student to housing improvement and construction started.、キッチンや家具をプランニングからコーディネートまでを一環して行っている「テイオー産業株式会社」のショールームRe*blancさんが静岡県赤十字血液センターとコラボで毎年春と秋の年2回にかけてありがとう☆愛の献血キャンペーンを開催しています。Today is the date of the spring。This campaign was started from the time、息子さんの大塚俊樹さんの代に変わられてからも継続し本日でなんと59回目というから素晴らしい貢献です。1Blood of approximately 100 people, who like me gathered! In the autumn of last year、歯医者に行った直後で献血ができないという大失態を犯してしまったため、This time the、I studied! When you donate blood、赤十字の公式サイトから献血前の注意事項をよく読んでから参加されると良いでしょう♪ 午前の部と午後の部の2部制に分かれており、In the morning 8:30-12 noon。Afternoon 1 pm-until 4 pm。Today、I stopped by before you go to work in the city。At the reception desk to fill out the questionnaire with personal information、Go to blood donation buses waiting in。In the bus、Doctor's examination and measurement of blood pressure-blood density measurement、Receipt of blood type prior determination, blood donation (blood components 200 mL and 400 mL) → rest → donation card、The blood in such procedures。Up to 1,200ml per year for men、Women are required to donate up to 800 ml of blood annually.、For people who donate blood 3 months-cannot donate blood for 4 months、In autumn and spring in the Libran's best time is twice that number.。This is health and weight、血液テストもクリアしていることから400mlの採血が可能とのこと。Drinks service、Loose stools in a reclining chair、Takes about 15 minutes。From the nurses who donate blood for beginners、Description of the blood donation and blood donation after notes gently tell。On this day、I heard cost in emergency blood type O or type B blood。Since my blood is B-genuine、We are extremely pleased to be of help,。Of course、In non-emergency vote、Type A or type AB will be required、皆さん御1人おひとりの”ち”が”のち”に”いのち”に変わるそうです!(ポスターのキャッチコピーが素晴らしかったので紹介笑) 献血が主目的ではありますが、Than actually Otsuka's family is looking for another sign dog、大塚さんの秘書であるももりんことももこちゃんに会いに行くのも大事な大事な目的です!(笑)大塚さんに「パークビュー四ツ池」マンションに設ける第2邸宅のシステムキッチンの相談をしながら、For a while、ももりんとの時間を楽しませてもらいました♪(嬉喜) 赤十字からの献血特典として献血には水分補給が大切になるので献血前後にジュースが渡されます。Other、Original towel of blood donation recommended character Ken next、Or I have a toothbrush present.。In addition、There was also a gift from the organizer, Teio Sangyo Co., Ltd.、Re*blancさんのロゴが入った3色ペンが付いてきたり、Draw lots at the store、当たるとリブランさんで取り扱われている素敵な景品がもらえもしハズレてしまってもフランスパンがいただけると嬉しいこと尽くしなのです。This blood donation campaign followed over more than 30 years from the time that Otsuka eager prayers ahead of this possible is、Many people know about the importance of donating blood、Has been endeavoring to provide easy-to-join environment。This is a really great contributions! As much as I possible、I think we want to join love blood! The next time、It is scheduled for autumn。And the time is approaching、Details such as the date in the Libran's website or facebook page will notice、お見逃し無く! テイオー産業株式会社 浜松市東区有玉西町2414-2 TEL:053-472-3219 ショールーム Re*blanc TEL:053-472-3550 静岡県赤十字血液センター

In the Libran Re * blanc ' thank you ☆ love blood donation ' to join

Higashi-Ku, Hamamatsu with jade student to housing improvement and construction started.、キッチンや家具をプランニングからコーディネートまでを一環して行っているテイオー産業株式会社のショールームRe*blancさんが静岡県赤十字血液センターとコラボで春と秋の年2回にかけてありがとう☆愛の献血キャンペーンを開催しています。Today is the date of the spring。This campaign was started from the time、Continued after being changed to the current toshiki Otsuka's place、It's the 57th time today, so it's a great contribution.。1About 100 blood harvesters gather every day.。It was my first blood donation in a while.、I also take off one skin! ? I'm pleased to participate.。 In the afternoon, we had a lunch break.、13Many people participated in the reception even at the stage after 14:00 because it was from time to time。At the reception desk to fill out the questionnaire with personal information、Go to blood donation buses waiting in。 In the bus、Doctor's examination and measurement of blood pressure-blood density measurement、Receipt of blood type prior determination, blood donation (blood components 200 mL and 400 mL) → rest → donation card、The blood in such procedures。Up to 1,200ml per year for men、Women are required to donate up to 800 ml of blood annually.、It is said that those who donate blood will not be able to donate blood for 3 to 4 months.。To put it the other way,、You can donate blood 3-4 times a year! I've known that this is good.。 I、It is said that 400 ml of blood collection is possible because the health condition and weight are cleared this time。Drinks service、Loose stools in a reclining chair、Takes about 15 minutes。From the nurses who donate blood for beginners、It gently tells you about blood donation and points to note after donating blood.。 And as a blood donation benefit from the Red Cross、Even after donating blood, one juice was passed over.、Original towel of blood donation recommended character Ken next、Or I have a toothbrush present.。 Even more pleasingly, there is a present from the organizer, Teio Sangyo Co., Ltd.、フランスパンがもらえたり プラスもう1つ可愛いRe*blancさんのロゴが入った3色ペンが付いてきます。In addition to、I'm glad that if you draw a lottery at the store, you might win a nice prize.。Especially、There seem to be a lot of customers who are willing to participate in this pen every time.。 Mr. Otsuka says that he wants to continue this blood donation campaign that has been going on for more than 30 years since his last generation as much as possible in the future.。Many people know about the importance of donating blood、You're trying to provide an environment that's easy to participate in, isn't it?。Otsuka's knees are also known as cute toy poodles.。That、Momoko-chan is at the end of her life.。I like a dog、I enjoyed the afternoon with Mamerin.。Now、話は変わりますがladeのフォトギャラリーのカテゴリーの中にI LOVE PETを立ち上げることにしました。Your dog and your cat、I would like to introduce a family pet that is cute other than dogs and cats。「うちの子是非載せて~♪」という声もお問い合わせフォームにてドシドシお待ちしておりますね♪ さぁ皆さんも清き愛の献血にレッツゴー! テイオー産業株式会社 浜松市東区有玉西町2414-2 TEL:053-472-3219 ショールーム Re*blanc TEL:053-472-3550 静岡県赤十字血液センター

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