"Shintaro Amioka Atelier" See the plum picking of Nanko Plum and the creation of works for the next solo exhibition!

Toyohashi-based contemporary artist Shintaro Amioka's residence and office atelier! In response to the announcement of the annual "Plum Picking" at Amioka House held before the rainy season every year、ドライブがてら足を運ばせていただきました! 娘の明里ちゃんが知らせてくれ午前の内に一部の収穫作業を終えていたところに到着! 梅の実は高い位置にも生るため、It will be harvested while using a bedt。 In addition、Because there is pest damage such as caterpillars in the plum tree,、収穫はいつも手慣れた明里ちゃんの梅雨前の大仕事となっているそうです! 庭に植わる3本の梅の木から毎年収穫できる南高梅日本では雨が多く降る時期のことを「梅雨」というのはなぜか御存知ですか? 諸説あるようですが、It seems that the plum fruit is called "Tsyu" by writing "rainy season" because it ripens under the moisture of rain and sunlight.。 In general,、The harvest time of the plum is from June to July.、This year, the rainy season is earlier than normal nationwide.。 The plum blossoms bloom from February to early May, after which the fruit grows and ripens.、今回は梅酒やカリカリ梅にするために熟す前の若い青梅を収穫させていただきます!(※梅は用途により収穫時期が異なります) 私は背丈の届く範囲で収穫する「梅狩り」を初体験! 一粒一粒が大振りで立派な梅の実傷を付けないように大事に大事に一粒ずつ大切に優しく手でもいでいきます! ほんのりと紅い部分もありますが、It is proof that Nanko Ume was bathed in the sun.。 The plum under the leaves is blue buns.。 Children who become umeboshi of Nanko plum from Wakayama familiar in "Kishu Nanko Ume"、It is said that they wait for the time of harvest and wait for the time of ripening on the tree for a while.。 In the first place, "Nanko Ume" was discovered by a person named Sadakusu Takada in 1890.、Originally called "Takada Ume"。 In 1940, the Ume Excellent Mother Tree Selection Committee was established to select excellent varieties suitable for suitable land among dozens of plum varieties in Nanbu Kawamura, Wakayama Prefecture.、The head teacher of the Southern High School Horticultural Department who chaired it、Results of a 5-year plum variety survey conducted by Dr. Katsutaro Takenaka with his students、「高田梅」が最優良品種に選ばれたのです! その時の功績を評し「南高梅(南部高校=南高)」と命名されたとのこと。*Registered as a name by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 1965。 Previous、When I visited Wakayama Prefecture, which is the production area of plum blossoms, I saw the plum garden of Nanko Plum Everywhere.、Not to mention the brand name ume = Nanko ume of the highest quality in Japan、that everyone is aware of。 Now、日本で一番高級な南高梅は御存知ですか? 和歌山県日高郡みなべ町にある天保五年創業・現在五代目が継ぐ老舗中の老舗「東農園(あづまのうえん)」が2016年に予約を開始した12年に一度の限定販売で「丙申年の梅 五福 1.8kg」10万円(税抜)という神事を行なった直営農園で収穫し丁寧に漬け込んだ白干し梅の金箔付の梅干しがあることを知りました! 「丙申年の梅 五福 1粒」3,240円(税込)なんていう桐箱入りの甕に1粒という贅沢品までも存在します! 通販サイト「五代庵」 梅好きな旦那様への誕生日プレゼントにでもしたら喜んでくれるでしょうか?(笑) 今回は梅酒やカリカリ梅用に何と!5.4kgもの青梅を頂戴しました!(感謝) 梅の実の追熟は早いため帰宅後は直ぐに「梅仕事」にかかりたいと思います! ※その模様は次回の記事で詳細を記載致します。 When I looked at Mr. Amioka's atelier on the way back、丁度来月6月26日(土)~「Hirano Art Gallery」にて開催される「味岡伸太郎展-えんちゅうのしぶんのいちのしかくちゅう-」の作品づくりに精を出されているところを見学させていただくことができました! いつも1階のサロンか2階の事務所でお会いすることが多かったのでアトリエを拝見するのは初めてです! そして、It is the first time to see mr. Amioka's work scenery.。 How works are born、制作過程を見せていただけるというのは大変貴重な時間となります! 丸木の複雑な組み合わせのようにも見えますが、The way nature comes in Amioka's hands。 While making many bodies of works、こちらはかなりの大作です! 木片と木片を組み合わせ、An atelier with the sound of drilling holes。 Kankan Khan and、The sound of hitting wooden piles also resonates.。 丸木を四分の一にカットしひっくり返した作品で「えんちゅうのしぶんのいちのしかくちゅう」 手斧やナタにクサビ、Tahgane, etc.、Tools of the year。 And the floor where the wood is scattered.、Look、It looks like art, so it's strange.。 It will be finished in a powerful three-dimensional shape that the vitality of the tree has。 味岡伸太郎展-えんちゅうのしぶんのいちのしかくちゅう- 開催期間:2021年6月26日(土)~7月18日(日) 開催場所Hirano Art Gallery 土日 10:00-17:00 OPEN(月~金 休廊) ※火~金は予約にて13:00-15:00We will open at。 オープニングイベント6月26日(土) オープニングトーク16:00~櫻井拓 × 味岡伸太郎「美術と自然」 オープニングパーティー17:00~(※参加される方は必ずお問合せ下さい) 味岡伸太郎アトリエ http://www.ajioka3.com/...

Originating from the KAGIYA building! Artists and creators active in the world event!

ゆりの木通り沿いにある築50年超のKAGIYAビルを丸八不動産グループが取得し、As part of the revitalization of the city power、2012In October, some reopened then from that what Buzz。Young artists and creators and provide boxes at a reasonable price, to hold events such as、Intended to be a source of cutting-edge culture and。 スペースをレンタルして物販できるお店として2014年7月11日(金)にオープンされ浜松では初の試みをされる「Newshop ニューショップ」さん。Retail rental space、10cm × 10 cm timbers 1 determine the number of as furniture and sell a unique technique。And bought a part of the cedar wood smell pleasant atmosphere、A large table in the Center、And the shops of the new idea can change layouts flexibly and can hold various workshops and events。On this day、Here at the new shop、世界で活躍中のブラジル人建築家フィリップ・バレストラ氏をお迎えし「まちづくりを通した実践的ワークショップカリキュラム RE07 Future center Hamamatsu-みえないブラジルの現在にみる浜松の未来-」と題して、Hold an event that allows for discussion with Mr. Philip! Philip,、9月27日~9月30日まではニューショップに滞在されるとのことです♪ そして9月27日(土)同日同ビル内で開催されているイベントがもう1つありました!KAGIYAビル3階のアートギャラリー&植物&アパレル&etcショップ 「BOTANICA」さん主催のNY在住のアーティストMIKE MINGによるART EXHIBITIONおよびオープニングレセプションですART EXHIBITIONの期間は、9March 27 (SAT)-10/12 (day) 13:00-19:00By holding a。(*-、Fire、Water、木曜休廊) 今回特別企画としてMIKE MINGとかねてから親交の深いBOOKS&PRINTSオーナーで写真家の若木信吾氏とのトークショーを2014年10月4日(土)に開催されます。When in the past crossed the American continent in two episodes and episode of the NY Times、Interest in each other's art, interesting facts are apparently so it would be! Capacity is limited so、ご興味のある方は是非ご予約を! MIKE MING × 若木信吾(BOOKS&PRINTS) Special talk show 10/4(Sat)@KAGIYA4FGALLERY 定員:40Name price:1,500Place pie (with coffee):Cagiyaville 4th floor gallery show:15:00~ 【トークショー予約受付方法】 E-mail予約info@botanica.jpにお名前ご連絡先をメールください(返信致します) 電話予約:080-5157-8540 BOTANICA (responsible for:松尾) 店頭予約BOOKS AND PRINTS 店頭にて受付可能 KAGIYAビル http://kagiyabldg.hamazo.tv/...

Soba "buckwheat noodle house oomori" with artist ajioka Shintaro, and dinner

中島の住宅街の中にぽつんとある手打ちそばの「蕎麦家 おおもり」さん暖簾越しに変わらず見える店主・大森さん夫婦の笑顔週の2日月曜と火曜日を定休日とし全国各地で蕎麦奉公(笑)をされて忙しい大森さんは蕎麦の大会や会合に出席することも多く、On weekends、The day is often taken closed。People come from far away、Once confirmed the news from the home page、もしくは電話でのお問い合わせをされることをお勧めします♪ 10名ほどの座敷と4名ほどが腰掛けれるカウンターのみの老夫婦が仲良く二人三脚しながら営む温かみのあるお店。Tend to be crowded with regulars even on weekdays.、The rotating of Soba shop early so、It is possible to enter the shop is not in a hurry some time spare us, and have to wait。 On this day、丸八不動産グループの会長・平野修氏の友人でもありアーティストの味岡伸太郎(あじおかしんたろう)さんとお嬢様の宮田明里(みやたあかり)さんが「美味しい蕎麦を食べたい」とご要望があったので、Oomori's Guide。味岡さんが自社出版されている季刊誌の東三河&西遠・西三河・南信 応援誌「そう」では、Each issue has featured themes、十(じゅう)の時に蕎麦家おおもりさんの十割そばを取材してくださったこともありご縁もあるのでご紹介させていただきました♪ 「たべくらべ」1,200円 たべくらべは、Seiro and freshly ground whole can be compared two types of countryside near。Seiro took the skin in front of the、Using the native maruoka, Fukui Prefecture、I feel the sweetness in a brightly colored green。The back ground of the countryside near with near buckweat。In the ground here, feels darker flavor of buckwheat。With salt and aroma of buckwheat and sweet in taste different also。On that first visit、一度に2種の蕎麦を味わっていただける「たべくらべ」は本当にお勧めです豊橋からお越しの味岡さんと豊橋の食文化話をしていたところ「にかけうどん」なるものが名物ということを知りました。"Locked into" the origin loading personal theory that the stronger、Was riding with various ingredients such as kamaboko and fried tofu Udon noodles、From putting that seems like "loading"、And with this name seems to have been。Enjoy the abundantly oozing across bonito dashi soy sauce-based soup "to udon.、During the next visit to Toyohashi、是非いただいてみたいものですね♪ 蕎麦家 おおもり 浜松市中区中島1-31-1 TEL:053-463-2879 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00 Closed on Mondays:Moon、Tuesday (by appointment only) http://www12.plala.or.jp/sobaya/..

Dominic Wirth open Atelier at the opening party announcement

「アートルネッサンス in はままつ」の一環で田町中央ギャラリーで開催中のDominik Wirth ドミニクヴィルト氏のオープンアトリエで明日2013/9/28(土)の18:00From the two-hour opening party will be held。Participation is free and、You come and view images while enjoying the communication with the artist Dominique、秋の芸術祭の開幕をお祝いいたしましょう♪ Dominik Wirth ドミニク・ヴィルト http://www.wirthuos.ch/ スイスにあるパウル・クレー美術館子供館の学芸員として勤務しながらアーティストとしても活躍しているDominik Wirth ドミニク・ヴィルト氏が9月~10月にかけて浜松に滞在し、Along with the production activities of open Studio & exhibition will be held。During the period、Atelier and had the OPEN sign at the exhibition venue、いつでもWelcomeドミニクとの会話を楽しみながら「アートって何?」「どうやって描いてるの?」と普段なかなか聞けないアートの世界を垣間見ながら手造りのアトリエと作品たちを覗いてみませんか。 Open Atelier:2013/9/12(木)~10/6(日) 展覧会:2013/9/28(土)~10/6(日) オープニングパーティ:9/28(Sat.) 18:00-20:00 ※オープニングパーティは参加自由Dominik Wirth ドミニク・ヴィルト オープンアトリエ&展覧会 アトリエ&展覧会会場ギャラリー324(浜松市中区田町324-12) 主催:Hamamatsu art music agency、Sponsored by:丸八不動産グループ お問い合わせTEL:090-2343-3094...

Art autumn is coming! Dominic Wirth's Open Studio & exhibition news

Dominik Wirth ドミニク・ヴィルト http://www.wirthuos.ch/ スイスにあるパウル・クレー美術館子供館の学芸員として勤務しながらアーティストとしても活躍しているDominik Wirth ドミニク・ヴィルト氏が9月~10月にかけて浜松に滞在し、Along with the production activities of open Studio & exhibition will be held。During the period、Atelier and had the OPEN sign at the exhibition venue、いつでもWelcomeドミニクとの会話を楽しみながら「アートって何?」「どうやって描いてるの?」と普段なかなか聞けないアートの世界を垣間見ながら手造りのアトリエと作品たちを覗いてみませんか。 Open Atelier:2013/9/12(木)~10/6(日) 展覧会:2013/9/28(土)~10/6(日) ギャラリートーク:9/15(日)16:00-17:30 アーティスト川邉耕一氏とトーク オープニングパーティー:9/28(Sat.) 18:00-20:00 ※ギャラリトーク及びオープニングパーティーは参加自由Dominik Wirth ドミニク・ヴィルト オープンアトリエ&展覧会 アトリエ&展覧会会場ギャラリー324(浜松市中区田町324-12) 主催:Hamamatsu art music agency、Sponsored by:丸八不動産グループ お問い合わせTEL:090-2343-3094...

Over 50 year-old KAGIYA building、A bookstore "BOOKS AND PRINTS-BLUE EAST.

ゆりの木通り沿いにある築50年超のKAGIYAビルを丸八不動産が取得し、As part of the revitalization of the city power、2012In October, some reopened then from that what Buzz。Young artists and creators and provide boxes at a reasonable price, to hold events such as、Intended to be a source of cutting-edge culture and。To enrich the imagination of the maker-free interior design moving in、In the is no restoration or、A vivacious activities of residents ' and business support、Beyond the relationship of landlord and tenant、I'm trying to establish new leasing tenant could raise the added value of the building。 Among them、神明町にある古本を中心とした味のある小さな本屋「BOOKS AND PRINTSRED WEST」さんのオーナーであり写真家の若木信吾氏が2店舗目をKAGIYAビルに出店させることで、Stimulate young creators、活性剤としてのキッカケとなった本屋がこちらの「BOOKS AND PRINTS-BLUE EAST」さんです。 Upcoming events in the KAGIYA BOOKS AND PRINTS, organized by Bill、Talk of inviting interiors stylist together Fumiko "Sunday branch talk" will be held at 5/26 (Sunday)。定員40名程度でコーヒーとなんと朝ごはん付きのトークショーなんだとか!興味のある方は右記詳細をご覧ください→マウンテンモーニング作原文子さんトークショー”サンデーブランチトーク” そうそう、But never forget that、わたし達が大変お世話になっている「すいどうや北伸」の馬場っちの弟馬場大輔くんが手掛けているオリジナルブランド「STOKED」の配管アートのプランターも発見しました。The art from Daisuke、While engaged in the business of plumbing in the brand、Materials used in plumbing for a produced work。I was shown in photos、In the texture of the real thing is a nice touch、It has good ambiance and Bookstore click here。KAGIYA being gathered here and there and still new shop building。今後の発展が楽しみです♪ KAGIYAビル http://kagiyabldg.hamazo.tv/ BOOKS AND PRINTS-BLUE EAST 浜松市中区田町229-13 KAGIYAビル2F TEL:053-488-4160 Closed on Mondays:Fire、Thursday's opening hours 13:00-19:00 BLOG http://booksandprints.hamazo.tv/ FB http://www.facebook.com/BOOKSANDPRINTS...

One of the Japanese respected by the world 100、Takagi Masakatsu

Video production by processing and animation of the footage taken by himself and、An artist who has been familiar with both piano and computer music production for a long time、Masakatsu Takagi。2009Newsweek in the Japanese version of the year、He was chosen as one of the 100 Japanese people whom the world respects.、He's also an artist who attracts worldwide attention.。CD and DVD releases from domestic and international labels、Exhibitions in museums and concerts around the world、We are still engaged in a variety of activities that are not limited to the field.。I knew his song.、It's been more than ten years from now.、There are many days when I listen to his melody that continues to evolve without fading.。 People who know him will say。His musicality, which changed a lot from his marriage to Saeko, a painter who also worked on album design。And because i had a divorce,、To the feeling more multi-feeling than ever、I have to look forward to his future as I began to draw a new world view one step further.。I listened to his sound、I want to introduce one song that I love and do not stop.。The melody that flows gently and painfully、I'm sure it will be ingrained in your heart。Ophelia/masakatsu Takagi Takagi Masakatsu 1979年 http://www.takagimasakatsu.com/...

"Seiji Yamauchi" The Man Who Drives Through the World of Art With Passion

Sharpening sharp eyesight and sense of smell、Performance artist Seiji Yamauchi continue and express my art in the intently。He obtained permanent residency in Australia for the activities in Japan back in now、Try to interview。Draw what he or、But his accomplishments if or more than、Himself what feelings are alive now dakimakura。Passion for his art is knowing、This consists of his own people and decided to look up close。Even if he takes a rough soil had all canceled。As for me、Stuff I want to be rich soil。Dingell this story so to speak he。In around the world in the Museum of fine arts、I'm painter to paint outside the pompidu Centre in Paris better than me greatly to fine! But、Difference between the drawing and I's ambition and environmental differences、Different from what you want to express。I looking for your destination。The painter asked for stability、Life was peaceful at the foot and。But not me、Doing mountaineering while building the soil?。I cheer that will have me back、That's why I don't just run.。Such language might sound slightly rough、And decorating their new side、Orientation prior to always aim、Position yourself and your opponent inroads, such as wall as ever was。 While ran his art life、And now even nearing a turning point。Ordinary citizens appeared in the United Kingdom, competing for talent with various、Australia version of Susan Boyle and celebrities suddenly made the now ever popular audition program "Britain's got talent" audition and apply himself, and played。On the stage、So be allowed with each only 2 minutes between self promotion。Is not able to draw in the short time of only 2 minutes?。But his thinking is different。描けないなら描く方法を見つければいい! そう思った彼は、2And edited his own music-original mix、Drawing the dance to the sound of the、Succeeded in reducing the time by drawing with both hands I usually draw with his right hand、Because they finished in mirror symmetry、In the splendor of the conversion of the conception and giving positive thinking chest became hot。Recoup venue performance expression method to use both hands, his body and soul are inherently good、Received high praise、And was nominated for four pairs of 100 groups participated in the auditions of foreign martial arts system。Waiting for announcement comes directly after this 5/17 results、The next stage in the dawn was named a top、Rather waiting for national broadcasting in Brisbane。 The success of his、In addition to base Australia、Locals seen in Hamamatsu、There are achieved through collaboration with the sand dunes of around 230 students he produced events。2012In October 9,.、The concept of the event is "prayer、Taking revival to the wind.。Nakatajima sand dunes is a stage。Set of colorful vinyl tapes on the sand dunes of the horizontal vertical 30 mx 45 m、Completed the huge art filled with 21 km of sand dunes。Vinyl tape、Students see their dreams"and"disaster recovery"、"World peace" and write positive messages to each、A big project on the wind it goes up snow on the dunes, prayerful wishes mightily to reach heaven。Put the tape while you work、After finished upholstery、Excited by the wind the tape、Echoes the superb sound。Actually,、He wants us to experience with all five senses that sounds even seem had calculated。Unfortunately、Having public、Guardians of the local people also included a total of approximately 280 people to move、Whatever in the masterpiece production took about 2 hours we retire after that is done immediately。 But、Visual、Hearing、触覚の感覚を存分に味わうアートの世界を経験した生徒たちはその時間を強く記憶に留めることになった。Good news is that、後日生徒が記した感想文の中に「僕は美術の時間が正直言って嫌いでしたでも今回Seijiさんのおかげで好きになりました!」と感謝の気持ちを綴ったものがあったという。And、弾けんばかりの笑顔でこの一言こそが俺の役目だと語る高尚で難解な絵を描きたい人それはそれでいいでも俺はアートの世界の入口に立ちわかり易い絵も描くだろう全てはアートに興味を持ってくれる人たちのキッカケになりたいんだそのためにも俺は少しでもその声を伝えたくて絵にエネルギーをぶつけるし俺の描き様を見ていって欲しいと願うよと想いを口にしながら前のめりになり言葉をヒートアップさせるそして彼と話していると自然とこちらも前のめりな状態であることに気付くそれが彼の発するエネルギー皆を元気にさせる源をアートの世界で発信し続けている彼はアートの世界の枠に捕われていない自分を表現することも含め、How do I think or would do and think。Graphic to one solitary Atelier in the basket can draw weights、Cherish has also collaborated with music direction by artists。Love each piece to the、Said person people watching takes people for their work and feel good in。His own product, works。I want to be don't limit self-expression。His willingness and freedom is all his own。 I think not as through his upcoming activities、4 Ieyasu fun city in Hamamatsu ranks Castle spring team events (Sunday) to 4/27 (Saturday), 28, performance art。Still cannot reveal more information、He is a Samurai (armourer only) of informed performance in the。Because of the armed、And it now wears his beard、I felt him trivial obsessions are so far not thrown away.。He likes the Festival、To participate all excited to fun events and we sincerely express。Last words of takasugi shinsaku, wrapped up leaving kick also omoshiroki that the world is not necessarily fun, night of the mind。 PS:第4回家康楽市in浜松出世城「春の陣」でのパフォーマンスアート特設ステージについて 日時:2013April 28, (Sunday) Hall:Hamamatsu Castle Park garden opening:9:00-16:00 Seiji Yamauchi performance art show:14:00から30分ほどを予定 ※雨天が予想される場合は、27Day (Saturday) 14:00に変更予定 入場無料 家康楽市公式BLOG http://tokugawaieyasu.hamazo.tv/ Seiji Yamauchi 静岡県浜松市出身。5Award in the number of paintings from the age of。1997 year、Journey from Australia.、During the trip、Inspired by the street performers from around the world saw in the main street of Adelaide in Australia、And performance art's first started to paint in the streets together.。About a year and a half、While taking trips to Australia profile、The Malay Peninsula profile。Once returned to Japan、Continuing to paint in Japan、Keep the live performance。2002 year、Over in Beijing, China、Up to London about 15000 km on sea road、While shooting the 8 countries achieved cross-。After that、Get permanent residence in Australia。Australia TAFE college diploma of Arts, Department of painting.、Sculpture、Modernism、Conceptial art、Environmental art、Learn 2 years figure drawing at the James Cook University。In the meantime photography exhibition、Painting exhibition、Expand the original performance art。Coral Spawning series also recently established。Dance performance、And appeared in the musical, such as、Efforts of self-expression。2006Over the five months from January 2, shooting trip to move India overland 10000 km。Maldives、After a stay in Paris.、And then shooting across China、Learn the various culture and art。After his return to Japan、2006In October, organized "art fusion" in Hamamatsu-Shi, Shizuoka、Meat.。Opera singer active in Germany and made the performance art concerts to the music of the pianist。And moved later to、"The innocence of summer's day" in the YAMAHA sponsor "Soul Switch" Tokyo Marunouchi building performance art、2009Violin started in October、Piano calligraphy & cast 3-city concert tour of live art "Fusion of Passions.、Also produced by。With Hamamatsu City Museum of art、And collaboration with students、Was planning a variety of events, such as an。Current、Collaboration and Hamamatsu City Elementary and high school students do.、Doing your art project with large paintings。Actively expand "integration of ART" in the broad field。 Seiji Yamauchi Fusion of Passions http://fusionofpassions.jimdo.com/...

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