MATSUMIYA "garaku' General Manager's greetings to checkout

本館・モダンスイート302号室の「風の間」に戻り、Quench your throat with mineral water in the refrigerator、Take a deep breath。 The time to say goodbye to the sparkle of the Jintsu River is approaching。 In spite of the rainy season、With good weather、The weather is pleasant and comfortable outside。 Packing up、11時のチェックアウトと参りましょう♪ 総支配人松宮大輔さん(青森出身・48歳) チェックアウト時に前回もお世話になりました総支配人の松宮大輔さんが挨拶に出向いてくださいました松宮さんは、To fully demonstrate their experience up to now Japan National attraction in hotels and restaurants in、 石崎氏の意思を形にされるよう、It is being crushed every day。 The visual aspect as a hospitality industry is also considered.、It seems that you worked hard and succeeded in dieting.、 4From the time of the moon、かなりお顔がスッキリとされています!(凄) レヴォの谷口シェフの「プロフェッショナル」への出演効果もあり、Mr. Lok Kutchan's increasingly busy if you are coming。 8Not to mention the first time, Obon period、 In the event coming up then 9/13 (Sunday)、 10As last years fall event will be held "Ya Yue Kutchan straw by 2015.。 A grand event where you can experience the Owara-style tray at Yaraku、 The accommodation plan was sold out.、It seems that there is still a little room for the dinner plan。 Right or wrong、Contact us, try。 松宮さんまたお会いできる日を楽しみにしております! 4月の滞在に続き、I was able to spend a very meaningful time during my stay in Yaraku in June。 As a second home in Toyama、また帰省の際に足を運びたいと思います♪ 雅樂倶の皆様お世話になりました♪ 2015年初夏の宿泊記はこちらからご覧いただけます! リバーリトリート雅樂倶 富山県富山市春日56-2 TEL:076-467-5550 雅樂倶のお得な宿泊プランご紹介...

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