2021On New Year's Day 2009, we welcome you with a good-friend and special nishi sushi and toast with a friend of sake!

Happy New Year! Welcome to the New Year、It becomes a refreshing wake-up to look at the first day that can be overlooked over Lake Sana sound from the morning、In the TV program, you can worship the first day that becomes a splendid double Fuji、The fortune was "Daikichi" and we were lucky to welcome the new year! At the table in my house、I'm grateful to my friend Keiko Shimizu and Nanako Saito this year. (Nanako Matsui) The sisters' mother, Keiko,made the dishes carefully and our home's moni and sashimi、While enjoying your husband's special nishi sushi、Cheers with famous sake! From the meaning of happiness, gosetsu cuisine、It is common to pack it in a heavy box.、My favorite ceramic artist in Toyama this year is "釋 Mt. (Gaku Shakunaga)Included in the bowl of]、I would like to celebrate the New Year with great respect while having fun with my eyes! "Gosetsu Cuisine" × "釋 Mt. Minaga (Gaku Shakunaga) gen platter Φ420" Matsui family's special dish of the year、Simmered rice、Hachimanmaki、Tara-no-Kombu-maki、Rice field making with walnuts、Teriyaki of the salmon、Grilled shrimp、Vinegar dako、Red and white quail egg、Sweet chestnut、Black Bean、Red and white kamaboko、Kouhaku namasu、An egg、Datemaki、Western-style grilled shiitake mushrooms、Shiso Roll of Curichi Salmon、Salmon roe、And wonderful items with plenty of love that time and effort are lined up! Actually、This year's festival has a little circumstances of the other person、I had heard that it might not be possible to make it.、It seems that they prepared various things in advance.、As in the past、Though、In addition, they have elaborated their taste in taste、より一層に滋味深い味わいを有難く楽しむことができました!(感謝) 「刺身の盛り合わせ」×「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga) áge Φ320」 鮪大トロ、Toro Tsubonaka、Naka-Ochi、Flounder、Britney、Torigai、Salmon、And luxurious sashimi that you can enjoy mainly tuna! "Niri Sushi×", "Shimoo Design" (Kazuhiko Shimoo) / Shimoo Saori (Saori Shimoo) KAZARIDAI W500 ×D90 × H30" Sushi Lovers Are Growing、Now recognized by the general of the late coffee shop、My husband, who also had a surprising career that I was allowed to hold at the counter, held a special sushi again this year! Flat eyes from the front、Tuna Daitoro、Britney、Toro In the Middle、Salmon、Enjoy with tori shellfish and shari of people's skin! "Gunkan Sushi" × "釋 Mt. Naganaga (Gaku Shakunaga) Gen Stand Φ20×H5" Drop、Number children、Salmon roe、シーフードサラダの4貫! 「御雑煮」×「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga) gen 薄鉢 Φ220」 焼いた紅白餅に里芋、Daikon radish、Carrot Decorations、ほうれん草を和風出汁と白出汁に味を付けて煮込んだ御雑煮! 「胡瓜の浅漬け」× 「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga) 呑みすぎる杯(大)」 富山出身の旦那様の実家にある霊水で造った「あなん谷の醤油(淡口)」と白キムチの素鷹の爪で作る浅漬けは箸休めにピッタリです! 「呼友 純米大吟醸」×「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga) 呑みすぎる杯 薄杯白 Φ7.5 × H6.5」 「久保田」の醸造元「朝日酒造株式会社」が主催する一年間のカリキュラム「久保田塾」を卒業された全国でも94店舗だけが販売できる純米大吟醸「呼友(Koyuu)」。 It is a valuable junmai daiginjo limited to about 120 bottles per year! At Sanadadai、親子3代揃ってこだわりの酒販店を営む地方銘酒専門店「入野酒販」にて手に入れました! 減肥栽培米による澄んだ味わいと、Please do not get tired of the goodness of the kire by high-quality white、食中にもスイスイと飲める美味しいお酒です! 「正月生菓子」×「Shimoo Design(下尾 和彦 (Kazuhiko Shimoo) / Shimoo Saori (Saori Shimoo)浮様丸皿 Φ280」 何を隠そうわたくしayacoは【丑年】年女で御座います! 東三河の老舗和菓子店「お亀堂」の縁起物の上生菓子で干支の丑が入っている「松、Crane、Plum、丑」の4種を用意しました!...

2020New Year's Day is a cup of sake with a special tycoon dish and ozoni!

In my house celebrates new year、I'm grateful to my friend Keiko Shimizu and Nanako Saito this year. (Nanako Matsui) While enjoying the gobo cuisine made with great care by sister's mother, Keiko, and our ozuni and nigiri sushi、銘酒と共に献杯! 御節料理は、Like Japanese kaiseki cuisine, it looks like a course dish.、The big thing is that it's a celebration.、"A mouth-to-mouth"、"pottery"、"Vinegar"、There are five kinds of "simmered food"、それぞれの料理に意味があります ! その品数は、Generally, it can be about 20 to 30 items.、これを一品一品作るには本当に至難の技! しかしながら、What are the dishes sold in general?、The taste is thick by all means.、To be too sweet、I have a strong sense of weakness and my desire to buy is far away.、When I was spending the year to make my own、The dish of the friend Matsui family which was uploaded to SNS every year、It is finished very well balanced、Because mother's festival which is good at elegant and thin taste was very attractive、Since last year, we have been generously sharing the skirts with courtesy.、今年もちゃっかりと甘えてしまっています! 幸せを重ねるという意味から御節料理は、It is common to pack it in a heavy box.、In our House、富山の大好きな陶芸家「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga)Included in the bowl of]、Enjoying it with your eyes、新年を謹んで迎えたいと思います! 「御節料理」×「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga) gen 大皿 Φ420」 松井家特製の御節料理は、Simmered rice、Grilled pork、Steamed chicken、Hachimanmaki、Chicken rolled in kelp、Measures、Teriyaki of the salmon、Grilled shrimp、By Kai、Vinegar dako、Red and white quail egg、Sweet chestnut、Black Bean、Red and white kamaboko、Red and white eggplant (gyoza)、Kindon simmered in bees、An egg、Datemaki、Number children、Vinegar lotus root、Served with radishes、と手間暇掛けてくださった素晴らしい品々が並びます! こちらに大晦日に仕入れた伊勢海老と北海道産いくらを追加して完成です! どの料理も手間の掛かるものばかりですので、Every time you get one dish、その一味ひと味を有り難く噛みしめるように味わいます! 何処か懐かしく、Less salt、Dishes that are sweet and the body is pleased、旦那様と2人でしみじみと堪能! 「刺身の盛り合わせ」×「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga) áge Φ320」 金目鯛、Red sea bream、Flounder、Toro Tsubonaka、Naka-Ochi、Scallop、How much、Torigai、Surf clam、つぶ貝と豪華な刺盛り! 「握り寿司」×「Shimoo Design(下尾 和彦 (Kazuhiko Shimoo) / Shimoo Saori (Saori Shimoo) KAZARIDAI W500 ×D90 × H30" Sushi Lovers Are Growing、Now recognized by the general of the late coffee shop、カウンターで握らせてもらっていたという驚きの経歴も持つ旦那様が久し振りに握ってくれた握り寿司が登場! 鮪中トロ、Raw shrimp、Flounder、Torigai、Scallop、Hoki shell and、握りたてのお寿司に舌鼓! 「御雑煮」×「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga) gen 薄鉢 Φ220」 具材は、With a red and white freshly made rice cake that Yassa-kun and Sadako-san bought with a newly built single-family upper-building mochi-style rice cake where they live、Daikon radish、Carrot、Donko (round-shaped thick dried shiitake mushroom)、Spinach and simple、While soaking the taste by the material, it is boiled down and served in a bowl.、Pour clear soup based on dashi in a hot state、柚子の香りを添えて! 「菜の花の胡麻和え」×「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga) gen 中鉢 Φ130」 一足早くお目見えの菜の花を和風出汁で下茹でし胡麻和えでさっぱりと! 「赤カブの甘酢漬け」×「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga) gen 薄杯 Φ180」 赤カブを1cmスライスにし、Rakkyo Vinegar and Eggplant Skin、鷹の爪を合わせ一晩漬けた甘酢漬け! 「黒龍 純米大吟醸」×「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga) 呑みすぎる杯 ゴブレット Φ7.5 × H7」 福井県「黒龍酒造」のスタンダードな大吟醸で、Refreshing and soft、山田錦ならではの膨らみも感じられる上品な味わいが楽しめます! 先ずは、Pour eduffidiating to the coffin produced by my father, which is displayed in front of my father's shadow.、While exchanging axe with my father、2020年も家族皆が健康であることを願って献杯! 床の間を彩るのは正月用生花と「マセラティ 浜松」の親会社「GLION GROUP」より贈られてきた縁起皿宮内庁御用達の窯元「深川製磁本店」の2020年「子」令和初春 雅びの舞です! 服喪中のため、I'd like to refrain from greeting you in the New Year.、皆様の益々のご健康とご多幸を心よりお祈り申し上げます!...

New year's day was greeted with our homemade traditional good luck with your Zoni, served in the new politics still only drink a toast!

In my house celebrates new year、友人の松井綾子・鴨藤 菜奈子 (Nanako Matsui)While enjoying the gosetsu cuisine and the ozoni of our house that sister's mother, Reiko, painstakingly made、銘酒と共に乾杯! 御節料理は、Like Japanese kaiseki cuisine, it looks like a course dish.、The big thing is that it's a celebration.、"A mouth-to-mouth"、"pottery"、"Vinegar"、There are five kinds of "simmered food"、それぞれの料理におめでたい意味があります! その品数は、Generally, it can be about 20 to 30 items.、これを一品一品作るには本当に至難の技となります! しかしながら、What are the dishes sold in general?、The taste is thick by all means.、To be too sweet、I have a strong sense of weakness、The old、My good cooking grandmother stands alone in the kitchen at the end of the year.、While watching the figure that is being made at once、Including the role as a taster、I remember when I used to help.、ここ最近は自作することが多く御座いました! そんな折、Matsui family's gobo cuisine that was uploaded to SNS every year、It is finished very well balanced、Because mother's festival which is good at elegant and thin taste was very attractive、This year、何とお母様の御厚意でお裾分け頂くことになりました! 幸せを重ねるという意味から御節料理は、It is common to pack it in a heavy box.、In our House、富山の大好きな陶芸家「釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga)Served in the bowl of]、Enjoying it with your eyes、新年をお祝い致しましょう! 「御節料理」×「釋永岳 âge 大皿Φ32」 焼き豚、Beating Beef Sardines、An egg、Datemaki、Red and white kamaboko、Teriyaki of the salmon、Chicken rolled in kelp、Hachimanmaki、Number children、Vinegar lotus root、Measures、Grilled shrimp、Red and white eggplant (gyoza)、Hanasu no Daikonomaki、Red and white quail egg、By Kai、Black Bean、Sweet chestnut、お煮しめ! どの料理も手間の掛かるものばかりですので、Every time you get one dish、その一味ひと味を有り難く噛みしめるように味わいます! 何処か懐かしく、Less salt、Dishes that are sweet and the body is pleased、旦那様と2人でしみじみと堪能! 「刺身盛り合わせ」×「釋永岳 リバーシブル石皿Φ31」 鮪の赤身、Yellowtail、Greater amberjack、Squid、Salmon、Sweet shrimp、Hokkaido、Cargo and large leaves、海藻を添えて! 「御雑煮」×「釋永岳 gen 薄鉢 Φ22」 具材は、Freshly baked rice cake、Daikon radish、Turnip、potato、Carrot、Shiitake mushroom、Potherb mustard、With spinach、While soaking the taste by the material, it is boiled down and served in a bowl.、澄んだ鰹出汁ベースのスープを熱々の状態で注ぎます! 「ほうれん草の胡麻和え」×「釋永岳 gen 薄鉢 Φ18」 鰹出汁で一煮立ちさせ絞りざく切りしすり胡麻たっぷりの胡麻和えにして! 「白菜の白キムチ胡瓜のあなん谷漬け」×「釋永岳 青白 薄鉢 Φ18」 千切りにした白菜、Carrot、Myoga、Rub lightly with salt、Put the hawk's claws and kelp.、Our favorite easy homemade kimchi made with white kimchi! Salt-kneaded four-leaf cucumber cut diagonally、Just pickled in "Ananya Soy Sauce (Thin Mouth)" using "Ananya No Reisui", which is the sacred water of Toyama! The sacred water of nantani、Because the cluster is fine and the water absorption rate is fast、漬物の浸かり具合も半日でOK! 「新政Colors 純米 瑠璃 Lapis Lazuli(ラピスラズリ)中取り 2017」×「釋永岳 呑みすぎる杯」 祝い酒は引越し祝いで「割烹 弁いち」の鈴木 純一 (Junichi Suzuki)さんより頂いていた秋田県秋田市の「新政酒造」が生み出す希少な限定酒「新政Colors 純米 瑠璃 Lapis Lazuli(ラピスラズリ)中取り 2017」にて乾杯! 遮光性のシートに包まれ特別感溢れる佇まい! 外せば美しいラピスブルーのラベルで登場! 秋田県産の酒米「美山錦」を100%使い清涼にして端正な味わいが楽しめる定番の純米酒です! 純米酒ですが、40% of koji rice is based on junmai ginjo standards、50% of the rice is polished differently.、米の性質をよく表しながらも軽快な酒質に仕上っております! 第一印象はただただ一言「旨い!」 滑らかな口当たりですが、With an impressive taste that calm acid feels salty、Somewhat slightly foamy is also good、Is strength.、存在感溢れる旨味が楽しめます! 森町にある「いしだ茶屋」が御実家となるお母様の計子さん! 新年の御挨拶ということで「香味伝承 御銘茶 招福金付煎茶(深山)」を頂戴しました! 冬はやっぱりほっと心安らぐ日本茶に限ります! 元旦早々に、Thanks to my gourmet friends.、Meet the delicious good things、至福口福で迎えたお正月! いつもありがとうございます! さて、In our house, we are now、富山の陶芸家「釋永岳 陶芸展」を開催しております! 予約制となりますが、Because it is held at any time、Those who allow time、ご興味のある方は是非ご連絡をお待ちしております!引き続き良い正月をお過ごしください! 釋永岳 陶芸展 開催場所静岡県浜松市・佐鳴湖周辺の我が家にて 随時開催予約はFBメッセージにて受付中! 作品:To become the flagship 'âge"started.、20数点を展示(受注可)...

"Happy new year" new year's day! At the holiday meal at home, bring good luck's sake!

And "osechi"、正月に食べるお祝いの料理! 「おせち」とは「お節供(おせちく)」の略で、Praying first harvest of the year in the dish and Samurai gift set、 Mixed, people celebrate the new year dishes are made。In addition、Including the meaning of new releases from the domestic housewife、Said was focusing on preservation of ingredients。"Osechi" and the original、Is refers to the Festival on the calendar、To eat when food called "osechi"、 Is used as a Word to describe the new year hit 1 second of the Festival in the current food。Osechi-ryori's shouldered lucky in the sense that "over happiness"、Food is served,。 And、In the traditional food、Convey auspicious meanings and wishes。Contents of the district and every home in Bento are various、 In the recent、Restaurant, restaurant、Osechi-ryori specialty stores is very popular in、 年末は「おせち料理」の制作で追われる飲食店も多くなりました! 我が家では、Eat hot food is cooked out of law for、 Because they do not store food less、Looking for a perfect "osechi"、略式おせちではありますが「遠鉄百貨店」のデパ地下へ買い出しに出向くのが恒例となり、Making herbs、And easy to buy things and buy、大好きな富山の陶芸家・釋永 岳 (Gaku Shakunaga)「Schale(28cm)」に盛り込み完成させます! 「雑煮」は毎年、,, And rice cake is baked、Daikon radish、Taro、Carrot、Shiitake mushroom、Using the trefoil、Garnish type simply finishing in the Kansai-style、同じく釋永岳「薄鉢」へ! 「焼き鯖 寿司」は羽田空港「空弁」にて売上第1位を誇る福井県「株式会社 若廣」の黄金色の「焼き鯖 寿司」を釋永岳の新作「Mars」に! 日本酒は、1636年創業の静岡の老舗酒蔵「初亀醸造株式会社」の「初亀 瓢月 大吟醸純米酒」を釋永岳の「呑みすぎる杯」で乾杯! 初亀「瓢月」は蔵のある静岡県藤枝市岡部町の茶室「瓢月亭」から命名されており、Glamorous, sophisticated aroma is of course、その優しい口当たりは初亀ならではのもの! 「上生菓子」は葵東にある「御菓子司あおい」の豊田 光彦 (Mitsuhiko Toyoda)Mr. red plum new year made them carefully.、"Pine snow"、こちらも大好きな富山のユニット作家・下尾 和彦 (Kazuhiko Shimoo)さんと下尾 さおり (Saori Shimoo)さん夫妻のShimoo Design「浮様シリーズ 丸皿」に添え薄茶を点てて頂きます♪ 2018年も縁起物をしっかりといただき、 Put health first、美味しく食事を楽しめることに感謝し過ごしたいと思います♪...

New Year classic cuisine"OSECHI cuisine"It is the hope to each of the ingredients good luck

And "osechi"、Food eaten on new year's Day celebration。 Osechi is stands for "NABE specimen (osechiku).、Praying first harvest of the year in the dish and Samurai gift set、 Mixed, people celebrate the new year dishes are made。 In addition、Including the meaning of new releases from the domestic housewife、Said was focusing on preservation of ingredients。 "Osechi" and the original、Is refers to the Festival on the calendar、To eat when food called "osechi"、 Is used as a Word to describe the new year hit 1 second of the Festival in the current food。 Osechi-ryori's shouldered lucky in the sense that "over happiness"、Food is served,。 And、In the traditional food、Convey auspicious meanings and wishes。 Contents of the district and every home in Bento are various、 In the recent、Restaurant, restaurant、Osechi-ryori specialty stores is very popular in、 年末は「おせち料理」の制作で追われる飲食店も多いようです。 In our House、Eat hot food is cooked out of law for、 Because they do not store food less、完璧な「おせち料理」の世界とはほぼ無縁となりますが、 Still、形だけでもと思い「遠鉄百貨店」のデパ地下へ買い出しに出向きました(笑) 作れるものは作り、And easy to buy things and buy、釋永岳「黒釉シャーレ(28cm)」に盛り込み完成させますそんな我が家の2016年の「おせち料理」は「海老の焼き物」=海老は長いひげを生やし、And live to be bent with、Symbol of longevity。 「田作り」=小魚を田畑に肥料として撒いたことから名付けられた田作りは、Pray for a good harvest。 「黒豆」=「まめに働く」と語呂合わせで、Pray for the work diligently and energetically。 「紅白なます」=お祝いの水引をかたどったもので、What a simpleton you。 「いくらの醤油漬け」=子宝に恵まれるように祈願「栗きんとん」=黄金色に輝く財宝にたとえて、With the wish for a prosperous year in food、Said winning chestnuts mask。 「煮しめ」=里芋は子宝を祈願、And so through to the Lotus root with the meaning、Copper Big Bud pray for success in life。 「昆布巻き」=昆布は「喜ぶ」の言葉にかけて、Family development is used to mirror decoration for the new year mask。 「紅白かまぼこ」=蒲鉾は「日の出」を象徴し、In the dish on new year's day、Red is happiness and pleasure、White represents Holiness。 「八幡巻き」=細く長く地中にしっかり根を張る牛蒡は縁起の良い食材「高野豆腐」=高野豆腐はその形から「盾豆腐」と呼ばれ魔除け「伊達巻き」や「錦玉子」は苦手なので「出汁巻き玉子」を添えて我が家らしく参ります♪ 「寒ブリの刺身」×釋永岳「黒釉台皿(28cm)」 「桝田酒造店」の「満寿泉プラチナ寿・純米大吟醸」×釋永岳「呑みすぎる盃・薄杯」 北海道産の新鮮な寒ブリを柵で購入し、The sashimi、 One made with radish、大葉と共に釋永岳「黒釉台皿」に盛り付けます。 As the Suns got fat winter Buri、Wasabi you put one on and、Will。 「桝田酒造店」の「満寿泉プラチナ寿・純米大吟醸」は釋永岳「呑みすぎる盃・薄杯」でいただきます厚みのある華やかでフルーティーな香りと 果実を思わせる円熟味を帯びた芳醇な味わいが見事にバランスし、Highly polished finish。 「満寿泉」の最高峰に位置する純米大吟醸に相応しく魅力的な色気ある豪華絢爛な1本です♪ 「搗きたて餅のお雑煮」×釋永岳「年輪薄鉢」 日本では、On new year's day God(Furumura)To the decorate your cake as an offering。 And、By eating a rice cake to share with my family、 God bless and benefit of、Is considered the year's good harvest and prosperity。 年末に行った「餅つき会」で搗きたて餅を分けていただいたので、 From then on the Green-eyed Monster、Complemented by rice cake soup sumashi汁。 Considering the seasonal ingredients、Shrimp potato、Carrot、Shiitake mushroom、Trefoil、It uses snow peas。 So,, and rice cake is soft、Avoid stew type of rice cake soup、 おすましタイプにして正解です♪ 「合鴨自家製燻製ハム」×釋永岳「黒釉シャーレ リバーシブル」 国産合鴨ロースの塊を350g購入し、Put the knife on the skin surface、Marinated with salt and herbs, then lay、 Along with the olive oil and vacuum packed in a zip-lock、The 65 ° C 30 minutes low heat cooking rice cooker。 After that、Let rest in refrigerator overnight in Ziploc bags、 Before eating does not fit into a fire in the microwave to warm light、Only the skin surface and bake、 Is moist and tender, juicier ham。 湯布院「亀の井別荘」の「鍵屋」の「柚子胡椒」と共にいただきます♪ 「豊川壺屋の稲荷寿司」×釋永岳「黒釉台皿(28cm)」 豊橋駅と共に駅弁を作り100年余りの歴史を誇る「豊川壺屋」の稲荷寿司を購入「稲荷寿し」を筆頭に愛され続けてきた伝統の味は、Very rich and sweet is well-seasoned and fried and firm characteristics、 Each placemark、Is like a Fox retro Toyokawa Inari Shrine。 2016For years that luck has been firmly、 Put health first、美味しく食事を楽しめることに感謝し過ごしたいと思います♪...

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