Jcccnc to be King's autumn deals daily and weekly lunches


ビオラ田町の裏通りにある小料理屋「はんなり」さん。What is "Hannari"?、In the chic and trendy words in the dialect of the Kyoto、Its name as Japan dishes seasoned with tasteful are provided at a reasonable price。Using the shopkeeper morning market directly sourced seasonal ingredients、Cooking seafood in pottery, Tempura and sashimi、Recommend that pretty cool。 Isojiman in Shizuoka sake from Japan sake、Will select the dishes to go with a wide variety of shochu and sake so Makino's owner.


Shop、Counter 6 seats、Table seats 4 people x 2 trim shop。Click here for lunch is very reasonable 6-7 products2Product options on Japanese 1000 yenAndReplacing the set menu changes daily and weekly set meal ¥ 900Provides。Because in this area there are offices and often used for salaried、Always crowded at lunch time on weekdays。On this day、店先のお勧めボードメニューにある「Matsutake mushroom」の2文字に釘付け(笑)すぐさま暖簾をくぐりましたとさ♪






秋の味覚の王様の季節となりましたカリッと衣の食感を楽しむのはもちろんですが、Nothing else、口中に広がる松茸の香りで贅沢な時間を過ごせます割いてあるとはいえ松茸3本も付いてきちゃうのですね!(驚)そしてオクラ2本ととても900円の定食とは思えないお得さが味わえます♪


"Mini salad" 水菜パプリカをあっさりと和風ドレッシングでいただきます





'Custard' あっさりと上品なお出汁の味わいを感じられる茶碗蒸しほっこり気持ちが休まる瞬間です♪


Miso soup with rice

Looks seemingly small, cylindrical Bowl、Because it is a teacup with a height、I think that it is a good rice dish even for a man.。秋の味覚である松茸にもお目にかかれてまさかまさかの900円というお得過ぎるランチ!ビオラ田町の事務所より徒歩2分圏内ということもあり、It's so delicious!、It must be a friendly shop for everyday use.。Is satisfied。いつか夜にもお邪魔してみたいと思います♪

Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku, former castle town 222-25 TEL:053-456-4008
Hours of operation:11:00-14:30 18:00-24:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday

Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku from Castle town 222-25

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