French cuisines "Bistro Hayashi" the ranch * closed


Sumiyoshi Kaido along last year 2012 July OPEN the 'Hayashi Bistro Bistro HAYASHI"Mr.。居抜きで入られたのですが外壁を白に塗り直され窓枠は爽やかなブルーで以前のお店の面影はありませんランチタイムはいつも賑わっており予約なしではなかなか入れない状態になっていますパーキングスペースがお店裏に広くあるにも関わらず満車状態ですこちらは女性のお客様が圧倒的に多いので乗り合わせで来店されると良いでしょう





A course ¥ 1,600
サラダオードブル、Soup of the day、メインの料理(肉or魚)バゲットorライス、Home-made desserts、Drink

B course: ¥ 2,300
サラダオードブル盛り合わせ、Soup of the day、メインの料理(肉or魚)バゲットorライス自家製デザート盛り合わせ、Drink


Hors d'oeuvres, "pumpkin and Bacon quiche



Soup of the day "watercress soup" watercress blue (no gumisawa) are less、It is a thick soup of whipped cream a little more。


Hors d'oeuvres 'salad' tangy onion dressing。


Fish dish "Scallops with mushrooms and potato Burgundy'

Scallops、Potato、Mushrooms sauteed in herb butter dish。Because it has still remain at the bottom of the pot...、Whats with the baguette。


Meat "pork belly and white bean stew.

Pork belly and white dish stewed in red wine and tomato and bean road。Depending on the fat and cooking methods.、Meet stomach already being pork belly, a little fat and old enough to。



Can I use rice or bread。Fits women sizes for small amounts are、Neither had a second helping is possible。




Desserts ' chocolate cream Paris-Brest、Brown sugar sorbet.

And the Paris-Brest、Shoe fabric large baked ring、Praline with almonds cream sandwiched between is cut horizontally、So here is not a ring-shaped、Is a chocolate Eclair like。The fabric is soft shoe、In the chocolate cream is thick。Brown sugar sorbet、And the sweetness in taste delicious。


After dinner drinks coffee

Atmosphere of the restaurant and the staff got the bright smile that I liked。ゆっくり女子会するには良いお店だと思います

Bistro Hayashi
浜松市中区住吉2-1-15 TEL:053-476-9501
Hours of operation 11:30-14:00 18:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:Monday、On the third Sunday


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