In the hirosawa sample comme Bonjour French lunch.


The owner-chef himself likes the delicious vegetables near Hamamatsu.、What opened the shop in Hirosawa, Hamamatsu, instead of Osaka, my parents' home?、2009December, 2010。Chef trained at Pierre Ganyrehead, a master who is said to be a Picasso of the French world。In a space decorated with a gentle green interior in a clean interior based on white、Attracting female customers with delicate seasonings that make use of ingredients、French restaurant "Sample Com Bonjour" which offers a delicious course at a reasonable price with a high cost rate。I decided to have a lunch date with my friend Atsumi at such a shop.。I recommend this shop by advance reservation.。15It is a shop that the name is put in、You can stop in the reservation situation, such as three to four pairs on a day as much as possible、By shifting the reservation time、I think that it is considered to be able to reach a set of customers politely.。It is very pleasant to have a lovely wife's response.。Lunch course is A.900yen、B. 2,600yen、There are three courses of C. 3,700yen、B course to choose either fish or meat for the main this time (amuse、Hors d'oeuvres、Main、Dessert、I ordered 2,600yen for drinks.。


"Aoi Sochicken"、Salad with rape blossoms and strawberries、Served with white shrimp from Toyama Prefecture"



"Wholemeal Bread and Chestnut Bread"

こちらのパンは本当に香りが良くて思わずにっこり。Especially the bread of chestnut flour has a feeling of texture and moist feeling of bread、さらに甘さも含めバランスが良いです


「アトランティックサーモンのマリネ湯葉と蕗の薹のアクセントと共に 本日の2種の貝を乗せて」



「天然鯛と太刀魚のポワレ鯖のコンフィ新玉葱と春菊のピューレ 浜名湖産のアサリと葱のソース」



「マスカルポーネのムースとライチのジュレ キャラメル風味のマシュマロと本日のソルベ」




母でありながらそろばん塾と料理教室の二足のわらじを履く頑張り屋の佳美さんと人生観についていろいろ語り合いながらゆったりとしたランチタイムを過ごすことができました。Ms. Yoshimi、また行きましょうね♪

サンプル コム ボンジュール Simple comme Bonjour
Hanabishi Building 1F TEL, 3-25-12 Hirosawa, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu City:053-522-9339
Hours of operation 11:30-15:00(L.O.14:00) 18:00-20:30
Closed on Mondays:On Tuesday、3rd Wednesday

3-25-12 Hirosawa, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi

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