Chef in the sellout crowd watching skills with summer vegetables to enjoy Chinese food momoka lunch


Speaking of Chinese Bush Clover Hill、来月の2013年8月でOPENして丸7年になる「Chinese hundred flowers"Mr.。What is "Chinese Cuisine Ibe" in Kaminishi Town?、It is a famous Chinese restaurant and is a brother disciple from "Shizuka -Seika-" which has now been relocated to Kyoto.。The shops here are Palazzo chef Matsushita-Kun and his wife Momo-Chan 2、Looks busy booking during the week and figure Hall-byte identifier and moving over the weekend。So there are always opened and at the same time, let、It's best to make a reservation.。We who always use the counter seat、入り具合を見計らって入店しますが昼12時を過ぎる頃にはあっという間に満席となってしまいます♪


In the kitchen、You can see Matsushita-kun hurriedly moving his hands and working tirelessly to cook for the full customer, and Momo-chan who is thorough in supporting。The impression of the white walls、7 counter seats、Table 14 seats、Has become a space of tatami room seats 18、There is a popular family total putting out and group bookings are。Lunch menu is ¥ 750-you can choose from 11 different on the set of circles of 1360。Except for Sundays, 900 yen daily lunch is highly recommended! If there are more than 2 people、2,625Yen course meals are also possible ♪ by reservation required.


Cool noodles 950 Yen

醤油ベースの涼麺は酸味は少なくさっぱりとした味わい麺が見えないほどに盛られた野菜は湯むきしたトマトに、Fried eggplant、大きなマッシュルーム、Shiitake mushroom、Shimeji mushrooms、えんどう豆、Chickpeas、Corn、Fig、Zucchini、おかひじきなどなどの具材でたっぷりと味わえます♪


"Daily Lunch" 900 yen (Herbal Salad、Chinese Style Crepe、Soup、The main of the day、Rice、Apricot Tofu)

この日のメインはエビチリソース素揚げ野菜や蒸し野菜(茄子、Pumpkin、Carrot、Okra、Seared、Bok Choy、Corn、林檎)をふんだんに乗せた皿に上から豪快にエビチリをかけたボリューム満点な1品です♪


"The cilantro salad set

Like took plenty of sauce smell good homemade Cole Slaw salad、It will ♪ increase your appetite before eating the main


Savory crepe set



Set of "Rice" Rice can be changed。


Set "Soup" It is a simple soup of vegetables and eggs。


Almond tofu set

Baekhyun's apricot tofu is very smooth and easy。Smooth and light throat well、Personally, I like it very much。癖の少ない優しい味わいの杏仁豆腐です団体さんの予約も入っていてとても忙しそうで松下くん夫妻とゆっくりとお話ができなかったのでまた落ち着いている夜にでもお邪魔しようと思います♪

Chinese hundred flowers
2-40-5 TEL, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu:053-476-9110 Closed on Mondays:Monday
Hours of operation:(火~土)11:30-14:00 17:30-22:00 (Sun.) 11:30-14:00 17:30-21:00( L.O )

Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku Hagi Hill 2-40 -5

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