October new stock of Fukuroi home roasting coffee beans at 'blister and Japanese restaurant coffee beans


Retreat home roasting coffee beans shop located just along the road to the Temple of Fukuroi through 'Blister and Japanese restaurant"Mr.。濱小路 Rende's friend and his wife engage in wife Akemi、Shop where you will find the aroma of delicious coffee beans!


Here you will、Pick select from the raw beans are always lined up on store shelves、Roasted to order from that commitment Buri。While waiting for the coffee beans are roasted、Will treat the wife Akemi delicious freshly brewed coffee。In small children put out hot chocolate instead of coffee and、Is your family go out to buy coffee beans in the family total putting out very good service so many。However,、Should not be confused、That is not a cafe。Shops purchase coffee beans only.。Telephone booking in advance by going to get when you date、Because it will make the suit at that time、Hurry is sure to phone book.


Carmen plantation (from Panama) 200 g 920 Yen

10月の新入荷の店主ハマちゃんお勧め珈琲豆はこちら原産国はパナマコスタリカから陸路で国境を超え車を走らせること約1時間でボルカン村へ到着町外れにあるパソアンチャ渓谷にカルメン農園はあります標高1700mからの眺めは大自然に囲まれたとても素晴らしい景観ですこの農園は“ベスト オブ パナマ”や“パナマ オークション”など数々の品評会において多くの受賞歴がある名門農園です。Also seeking coexistence with the natural environment、International nature protection organizations further consideration in the working environment "Rainforest Alliance" certified farms.。オススメ焙煎は中煎り、A rich sweet and sour、コクとボディのバランスの良い軽い飲み口の美味しいマイルドコーヒーです。Hama-CHAN、Akemi、帰国後にまたお会いしましょ~う♪

Blister and Japanese restaurant
Fukuroi-shi Muramatsu 2607 TEL:0538-42-7222
Hours of operation 10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:On Tuesday

Fukuroi city Muramatsu 2607

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